INTERNET DRAFT                           Randy Turner, Sharp Labs
          October 30, 1998                           Expires March 30, 1999

                                     Printer MIB

          Status of this Memo

          This document is an Internet-Draft. Internet-Drafts are working
          documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its
          areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also
          distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.

          Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
          months and may be updated, replaced, or made obsolete by other
          documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts
          as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in

          To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check
          the "1id-abstracts-txt" listing contained in the Internet-Drafts
          Shadow Directories on (Africa),
          (Europe), (Pacific Rim), (US East
          Coast), or (US West Coast).


          This document provides definitions of models and manageable
          objects for printing environments. The objects included in this
          MIB apply to physical, as well as logical entities within a
          printing device. This MIB definition makes explicit references to
          the Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514), as well as the Interfaces
          Group of MIB-II (RFC 1213).

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          Table of Contents

          1.  Introduction................................................8

          1.1  Network Printing Environment...............................8

          1.2  Printer Device Overview....................................9

          1.3  Categories of Printer Information.........................10

          1.3.1  Descriptions............................................10

          1.3.2  Status..................................................10

          1.3.3  Alerts..................................................10

          2.  Printer Model..............................................11

          2.1  Overview of the Printer Model.............................12

          2.2  Printer Sub-Units.........................................13

          2.2.1  General Printer.........................................13

 International Considerations...........................13

          2.2.2  Inputs..................................................14

          2.2.3  Media...................................................14

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          2.2.4  Outputs.................................................15

          2.2.5  Finishers...............................................15

          2.2.6  Markers.................................................16

          2.2.7  Media Paths.............................................16

          2.2.8  System Controller.......................................17

          2.2.9  Interfaces..............................................17

          2.2.10  Print Job Delivery Channels............................17

          2.2.11  Interpreters...........................................18

          2.2.12  Console................................................18

          2.2.13  Alerts.................................................19

  Status and Alerts....................................19

  Overall Printer Status...............................19

  Host Resources MIB Printer Status..................22

  Sub-unit Status....................................24

  Alert Tables.........................................25

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  Alert Table Management...............................26

          2.3  Read-Write Objects........................................28

          2.4  Enumerations..............................................29

          2.4.1  Registering Additional Enumerated Values................29

          3.  Groups from other MIB Specifications.......................31

          3.1  System Group..............................................31

          3.2  System Controller.........................................31

          3.3  Interface Group objects...................................31

          3.3.1  Interface Types.........................................32

          3.4  Implications involved with using external MIB groups......32

          3.4.1  Host Resource MIB Device Group..........................33

          3.4.2  Host Resource Storage Group.............................34

          3.4.3  MIB-II Interface Group..................................35

          -- Textual conventions for this MIB module.....................35

          -- The General Printer Group...................................68

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          -- The Responsible Party group.................................71

          -- The Auxiliary Sheet Group...................................75

          -- Administrative section......................................76

          -- General alert table section.................................76

          -- The Cover Table.............................................77

          -- The Localization Table......................................78

          -- The System Resources Tables.................................80

          -- The Input Group.............................................82

          -- The Extended Input Group....................................88

          -- The Input Media Group.......................................90

          -- The Input Switching Group...................................92

          -- The Output Group............................................93

          -- The Extended Output Group...................................97

          -- The Output Dimensions Group.................................98

          -- The Output Features Group..................................100

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          -- The Marker Group...........................................102

          -- The Marker Supplies Group..................................107

          -- The Marker Colorant Group..................................110

          -- The Media Path Group.......................................113

          -- The Print Job Delivery Channel Group.......................116

          -- The Interpreter Group......................................124

          -- The Console Group..........................................129

          -- The Console Light Table....................................130

          -- The Alerts Group...........................................132

          -- Conformance Information....................................137

          Appendix A - Glossary of Terms................................150

          Appendix B - Media Size Names from ISO/IEC 10175 Document
          Printing Architecture.........................................154

          Appendix C - Media Names......................................157

          Appendix D - Roles of Users...................................162

          Appendix E - Overall Printer Status Table.....................166

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          Appendix F - Participants.....................................175

          Security Considerations.......................................175



          Authors' Addresses............................................177

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          1.  Introduction

          1.1  Network Printing Environment

          The management of producing a printed document, in any computer
          environment, is a complex subject. Basically, the task can be
          divided into two overlapping pieces, the management of printing
          and the  management of the printer. Printing encompasses the
          entire process of producing a printed document from generation of
          the file to be printed, selection of a printer, choosing printing
          properties , routing, queuing, resource management, scheduling,
          and final printing including notifying the user.  Most of the
          printing process is outside the scope of the model presented
          here; only the management of the printer is covered.

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                  Figure 1 - One Printer's View of the Network

              system   printer    asset     user        user         user
              manager  operator   manager
                O         O         O         O           O            O
               /|\       /|\       /|\       /|\         /|\          /|\
               / \       / \       / \       / \         / \          / \
                |         |         |         |           |            |
          +---------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +---------+ +---------+
          |configur-| |printer| | asset | |printer| |   user  | |  user   |
          |ator     | |manager| |manager| |browser| |applica- | |applica- |
          |         | |       | |       | |       | | tion    | | tion    |
          +---------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +---------+ +---------+
             ^            ^         ^         ^           |           |
             |R/W         |R/W      |R        |R    +---------+ +---------+
             |            |         |         |     | spooler | | spooler |
             |            |         |         |     +---------+ +---------+
             |            |         |         |           |         |
             |            |         |         |     +---------+ +---------+
             |            |         |         |     |supervi- | |supervi- |
             |            |         |         |     |   sor   | |   sor   |
             |            |         |         |     +---------+ +---------+
             |            |         |         |      ^     ^     ^     ^
             v            v         |         |      |R    |R/W  |R    |R/W
          ================================================ |   =====   |
                               |SNMP                  print|      print|
            +-----+        +-------+                   data|       data|
            | MIB |<------>| agent |                    PCL|        PCL|
            +-----+        +-------+             PostScript| PostScript|
                               |unspecified            NPAP|       NPAP|
            +=============+  +------------------+      etc.|       etc.|
            |             |--|channel/interface |<---------+           |
            |             |  +------------------+                      |
            |   PRINTER   |                                            |
            |             |  +------------------+                      |
            |             |--|channel/interface |<---------------------+
            +=============+  +------------------+

          1.2  Printer Device Overview

          A printer is the physical device that takes media from an input
          source, produces marks on that media according to some page
          description or page control language and puts the result in some

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          output destination, possibly with finishing applied. Printers are
          complex devices that consume supplies, produce waste and have
          mechanical problems. In the management of the physical printing
          device the description, status and alert information concerning
          the printer and its various subparts has to be made available to
          the management application so that it can be reported to the end
          user, key operators for the replenishment of supplies or the
          repair or maintenance of the device. The information needed in
          the management of the physical printer and the management of a
          printing job overlap highly and many of the tasks in each
          management area require the same or similar information.

          1.3  Categories of Printer Information

          Information about printers is classified into three basic
          categories: descriptions, status and alerts.

          1.3.1  Descriptions

          Descriptions convey information about the configuration and
          capabilities of the printer and its various sub-units. This
          information is largely static information and does not generally
          change during the operation of the system but may change as the
          printer is repaired, reconfigured or upgraded. The descriptions
          are one part of the visible state of the printer where state
          means the condition of being of the printer at any point in time.

          1.3.2  Status

          Status is the information regarding the current operating state
          of the printer and its various sub-units. Status is the rest of
          the visible state of the printer. As an example of the use of
          status, a management application must be able to determine if the
          various sub-units are ready to print or are in some state that
          prevents printing or may prevent printing in the future.

          1.3.3  Alerts

          An Alert is the representation of a reportable event in the
          printer. An event is a change in the state of the printer. Some
          of those state changes are of interest to a management

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          application and are therefore reportable. Typically, these are
          the events that affect the printer's ability to print. Alerts
          usually occur asynchronously to the operation of the computer
          system(s) to which the printer is attached. For convenience
          below, "alert" will be used for both the event caused by a change
          in the printer's state and for the representation of that event.

          Alerts can be classified into two basic categories, critical and
          non-critical.  A critical alert is one that is triggered by entry
          into a state in which the printer is stopped and printing can not
          continue until the condition that caused the critical alert is
          eliminated. "Out of paper", "toner empty" and "output bin full"
          are examples of critical alerts. Non-critical alerts are
          triggered by those events that enter a state in which printing is
          not stopped. Such a non-critical state may, at some future time,
          lead to a state in which printing may be stopped.  Examples of
          this kind of non-critical alerts are "input media low", "toner
          low" and "output bin nearly full". Or, a non-critical alert may
          simply provide information, such as signaling a configuration
          changed in the printer.

          Description, status and alert information about the printer can
          be thought of as a data base describing the printer. The
          management application for a printer will want to view the
          printer data base differently depending on how and for what
          purposes the information in the data base is needed.

          2.  Printer Model

          In order to accomplish the management of the printer, an abstract
          model of the printer is needed to represent the sub-units from
          which the printer is composed. A printer can be described as
          consisting of 13 types of sub-units. It is important to note that
          the sub-units of a printer do not necessarily relate directly to
          any physically identifiable mechanism. Sub-units can also be a
          set of definable logical processes, such as interpreters for page
          description languages or command processors that set various
          operating modes of the printer.

          Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the printer and its basic 13

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                          Figure 2 - Printer  Block Diagram

                                     Physical Connections
                                      | Interface   |
                                      | (RFC1213)   |
                                      +-------------+      +-----------+
                                      | Channel     |      | Operator  |
                                      |             |      |  Console  |
                                      +-------------+      +-----------+
                  +-----------+       +-------------+      +-----------+
                  |  General  |       | Interpreter |      |  Alerts   |
                  |  Printer  |       |             |      |           |
                  +-----------+       +-------------+      +-----------+
                             |        System Controller      |
                             |     (Host Resources MIB)      |

          +------+   +---------+    +---------+   +-------+   +--------+
          |Input |   |         |    |  Marker |   |       |   | Output |
          |      |==>|         |+<=>|         |<=>|       |+=>|        |
          +------+   +---+  +--+    +---------+   +--+ +--+   +--------+
               \         |  |                        | |           \
          +----------+   |  |                        | |     +----------+
          | Media    |   |  +------------------------+ |     | Finisher |
          |          |   |        Media Path           |     |          |
          |(optional)|   +-----------------------------+     |(optional)|
          +----------+                                       +----------+

          2.1  Overview of the Printer Model

          The model has three basic parts: (1) the flow of a print file
          into an interpreter and onto the marker, (2) the flow of media
          through the marker and (3) the auxiliary sub-units that control
          and facilitate the two prior flows.  The flow of the print data
          comes through a physical connection on which some form of
          transport protocol stack is running.  The data provided by the
          transport protocol (interface) appears on a channel which is the

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          input to an interpreter. The interpreter converts the print data
          into a form suitable for marking on the media.

          The media resides in Input sub-units from which the media is
          selected and then transported via a Media Path first to a Marking
          sub-unit and then onto an Output sub-unit with (optionally) some
          finishing operations being performed.  The auxiliary sub-units
          facilitate control of the printer, inquiry/control of the
          operator panel, reporting of alerts, and the adaptation of the
          printer to various natural languages and characters sets. All the
          software sub-units run on the System Controller which represents
          the processor, memory and storage systems of the Printer.  Each
          of the sub-units is discussed in more detail below.

          All of the sub-units other than the Alerts report only state
          information, either a description or a status. The Alerts sub-
          unit reports event information.

          2.2  Printer Sub-Units

          A printer is composed of 13 types of sub-units, called groups.
          The following sections describe the different types of sub-units.

          2.2.1  General Printer

          The general printer sub-unit is responsible for the overall
          control and status of the printer. There is exactly one general
          printer sub-unit in a printer. The general printer sub-unit is
          represented by the General Printer Group in the model. In
          addition to the providing the status of the whole printer and
          allowing the printer to be reset, this Group provides information
          on the status of the packaging of the printer, in particular, the
          covers. The general printer sub-unit is usually implemented on
          the system controller.

 International Considerations

          The localization portion of the general printer sub-unit is
          responsible for identifying the natural language, country, and
          character set in which character strings are expressed. There may
          be one or more localizations supported per printer. The available
          localizations are represented by the Localization table.

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          Localization is only performed on those strings in the MIB that
          are explicitly marked as being localized.

          The agent SHALL return all other character strings as coded
          character sets in which code positions 0-127 (decimal) are US-
          ASCII [US-ASCII]. Use of the remaining values, 128-255, is
          discouraged because there is no method defined in the MIB to
          determine the desired code position to character mapping and in
          the future, these code positions may be used for a specific
          encoding which would result in an agent utilizing these code
          positions being incompatible with future implementations. Control
          codes (code positions 0-31 and 127) SHALL NOT be used unless
          specifically specified in the DESCRIPTION of the object.

          The character set portion of the general printer sub-unit is
          responsible for identifying the possible character sets that are
          used by the interpreters, the operator console, and in network
          management requests for display objects. There may be one or more
          character sets per printer.  The understood character sets are
          represented by the Character Set Table.

          2.2.2  Inputs

          Input sub-units are mechanisms that feed media to be marked on
          into the printer. A printer contains one or more input sub-units.
          These are represented by the Input Group in the model. The model
          does not distinguish fixed input bins from removable trays,
          except to report when a removable tray has been removed.

          There are as many input sub-units as there are distinctly
          selectable input "addresses".  For example, if a tray has an
          option for manually feeding paper as well as automatically
          feeding from the tray, then this is two input sub-units if these
          two sources can be (must be) separately selected and is one input
          sub-unit if putting a sheet in the manual feed slot overrides
          feeding from the contents of the tray; that is, in the second
          case there is no way to separately select or address the manual
          feed slot.

          2.2.3  Media

          An input sub-unit can hold one or more instances of the media on
          which marking is to be done. Typically, there is a large set of

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          possible media that can be associated with an input. The Media
          Group is an extension of the Input Group which represents that
          media that is in an input sub-unit. The Media Group only
          describes the current contents of each input and not the possible
          content of the input sub-unit.

          2.2.4  Outputs

          Output sub-units are mechanisms that receive media that has been
          marked on. A printer contains one or more output mechanisms.
          These are represented by the Output Group in the model. The model
          does not distinguish fixed output bins from removable output
          bins, except to report when a removable bin has been removed.

          There are as many output sub-units as there are distinctly
          selectable output "addresses".  Output sub-units can be addressed
          in two different ways: (1) as a set of "mailboxes" which are
          addressed by a specific mailbox selector such as a bin number or
          a bin name, or (2) as a set of "slots" into which multiple copies
          are collated. Sometimes both modes of using the output sub-units
          can be used on the same printer.  All that is important from the
          viewpoint of the model is that the output units can be separately

          2.2.5  Finishers

          A finisher is a sub-unit that performs some operations on the
          media other than marking.  The finisher sub-units are represented
          by the Finisher Group in the model.  Some examples of finishing
          processes are stapling, punching, binding, inserting, or folding.
          Finishing processes may have supplies associated with the
          process.  Stapling, binding, and punching are examples of
          processes that have supplies. A printer may have more than one
          finishing sub-unit and each finishing sub-unit may be associated
          with one or more output sub-units. Finishers are not described in
          this MIB.

          The exact interaction and sequencing between an output device and
          its associated finisher is not specified by the model. It depends
          on the type of finishing process and the exact implementation of
          the printer system. This standard allows for the logical
          association of a finishing process with an output device but does
          not put any restrictions on the exact sequence or interaction

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          with the associated output device. The output and finisher sub-
          units may or may not be separate identifiable physical mechanisms
          depending on the exact implementation of a printer.  In addition,
          a single output device may be associated with multiple finishing
          sub-units and a single finishing sub-unit may be associated with
          multiple output devices.

          2.2.6  Markers

          A marker is the mechanism that produces marks on the print media.
          The marker sub-units and their associated supplies are
          represented by the Marker Group in the model. A printer can
          contain one or more marking mechanisms.  Some examples of
          multiple marker sub-units are: a printer with separate markers
          for normal and magnetic ink or an imagesetter that can output to
          both a proofing device and final film. Each marking device can
          have its own set of  characteristics associated with it, such as
          marking technology and resolution.

          In this model the marker sub-unit is viewed as very generalized
          and encompasses all aspects of a marking process. For example, in
          a xerographic process, the marking process as well as the fusing
          process would be included in the generalized concept of the
          marker. With the generalized concept of a marking process, the
          concept of multiple marking supplies associated with a single
          marking sub-unit results. For example, in the xerographic
          process, there is not only a supply of toner, but there can also
          be other supplies such as a fuser supply (e.g., fuser oil) that
          can be consumed and replaced separately. In addition there can be
          multiple supplies of toner for a single marker device, as in a
          color process.

          2.2.7  Media Paths

          The media paths encompass the mechanisms in the printer that move
          the media through the printer and connect all other media related
          sub-units: inputs, outputs, markers and finishers. A printer
          contains one or more media paths. These are represented by the
          Media Path Group in the model.  The Media Path group has some
          objects that apply to all paths plus a table of the separate
          media paths.

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          In general, the design of the media paths determines the maximum
          speed of the printer as well as the maximum media size that the
          printer can handle. Media paths are complex mechanisms and can
          contain many different identifiable sub-mechanisms such as media
          movement devices, media buffers, duplex units and interlocks. Not
          all of the various sub-mechanisms reside on every media path.
          For example, one media path may provide printing only on one
          surface of the media (a simplex path) and another media path may
          have a sub-mechanism that turns the media over and feeds it a
          second time through the marker sub-unit (a duplex path).  The
          duplex path may even have a buffer sub-mechanism that allows
          multiple copies of the obverse side to be held before the reverse
          side of all the copies are marked.

          2.2.8  System Controller

          The System Controller is the sub-unit upon which the software
          components of the Printer run. The System Controller is
          represented in the model by the Host Resources MIB. This MIB
          allows for the specification of the processor(s), memory, disk
          storage, file system and other underlying sub-mechanisms of the
          printer. The controller can range from simple single processor
          systems to multiprocessor systems. In addition, controllers can
          have a full range of resources such as hard disks. The printer is
          modeled to have one system controller even though it may have
          more than one processor and multiple other resources associated
          with it.

          2.2.9  Interfaces

          An interface is the communications port and associated protocols
          that are responsible for the transport of data to the printer. A
          printer has one or more interface sub-units. The interfaces are
          represented by the Interfaces Group of MIB-II (RFC 1213). Some
          examples of interfaces are serial ports (with little or no
          protocol) and Ethernet ports on which one might run InterNet IP,
          Novell IPX, etc.

          2.2.10  Print Job Delivery Channels

          The print job delivery channel sub-units identify the independent
          sources of print data (here print data is the information that is

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          used to construct printed pages and may have both data and
          control aspects).  A printer may have one or more channels. The
          channel sub-units are represented by the Print Job Delivery
          Channel Group in the Model. Each channel is typically identified
          by the electronic path and service protocol used to deliver print
          data to the printer. A channel sub-unit may be independently
          enabled (allowing print data to flow) or disabled (stopping the
          flow of print data). It has a current Control Language which can
          be used to specify which interpreter is to be used for the print
          data and to query and change environment variables used by the
          interpreters (and SNMP). There is also a default interpreter that
          is to be used if an interpreter is not explicitly specified using
          the Control Language. Print Job Delivery Channel sub-units can,
          and usually are, based on an underlying interface.

          2.2.11  Interpreters

          The interpreter sub-units are responsible for the conversion of a
          description of intended print instances into images that are to
          be marked on the media. A printer may have one or more
          interpreters. The interpreter sub-units are represented by the
          Interpreter Group in the Model. Each interpreter is generally
          implemented with software running on the System Controller sub-
          unit. The Interpreter Table has one entry per interpreter where
          the interpreters include both Page Description Language (PDL)
          Interpreters and Control Language Interpreters.

          2.2.12  Console

          Many printers have a console on the printer, the operator
          console, that is used to display and modify the state of the
          printer.  The console can be as simple as a few indicators and
          switches or as complicated as full screen displays and keyboards.
          There can be at most one such console.  This console sub-unit is
          represented by the Console Group in the model.  Although most of
          the information displayed there is also available in the state of
          the printer as represented by the various Groups, it is useful to
          be able to query and modify the operator console remotely.  For
          example, a management application might like to display to its
          user the current message on the operator console of the remote
          printer or the management application user might like to modify
          the current message on the operators console of the remote
          printer.  As another example, one might have a remote application

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          that puts up a pseudo console on a workstation screen. Since the
          rules by which the printer state is mapped onto the console and
          vice versa are not standardized, it is not possible to reproduce
          the console state or the action of console buttons and menus.
          Therefore, the Console Group provides access to the console. The
          operator console is usually implemented on the system controller
          with additional hardware for input and display.

          2.2.13  Alerts

          The alert sub-unit is responsible for detecting reportable
          events, making an entry in the alert table and, if and only if
          the event is a critical event, initiating a trap. The exception
          to this rule is when the "alertRemovalofBinaryChangeEntry" trap
          is generated. The alert sub-unit is represented by the Alerts
          Group and, in particular, the Alert Table. This table contains
          information on the severity, sub-unit, detailed location within
          the sub-unit, alert code and description of each critical alert
          that is currently active within the printer. Each reportable
          event causes an entry to be made in the Alert Table.

  Status and Alerts

          Summary information about the state of the printer is reported at
          three separate levels: (1) there is the status of the printer as
          a whole reported in the Host Resources MIB, (2) there is the
          status of various sub-units reported in the principle table of
          the Group that represents the sub-unit, and (3) there are alert
          codes reported in the Alert Table.

  Overall Printer Status

          Of the many states a printer can be in, certain states are more
          "interesting" because of the distinct actions they are likely to
          provoke in the administrator.  These states may be applied to the
          printer as a whole, or to a particular sub-unit of the printer.
          These named states are:

          Non Critical Alert Active - For the printer this means that one
          or more sub-units have a non-critical alert active.  For a sub-
          unit, this means that the sub-unit has a non-critical alert

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          Critical Alert Active - For the printer this means that one or
          more sub-units have a critical alert active.  For a sub-unit,
          this means that the sub-unit has a critical alert active.

          Unavailable - The printer or sub-unit is unavailable for use
          (this is the same as "broken" or "down" in other terminology).  A
          trained service person is typically necessary to make it

          Moving on-line or off-line - The printer is either off-line, in
          the process of moving off-line or in the process of moving back
          on-line; for example on high end printers reloading paper
          involves a transition to off-line to open the paper bin, it is
          then filled and, finally, there is a transition back to on-line
          as the paper bin is repositioned for printing.

          Standby - The printer or sub-unit is not immediately available
          but can accept new instructions.

          Available - The printer or subunit is functioning normally.

          Idle - The printer or subunit is immediately available.

          Active - The printer or subunit is performing its primary

          Busy - The printer or subunit is performing a function (not
          necessarily its primary function) and is not immediately
          available for its primary function.

          The Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514) provides three status objects
          that can be used to describe the status of a printer: (1)
          hrDeviceStatus in the entry in the hrDeviceTable; (2)
          hrPrinterStatus in the hrPrinterTable; and (3)
          hrPrinterDetectedErrorState in the hrPrinterTable.  These objects
          describe many of the states that a printer can be in.  The
          following table shows how the states named above can be
          recognized by inspecting the values of the three printer-related
          objects in the Host Resources MIB:

          Printer       hrDeviceStatus hrPrinterStatus hrPrinterDetected-
          Status                                       ErrorState

          Idle           running(2)     idle(3)        none set

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          Busy/          running(2)     printing(4)

          Non Critical   warning(3)     idle(3) or     could be: lowPaper,
          Alert Active                  printing(4)    lowToner, or

          Critical       down(5)        other(1)       could be: jammed,
          Alert Active                                 noPaper, noToner,
                                                       coverOpen, or

          Unavailable    down(5)        other(1)

          Moving off-    warning(3)     idle(3) or     offline
          line                          printing(4)
          Off-line       down(5)        other(1)       offline

          Moving         down(5)        warmup(5)

          Standby        running(2)     other(1)

          These named states are only a subset of the possible states -
          they are not an exhaustive list of the possible states.
          Nevertheless, several things should be noted.  When using these
          states, it is not possible to detect when both critical and non-
          critical alerts are pending - if both are pending, the Critical
          Alert Active state will prevail.  In addition, a printer in the
          Standby state will be represented in the Host Resources MIB with
          a device status of running(2) and a printer status of other(1), a
          set of states that don't uniquely distinguish this important
          printer state.

          Although the above mapping is workable, it would be improved with
          a few additions to hrDeviceStatus and hrPrinterStatus in the Host
          Resources MIB. In particular, it would be appropriate to add a
          "standby" enumeration to hrDeviceStatus.  Similarly, it would be
          useful to add the following states to hrPrinterStatus: "offline"
          to indicate that reason for the printer being down (instead of
          having to use "other") which allows both "warning" and "offline"
          to indicate going offline and "down" and "offline" to indicate
          offline and "notApplicable" to cover cases, such as "standby",
          where the device state completely describes the state of the
          device. The suggestions and additions discussed above would

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          require re-convening of the Host Resources MIB working group and
          a new draft issued prior to actual implementation of these
          suggestions and/or additions.

          Detailed status per sub-unit is reported in the sub-unit status

  Host Resources MIB Printer Status

          For completeness, the definitions of the Printer Status objects
          of the Host Resources MIB are given below:

          hrDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
               ACCESS  read-only
               STATUS  mandatory
                   "The current operational state of the device
                   described by this row of the table.  A value
                   unknown(1) indicates that the current state of the
                   device is unknown.  running(2) indicates that the
                   device is up and running and that no unusual error
                   conditions are known.  The warning(3) state
                   indicates that agent has been informed of an
                   unusual error condition by the operational software
                   (e.g., a disk device driver) but that the device
                   is still 'operational'.  An example would be high
                   number of soft errors on a disk.  A value of
                   testing(4), indicates that the device is not
                   available for use because it is in the testing
                   state.  The state of down(5) is used only when
                   the agent has been informed that the device is
                   not available for any use."
               ::= { hrDeviceEntry 5 }

             hrPrinterStatus OBJECT-TYPE
                    SYNTAX INTEGER {

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                    ACCESS read-only
                    STATUS mandatory
                        "The current status of this printer device.  When
                        in the idle(3), printing(4), or warmup(5) state,
                        the corresponding hrDeviceStatus should be
                        running(2) or warning(3).  When in the unknown(2)
                        state, the corresponding hrDeviceStatus should be
                    ::= { hrPrinterEntry 1 }

                hrPrinterDetectedErrorState OBJECT-TYPE
                    SYNTAX BITS (0..128)
                    ACCESS read-only
                    STATUS mandatory
                        "This object represents any error conditions
                        detected by the printer.  The error conditions are
                        encoded as bits with the following definitions:

                        Condition           Bit #    hrDeviceStatus
                        lowPaper            0        warning(3) or down(5)
                        noPaper             1        warning(3) or down(5)
                        lowToner            2        warning(3) or down(5)
                        noToner             3        warning(3) or down(5)
                        coverOpen           4        warning(3) or down(5)
                        jammed              5        warning(3) or down(5)
                        offline             6        warning(3) or down(5)
                        serviceRequested    7        warning(3) or down(5)

                        inputTrayMissing    8        warning(3) or down(5)
                        outputTrayMissing   9        warning(3) or down(5)
                        markerSupplyMissing 10       warning(3) or down(5)
                        outputNearFull      11       warning(3) or down(5)
                        outputFull          12       warning(3) or down(5)
                        inputTrayEmpty      13       warning(3) or down(5)
                        overduePreventMaint 14       warning(3) or down(5)

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                        If multiple conditions are currently detected and
                        the hrDeviceStatus would not otherwise be
                        unknown(1) or testing(4), the hrDeviceStatus shall
                        correspond to the worst state of those indicated,
                        where down(5) is worse than warning(3) which is
                        worse than running(2).

                        Bits are numbered starting with the most
                        significant bit of the first byte being bit 0, the
                        least significant bit of the first byte being bit
                        7, the most significant bit of the second byte
                        being bit 8, and so on.  A one bit encodes that the
                        condition was detected, while a zero bit encodes
                        that the condition was not detected.

                        This object is useful for alerting an operator to
                        specific warning or error conditions that may
                        occur, especially those requiring human
                    ::= { hrPrinterEntry 2 }

  Sub-unit Status

          Sub-unit status is reported in the entries of the principle table
          in the Group that represents the sub-unit. For sub-units that
          report a status, there is a status column in the table and the
          value of this column is always an integer formed in the following

          The SubUnitStatus is an integer that is the sum of 5 distinct
          values, Availability, Non-Critical, Critical, On-line, and
          Transitioning. These values are:

               Availability                           value

                      Available and Idle              0       000'b
                      Available and Standby           2       010'b
                      Available and Active            4       100'b
                      Available and Busy              6       110'b
                      Unavailable and OnRequest       1       001'b
                      Unavailable because Broken      3       011'b
                      Unknown                         5       101'b

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                      No Non-Critical Alerts          0
                      Non-Critical Alerts             8


                      No Critical Alerts              0
                      Critical Alerts                 16


                      State is On-Line                0
                      State is Off-Line              32


                      Currently at intended state     0
                      Transitioning to intended state 64

          For example, an input (tray) that jammed on the next to the last
          page may show a status of 27 (unavailable because broken (3) + a
          critical state (16), jammed, and a noncritical state (8), low

  Alert Tables

          The Alert Group consists of a single table in which all active
          alerts are represented.  This section provides an overview of the
          table and a description of how it is managed.  The basic content
          of the alert table is the severity (critical or non-critical) of
          the alert, the Group and entry where a state change caused the
          alert, additional information about the alert (a more detailed
          location, an alert code, and a description), and an indication of
          the level of training needed to service the alert.

          The Alert Table contains some information that is redundant, for
          example that an event has occurred, and some information that is
          only represented in the Alert Table, for example the additional
          information.  A single table was used because a single entry in a
          group could cause more than one alert, for example paper jams in
          more than one place in a media path. Associating the additional
          information with the entry in the affected group would only allow

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          one report where associating the additional information with the
          alert makes multiple reports possible. Every time an alert occurs
          in the printer, the printer makes one or more entries into the
          Alert Table. The printer determines if an event is to be
          classified as critical or non-critical. If the severity of the
          Alert is "critical", the printer sends a trap or event
          notification to the host indicating that the table has changed.
          Whether or not a trap is sent, the management application is
          expected to poll the printer on a regular basis and to read and
          parse the table to determine what conditions have changed, in
          order to provide reliable information to the management
          application user.

  Alert Table Management

          The alert tables are sparsely populated tables. This means the
          tables will only contain entries of the alerts that are currently
          active and the number of rows, or entries in the table will be
          dynamic. More than one event can be added or removed from the
          event tables at a time depending on the implementation of the

          There are basically two kinds of events that produce alerts:
          binary change events and unary change events. Binary change
          events come in pairs: the leading edge event and the trailing
          edge event. The leading edge event enters a state from which
          there is only one exit; for example, going from running to
          stopped with a paper jam. The only exit from this state is fixing
          the paper jam and it is clear when that is accomplished.  The
          trailing edge event is the event which exits the state that was
          entered by the leading edge event; in the example above fixing
          the paper jam is the trailing edge event.

          It is relatively straightforward to manage binary change events
          in the Alert Table. Only the leading edge event makes an entry in
          the alert table.  This entry persists in the Alert Table until
          the trailing edge event occurs at which point this event is
          signaled by the removal of the leading edge event entry in the
          Alert Table.  That is, a trailing edge event does not create an
          entry; it removes the corresponding leading edge event. Removing
          the leading edge entry may cause the unary change event
          "alertRemovalofBinaryChangeEntry" to be added to the table.  With
          binary change events it is possible to compute the maximum number
          that can occur at the same time and construct an Alert Table that

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          would hold that many events. There would be no possibility of
          table overflow and no information about outstanding events would
          be lost.

          Unfortunately, there are some events that are not binary changes.
          This other category of event, the unary change event, is
          illustrated by the configuration change event. With this kind of
          event the state of the machine has changed, but to a state which
          is (often) just as valid as the state that was left and from
          which no return is necessary.  For example, an operator may
          change the paper that is in the primary input source from letter
          to legal. At some time in the future the paper may be changed
          back to letter, but it might be changed to executive instead.
          This is where the problem occurs. It is not obvious how long to
          keep unary change event entries in the Alert Table. If they were
          never removed, the Alert Table would continue to grow

          The agent needs to have an algorithm implemented for the
          management of the alert table, especially in the face of
          combinations of binary and unary alerts that would overflow the
          storage capacity of the table.  When the table is full and a new
          alert needs to be added, an old alert needs to be deleted.  The
          alert to be deleted should be chosen using the following rules:

          1. Find a non-critical unary alert and delete it.  If there
          are multiple non-critical unary alerts, it is suggested that the
          oldest one be chosen.  If there are no non-critical unary
          alerts, then,

          2. Find a non-critical binary alert and delete it.  If there are
          multiple non-critical binary alerts, it is suggested that the
          oldest one be chosen.  If there are no non-critical binary
          alerts, then,

          3. Find a critical (binary) alert and delete it.  If there are
          multiple critical alerts, it is suggested that the oldest one be
          chosen.  Agent implementers are encouraged to provide at least
          enough storage space for the maximum number of critical alerts
          that could occur simultaneously.  Note that all critical alerts
          are binary.

          In the event that a critical binary alert must be managed out of
          the alert table; when space allows and the alert condition still

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          exists, the alert must be re-added to the alert table even if
          there was no subsequent transition into the associated state. It
          is recommended that this be done for non-critical binary alerts
          as well. Note that the new alert entry will not have the same
          index as the original entry that was moved out of the table.

          Note that because the Alert Index is a monotonically increasing
          integer there will be gaps in the values in the table when an
          alert is deleted.  Such gaps can be detected by the management
          application to indicate that the management application may want
          to re-acquire the Printer state and check for state changes it
          did not observe in the Alert Table.

          2.3  Read-Write Objects

          Some of the objects in the printer MIB report on the existence of
          or amount of a given resource used with the printer.  Some
          examples of such resources are the size and number of sheets of
          paper in a paper tray or the existence of certain output options.
          On some printers there are sensors that allow these resources to
          be sensed.  Other printers, however, lack sensors that can detect
          (all of) the properties of the resource.  Because the printer
          needs to know of the existence or properties of these resources
          for the printer to function properly some other way of providing
          this information is needed.  The chosen way to solve this problem
          is to allow a management application to write into objects which
          hold the descriptive or existence values for printers that cannot
          sense the values.  Thus many of the objects in the MIB are given
          read-write access, but a printer implementation might only permit
          a management operation to change the value if the printer could
          not sense the value itself.  Therefore, the ability to change the
          value of a read-write object may depend on the implementation of
          the agent.  Note that even though some objects explicitly state
          the behavior of conditional ability to change values, any read-
          write object may act that way.

          Generally, an object is given read-write access in the Printer
          MIB specification if:

          1. The object involves installation of a resource that some
          printers cannot themselves detect.  Therefore, external means are
          needed to inform the printer of the installation.  (Here external
          means include using the operator console, or remote management
          application) and

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          2. The printer will behave differently if the installation of the
          resource is reported than the printer would if the installation
          were not reported; that is, the object is not to be used as a
          place to put information not used by the printer, i.e., not a
          "sticky-note".  Another way of saying this is that the printer
          believes that information given it and acts as if the information
          were true.  For example, on a printer that cannot sense the size,
          if one paper size is loaded, but another size is set into the
          paper size object, then the printer will use the size that was
          set as its current paper size in its imaging and paper handling.

          The printer may get hints that it may not know about the
          existence or properties of certain resources.  For example, a
          paper tray may be removed and re-inserted.  When this removal and
          insertion happens, the printer may either assume that a property,
          such as the size of paper in the tray, has not changed or the
          printer may change the value of the associated object to
          "unknown", as might be done for the amount of paper in the tray.
          As long as the printer acts according to the value in  the object
          either strategy is acceptable.

          It is an implementation-specific matter as to whether or not MIB
          object values are persistent across power cycles or cold starts.
          It is particularly important that the values of the
          prtMarkerLifeCount object persist throughout the lifetime of the
          printer.  Therefore, if the value of any MIB object persists
          across power cycles, then the prtMarkerLifeCount object must also

          2.4  Enumerations

          Enumerations (enums) are sets of symbolic values defined for use
          with one or more objects.  Some common enumeration sets are
          assigned a symbolic data type name (textual convention).  These
          enumerations are listed at the beginning of this specification.

          2.4.1  Registering Additional Enumerated Values

          This working group has defined several type of enumerations.
          These enumerations differ in the method employed to control the
          addition of new enumerations.  Throughout this document,
          references to "enumeration (n)", where n can be 1, 2 or 3 can be

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          found in the various tables.  The definitions of these types of
          enumerations are:

          enumeration (1)  All the values are defined in the Printer MIB
          specification (RFC for the Printer MIB).  Additional enumerated
          values require a new RFC. Type 1 enumerations are typically used
          where changes to the enumeration are either unlikely or will have
          a significant impact on the structure of the MIB or
          implementation of the MIB in management applications.

          Some criteria that suggest using a type 1 enumeration are:

          a) the set of values in the enumeration is thought to be known,
          e.g., faceUp and faceDown

          b) the enumeration defines a set of units of measure which must
          be understood by a management application to be able to correctly
          display the value of an object that measurement unit controls;

          c) the enumeration is tied to the structure of the MIB or the
          model on which the MIB is based, e.g., the prtAlertGroup
          enumeration is tied to the OIDs for the related tables.

          enumeration (2)  An initial set of values are defined in the
          Printer MIB specification.  Additional enumerated values are
          registered after review by this working group. The initial
          versions of the MIB will contain the values registered so far.
          After the MIB is approved, additional values will be registered
          through IANA after approval by this working group. The current
          set of approved values should always be obtained from the IANA
          registry. Type 2 enumerations are typically used where it is
          important to insure consistent usage of the enumeration values;
          that is, to insure that the same entity does not get two
          different enumerations values, or two different entities do not
          get the same enum value.

          enumeration (3)  An initial set of values are defined in the
          Printer MIB specification.  Additional enumerated values are
          registered without working group review.  The initial versions of
          the MIB will contain the values registered so far.  After the MIB
          is approved, additional values will be registered through IANA
          without approval by this working group.  The current set of
          approved values should always be obtained from the IANA registry.
          Type 3 enumerations are used for enumerations that can be

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          extended without any controls; an example is the
          prtMarkerSuppliesType, which can be extended as needed by any
          manufacturer to describe the supplies required by a new printer.

          3.  Groups from other MIB Specifications

          This section identifies the groups from other MIBs that shall be
          supported to supplement and complete a printer MIB
          implementation. The section also describes some of the less
          obvious characteristics of the Printer MIB structure that are
          related to the inclusion of these other MIB groups

          3.1  System Group

          All objects in the system group of MIB-II (RFC 1213) shall be
          implemented; however, as described in paragraph 3.4, implementers
          should carefully consider what constitutes the "system".

          3.2  System Controller

          The storage and device groups of the Host Resources MIB (RFC
          1514) shall be implemented to support the printer(s) system
          controller, and any supporting devices. If deemed appropriate by
          the implementer, other groups of the Host Resources MIB (System,
          Running Software, Running Software Performance, and Installed
          Software) may be implemented.

          Because of the structure of the Host Resources MIB, the devices
          constituting the system controller are at the same level as the

          3.3  Interface Group objects

          All objects in the Interfaces Group of MIB-II (RFC 1213) shall be
          implemented for all print information interfaces to the printer,
          including non-network interfaces.

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          3.3.1  Interface Types

          The interfaces group of RFC 1213 contains only a partial list of
          interface types that can be specified in the "ifType" object. For
          a complete list of interface types, refer to the IANA registry at

          3.4  Implications involved with using external MIB groups

          In structuring the Printer MIB, it is inconvenient to follow the
          hierarchical structure implicit in the printer block diagram.
          There are two reasons for this:

               1. Figure 2 suggests that the printer interface to the
          network is through the interfaces group. It is generally required
          that this network node is supported by an implementation of RFC
          1213. However, the network node may support one printer or
          several printers. Further, the SNMP agent may be within the
          "system controller" (the printer controller board), or the SNMP
          agent may be within a device completely external to the printer
          system controller. Therefore, the relationship between the MIB-II
          defined network node, the agent implementing the Printer and Host
          Resources MIB, and the functional printer itself may not be
          consistent with the structure suggested in figure 2.

               2. In many cases, the printer controller is a generic
          computing device (PC or other standalone computer) containing
          many of the resources of a standard host computer. This includes
          devices such as memory, interfaces, network, and printer. The
          Host Resources MIB has well developed structures for such
          devices. However, the Host Resources MIB only deals with devices
          associated with a single "host", and it considers the printer to
          be a part of this host on the same level as memory, processor,
          and other devices considered part of the "System Controller" of
          the printer.

          Therefore, it was convenient to conceive of a "host" associated
          with the SNMP agent and with the network node by which the agent
          and ultimately the printer(s) communicate with the network. All
          host-resource devices communicating through this network node are
          considered part of the host and are supported by implementation
          of the Host Resources MIB Device and Storage group.

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          Another aspect of printer as a device consideration is that, not
          only are the printer and the host resource devices constituting
          the System Controller of the printer at the same level, but if
          there are multiple printers, these printers and the Host Resource
          devices constituting these printers are all at the same level,
          whether the devices are dedicated to one printer or shared. The
          functional hierarchy implicit in the printer block diagram is
          therefore flattened with respect to host resource devices.

          3.4.1  Host Resource MIB Device Group

          For each instance of a host resource device, the following
          attributes exist:

          hrDeviceIndex, hrDeviceType, hrDeviceDescr, hrDeviceID,
          hrDeviceStatus, and hrDeviceErrors.

          The Device Description, Device ID and Device Status listed in
          this table identify and characterize a printer. The hrDevice
          index for each printer is included as an indexing value for
          almost all variables in the Printer MIB. In the case of multiple
          printers, the printer MIB appears as a composite MIB for all
          printers considered part of this "host". Each table of the
          printer MIB which includes hrDeviceIndex as an index will contain
          the variables for each printer.

          Non-printer devices listed in the table are associated with one
          or more listed printer devices by the prtDeviceRefTable in the
          printer MIB. This table, as most in the printer MIB, is indexed
          by hrDeviceIndex; but unlike most of the other tables where the
          devices of interest are printers, the devices of interest for
          this table are non-printer devices. The only accessible object
          for each row in this table is the device number of the printer
          device which is associated with the indexed non-printer device.
          The table includes a second index, prtDevceRefSeqNumber, which
          allows a listed device to be associated with multiple printer

          For example, a fully integrated printer may contain, as part of
          its system controller, hrDeviceProcessor, hrDeviceNetwork,
          hrDeviceDiskStorage, hrDeviceParallelPort, hrDeviceSerialPort,
          hrDeviceVolatileMemory and hrDeviceNonVolatileMemory.

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          Ideally, these must all be listed as devices in the virtual host,
          along with the printer (hrDevicePrinter) itself. Therefore, in
          this example, eight devices would be included with hrDeviceIndex
          values of "1 - 8". Since there is but one printer, the
          prtDeviceRefTable in the printer MIB would contain seven entries,
          each with a value identifying the printer hrDeviceIndex. Because
          there is only one printer, devices are not shared and the
          prtDeviceRefSeqNumber index is (1) in all cases.

          Further, the Host Resource MIB defines device specific tables to
          be supported for certain devices. These devices, and the primary
          significance of the additional table(s) are:

          hrProcessorTable: identification and significant characteristics
          of processor

          hrNetworkTable: correlates a network device to a MIB-II ifIndex

          hrPrinterTable and hrPrinterErrorTable: the mechanism
          communicating the status of each printer

          hrDiskStorageTable: identifies disk access, media type and

          hrPartitionTable: identifies "partitions" on long term storage

          hrFSTable: identifies local file system type, characteristics and

          3.4.2  Host Resource Storage Group

          Program and data storage exist both as physical devices in the
          Host Resource Device Table, and as logical storage areas
          supported in the Host Resource Storage Group. Logical storage is
          listed and assigned an index in the hrStorageTable. Storage is
          correlated to specific printers by the prtStorageRefTable in the
          Printer MIB. This table is indexed by hrStorageIndex. The only
          accessible object for each row in this table is the device number
          of the printer device which is associated with the indexed
          storage. The table includes a second index,
          prtStorageRefSeqNumber, which allows logical storage to be
          associated with multiple printer devices.

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          3.4.3  MIB-II Interface Group

          The interfaces by which the printer receives print data are
          identified within the Interfaces table of MIB-II (RFC 1213). In
          the case of multiple printers, the network interface for the
          "host" as well as all of the interfaces for all printers are
          listed in this table. The interfaces may also be listed as
          devices in the Host Resource Device Table. Network Port devices
          are identified by MIB-II "ifIndex" objects to correlate them back
          to the MIB-II interface table; no such provision exists for
          "serial" and "parallel" ports. Interfaces listed in the Host
          Resource device table may be correlated to specific printers in
          the "host" by the prtDeviceRefTable in the printer MIB; this may
          be useful if there are multiple printers. The "ifIndex" is also
          used to identify the interface associated with each channel in
          the Printer MIB "Print Job Delivery Channel" group. Therefore,
          specific interfaces are also correlated back to specific printers
          via the "channels" mechanism.

          Printer-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN

              MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Integer32,
              TimeTicks, NOTIFICATION-TYPE,
              OBJECT-IDENTITY, mib-2 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
              TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC
              hrDeviceIndex, hrStorageIndex FROM HOST-RESOURCES-MIB;

          printmib MODULE-IDENTITY
              LAST-UPDATED "9810070000Z"
              ORGANIZATION "IETF Printer MIB Working Group"
                      "Randy Turner
                     Sharp Laboratories of America
                     5750 NW Pacific Rim Blvd
                     Camas, WA 98607
                  "The MIB module for management of printers."
              ::= { mib-2 43 }

          -- Textual conventions for this MIB module

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          -- Generic unspecific textual conventions

          PrtMediaUnitTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This is a type 1 enumeration.
              STATUS       current
                  "Units of measure for media dimensions."
              SYNTAX       INTEGER {
                               tenThousandthsOfInches(3),  -- .0001

          PrtCapacityUnitTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This is a type 1 enumeration.
              STATUS       current
                  "Units of measure for media capacity."
              SYNTAX       INTEGER {
                               tenThousandthsOfInches(3),  -- .0001

          PrtPrintOrientationTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
            -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
            STATUS  current
               "A generic representation for printing orientation on a
            SYNTAX  INTEGER {

          PrtCoverStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This is a type 2 enumeration.
              STATUS     current

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                   "Values for encoding the state of a particular cover or
                   access panel on the printer case or enclosure."
              SYNTAX INTEGER {

          PrtSubUnitStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This is a type 1 enumeration.
              STATUS       current
                   "Status of a printer sub-unit.

                   The SubUnitStatus is an integer that is the sum of 5
                   distinct values, Availability, Non-Critical, Critical,
                   On-line, and Transitioning. These values are:

               Availability                           Value

                      Available and Idle               0       000'b
                      Available and Standby            2       010'b
                      Available and Active             4       100'b
                      Available and Busy               6       110'b
                      Unavailable and OnRequest        1       001'b
                      Unavailable because Broken       3       011'b
                      Unknown                          5       101'b


                      No Non-Critical Alerts           0
                      Non-Critical Alerts              8


                      No Critical Alerts               0
                      Critical Alerts                 16


                      State is On-Line                 0
                      State is Off-Line               32

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                      Currently at intended state      0
                      Transitioning to intended state 64  "

              SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..126)

          PresentOnOff ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This is a type 1 enumeration.
              STATUS       current
                  "Presence and configuration of a device or feature."
              SYNTAX       INTEGER {

          CodedCharSet ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
                -- This is a type 3 enumeration.
                STATUS     current
                   "A coded character set value that specifies both a set
                   of characters that may be used and an encoding (as one
                   or more octets) that is used to represent the characters
                   in the set. These values are to be used to identify the
                   encoding employed for strings in the MIB where this is
                   not fixed by the MIB.

                   Some objects that allow a choice of coded character set
                   are: the prtLocalizationCharacterSet object in the
                   LocalizationTable and prtInterpreterDefaultCharSetIn.
                   The prtGeneralCurrentLocalization and
                   prtConsoleLocalization objects in turn contain the index
                   in the LocalizationTable of the current localization
                   (country, language, and coded character set) of the
                   'description' objects and the console, respectively.

                   The space of the coded character set enumeration has
                   been divided into three regions. The first region (3-
                   999) consists of coded character sets that have been
                   standardized by some standard setting organization. This
                   region is intended for standards that do not have subset
                   implementations. The second region (1000-1999) is for

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                   the Unicode and ISO/IEC 10646 coded character sets
                   together with a specification of a (set of) sub-
                   repertoires that may occur.  The third region (>1999) is
                   intended for vendor specific coded character sets.

                   NOTE: Unicode and ISO 10646 character coded data may be
                   processed and stored in either Big Endian (most
                   significant octet first) or Little Endian (least
                   significant octet first) order.  Intel x86, VAX, and
                   Alpha/AXP architectures are examples of Little Endian
                   processor architectures. Furthermore, in environments
                   where either order may occur, so-called Unicode BYTE
                   ORDER MARK (BOM) character (which is ISO 10646 ZERO
                   WIDTH NO BREAK SPACE), coded as FEFF in two octets and
                   0000FEFF in four octets is used at the beginning of the
                   data as a signature to indicate the order of the
                   following data (See ISO 10646 Annex F).  Thus either
                   ordering and BOM may occur in print data streams sent to
                   the interpreter.  However, ISO 8824/8825 (ASN.1/BER)
                   used by SNMP is quite clear that Big Endian order shall
                   be used and BOM shall NOT be used in transmission in the
                   protocol. Transmitting Unicode in Big Endian order in
                   SNMP should not prove to be a hardship for Little Endian
                   machines, since SNMP ASN.1/BER requires integers to be
                   transmitted in Big Endian order as well.  So SNMP
                   implementations on Little Endian machines are already
                   reversing the order of integers to make them Big Endian
                   for transmission via SNMP.  Also Unicode characters are
                   usually treated as two-octet integers, not short text
                   strings, so that it will be straightforward for Little
                   Endian machines to reverse the order of Unicode
                   character octets as well before transmitting them and
                   after receiving them via the SNMP protocol.

                   Where a given coded character set may be known by more
                   than one name, the most commonly known name is used as
                   the name of the enumeration and other names are shown in
                   the comments.  The comments also indicate where to find
                   detailed information on the coded character set and
                   briefly characterize its relationship to other similar
                   coded character sets.

                   The current list of character sets and their enumerated
                   values used to reference them is contained in the IANA
                   Character Set registry.  The enum value is indicated by

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                   the MIB enum entry in the registry.  The enum symbol is
                   indicated by the Alias that starts with 'cs' for
                   character set.

                   The IANA character sets registry is available via
                   anonymous ftp.

                   The ftp server is The subdirectory is /in-

                   The file name is character-sets.

                   To add a character set to the IANA Registry:

                   1. Format an entry like those in the current list,
                   omitting the MIBenum value.
                   2. Send the entry with a request to add the entry to the
                   character set list to iana@ISI.EDU.
                   3. The IANA will supply a unique MIBenum value and
                   update the list."

               SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                  other(1)      -- used if the designated coded
                                -- character set is not currently in
                                -- the enumeration

                -- See IANA Registry for standard character sets in the
                -- MIBenum range of 3-999.

                -- See IANA Registry for Unicode and vendor-supplied
                -- combinations of ISO collections and character sets based
                -- on Unicode in the MIBenum range of 1000-1999.
                -- See IANA Registry for vendor developed character sets
                -- in the MIBenum range of 2000-xxxx.

          -- General Group textual-conventions

          PrtGeneralResetTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This value is a type 3 enumeration
              STATUS     current

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                "Values for reading and writing the prtGeneralReset object.

                 If a device does not have NVRAM, the device shall none the
                 less respond to a SET with the value resetToNVRAM(5) with
                 some sort of warm reset that resets the device to some
                 implementation-defined state that is preferably under
                 control of the system administrator by some means outside
                 the scope of this MIB specification."
                 SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                             powerCycleReset(4), -- Cold Start
                             resetToNVRAM(5), -- Warm Start
                             resetToFactoryDefaults(6) -- Reset contents of
                                                       -- NVRAM to factory
                                                       -- defaults

          -- Channel Group textual-conventions

          PrtChannelStateTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
              STATUS       current
                   "The state of this print job delivery channel. The value
                   determine whether control information and print data is
                   allowed through this channel."
             SYNTAX     INTEGER {

          PrtChannelTypeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              --  This is a type 2 enumeration.
              STATUS     current
                  "This enumeration indicates the type of channel that is
                  receiving jobs."
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {

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                                 -- AppleTalk Printer
                                 -- Access Protocol (PAP)
                                 -- prtChannelInformation entry:
                                 -- Printer Name
                                 --   Keyword:      Name
                                 --   Syntax:       Name
                                 --   Status:       Optional
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  The name of the
                                 --     printer within the AppleTalk
                                 --     naming scope
                                 -- prtChannelInformation entry:
                                 -- Printer queue name
                                 --   Keyword:      Queue
                                 --   Syntax:       Name
                                 --   Status:       Mandatory
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description: queue name as
                                 --     defined in RFC 1179.
                                 -- Novell, Inc.
                                 -- For each entry of this type, the
                                 -- prtChannelInformation must have a pair
                                 -- of keywords. For Netware 3.x channels
                                 -- this must be a (PServer, Printer) pair.
                                 -- For Netware 4.x channels and for
                                 -- IntranetWare channels this must be a
                                 -- (NDSTree, NDSPrinter) pair.
                                 -- prtChannelInformation entries:

                                 -- Print Server Name
                                 --   Keyword:       PServer
                                 --   Syntax:        Name
                                 --   Status:        Mandatory
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  The Pserver's SAP name
                                 -- Printer Number

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                                 --   Keyword:       Printer
                                 --   Syntax:        Integer
                                 --   Status:        Mandatory
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  The printer number
                                 -- NDSTree
                                 --   Keyword:      NDSTree
                                 --   Syntax:       Name
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  The tree's SAP name
                                 -- NDS Printer object
                                 --   Keyword:      NDSPrinter
                                 --   Syntax:       Text (Unicode)
                                 --   Status:       Mandatory
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  The fully qualified
                                 --     name of the Printer
                                 -- In the Netware 3.x environment, the
                                 -- client checks the Bindery object
                                 -- representing the named PServer. The
                                 -- client then checks for queues which
                                 -- are associated with the numbered
                                 -- printer. In the 4.x and IntraNetware
                                 -- environment, the client looks up the
                                 -- queues which are associated with the
                                 -- NDS Printer Object in the named Tree.
                                 -- Depending on client access rights to
                                 -- those queues, the client submits jobs
                                 -- to the appropriate queue.
                                 -- Novell,Inc.
                                 -- For each entry of this type, the
                                 -- prtChannelInformation must have a pair
                                 -- of keywords. For Netware 3.x channels
                                 -- this must be a (Server, PServer) pair.
                                 -- For Netware 4.x and IntranetWare
                                 -- channels, this must be a
                                 -- (NDSTree, NDSPServer) pair.
                                 -- prtChannelInformation entries:
                                 -- Server Name

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                                 --   Keyword:      Server
                                 --   Syntax:       Name
                                 --   Status:       Mandatory
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  The SAP name of the
                                 --     server for which the PServer is
                                 --     defined.
                                 -- PServer
                                 --   Keyword:      PServer
                                 --   Syntax:       Name
                                 --   Status:       Mandatory
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  The bindery name of
                                 --     the PServer
                                 -- NDS Tree
                                 --   Keyword:      NDSTree
                                 --   Syntax:       Name
                                 --   Status:       Mandatory
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  The NDS Tree name
                                 -- PServer
                                 --   Keyword:      NDSPServer
                                 --   Syntax:       Text (Unicode)
                                 --   Status:       Mandatory
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  The fully qualified
                                 --     name of the PServer object in the
                                 --     tree.
                                 -- In the 3.x environment, the client
                                 -- checks the bindery object
                                 -- representing the named PServer on the
                                 -- named Server. In the 4.x and
                                 -- IntranetWare environment,
                                 -- the client checks the NDS object
                                 -- representing the named PServer in the
                                 -- named Tree. In either case, the
                                 -- client then checks for all queues
                                 -- associated with the Pserver object.
                                 -- Depending on client access rights
                                 -- to those queues, the client submits
                                 -- jobs to the appropriate queue.

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                                 -- DEPRECATED
                                 -- A bi-directional, LPD-like,
                                 -- protocol using 9101 for
                                 -- control and 9100 for data.
                                 -- Adobe Systems, Inc.
                             chFTP(13),         -- RFC 959
                             chTFTP(14),        -- RFC 1350
                             chIBM3270(16),     -- IBM Coax
                             chIBM5250(17),     -- IBM Twinax
                                 -- TCP port 35, see reserved TCP port list
                                 -- in RFC 1700 or current "Assigned
                                 -- Numbers" RFC. This RFC should also be
                                 -- referenced for other channel
                                 -- enumerations utilizing TCP port
                                 -- numbers 0 through 1024.
                             chCPAP(21),      -- TCP port 170, Digital
                                              -- Equipment Corp.
                             chPCPrint(26),   -- Banyan
                                 -- File/Print sharing protocol used by
                                 -- various network operating systems
                                 -- from IBM 3Com, Microsoft and others
                                 -- prtChannelInformation entry:
                                 -- Service Name
                                 --   Keyword:      Name
                                 --   Syntax:       Name
                                 --   Status:       Optional
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  The service name of
                                 --     the printer
                             chPSM(28),       -- Printing Systems
                                              -- Manager, IBM
                             chSystemObjectManager(31), -- IBM
                                 -- Digital Equipment Corp.
                                 -- prtChannelInformation entries:

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                                 -- Port Name
                                 --   Keyword:      Port
                                 --   Syntax:       Name
                                 --   Status:       Conditionally
                                 --                 Mandatory
                                 --                 (see note below)
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  LAT port name
                                 -- Service Name
                                 --    Keyword:      Service
                                 --    Syntax:       Name
                                 --    Status:       Conditionally
                                 --                  Mandatory
                                 --    Multiplicity: Single
                                 --    Description:  LAT service
                                 --      name
                                 -- The LAT channel may be
                                 -- identified by either a port or
                                 -- service, so either a
                                 -- Port or Service entry must be
                                 -- specified, but not both.
                             chUSB(34),    -- Universal Serial Bus
                             chIRDA(35),   -- Infrared Data Assoc. Prot.
                             chPrintXChange(36), -- PrintXChange Protocol
                                 -- A unidirectional "raw" TCP
                                 -- channel that uses an administratively
                                 -- assigned TCP port address.
                                 -- prtChannelInformation entry:
                                 -- Port Number
                                 --    Keyword:      Port
                                 --    Syntax:       decimal number
                                 --    Status:       Mandatory
                                 --    Multiplicity: Single
                                 --    Description:  TCP port number
                                 -- A bi-directional version of chPortTCP
                                 -- prtChannelInformation entries:

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                                 -- (See chPortTCP)
                                 -- Universal Network Printing
                                 -- Protocol(UNPP). A bi-directional,
                                 -- multiport network printing
                                 -- application protocol available on
                                 -- multiple transport protocols.
                                 -- Underscore, Inc.
                                 -- Contact:
                                 -- AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol.
                                 -- ADSP is part of the AppleTalk
                                 -- suite of protocols.
                                 -- It is a symmetric, connection-
                                 -- oriented protocol that makes
                                 -- possible the establishment
                                 -- and maintenance of full-duplex
                                 -- streams of data bytes between
                                 -- two sockets in an AppleTalk
                                 -- internet.
                                 -- See Inside AppleTalk, second
                                 -- Edition, by Sidhu, Andrews and
                                 -- Oppenheimer.
                                 -- Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX)
                                 -- socket.
                                 -- Novell, Inc. Similar to TCP, a
                                 -- bi-directional data pipe using
                                 -- Novell SPX as a transport.
                                 -- prtChannelInformation entries:
                                 -- Network Number
                                 --   Keyword:      Net
                                 --   Syntax:       HexString
                                 --   Status:       Mandatory
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  The network number
                                 -- Node Number
                                 --   Keyword:      Node
                                 --   Syntax:       HexString
                                 --   Status:       Mandatory
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  The node number

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                                 -- Socket Number
                                 --   Keyword:      Socket
                                 --   Syntax:       HexString
                                 --   Status:       Mandatory
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  The SPX socket number
                                 -- There must be exactly one "Net" and
                                 -- one "Node" and one "Socket" entry. A
                                 -- HexString is a binary value
                                 -- represented as a string of
                                 -- ASCII characters using hexadecimal
                                 -- notation.
                                 -- Hypertext Transfer Protocol. See IETF
                                 -- documents relating to HTTP 1.0/1.1
                                 -- (RFCs 1945 and 2068,etc.)
                                 -- Novell, Inc.
                                 -- prtChannelInformation entry:
                                 -- Printer Agent Name
                                 --   Keyword:      PA
                                 --   Syntax:       Name
                                 --   Status:       Mandatory
                                 --   Multiplicity: Single
                                 --   Description:  The NDPS Printer
                                 --      Agent Name

          -- Interpreter Group textual conventions

          PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This value is a type 2 enumeration.
              STATUS     current
                "This enumeration indicates the type of interpreter that is
                 receiving jobs."
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                  langPCL(3),      -- PCL.  Starting with PCL version 5,
                                   -- HP-GL/2 is included as part of the

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                                   -- PCL language.
                                   -- PCL and HP-GL/2 are registered
                                   -- trademarks of Hewlett-Packard
                                   -- Company.
                  langHPGL(4),     -- Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language.
                                   -- HP-GL is a registered trademark of
                                   -- Hewlett-Packard Company.
                  langPJL(5),      -- Peripheral Job Language. Appears in
                                   -- the data stream between data intended
                                   -- for a page description language.
                                   -- Hewlett-Packard Co.
                  langPS(6),       -- PostScript (tm) Language
                                   -- Postscript - a trademark of Adobe
                                   -- Systems Incorporated which may be
                                   -- registered in certain jurisdictions
                  langIPDS(7),     -- Intelligent Printer Data Stream
                                   -- Bi-directional print data stream for
                                   -- documents consisting of data objects
                                   -- (text, image, graphics, bar codes),
                                   -- resources (fonts, overlays) and page,
                                   -- form and finishing instructions.
                                   -- Facilitates system level device
                                   -- control, document tracking and error
                                   -- recovery throughout the print
                                   -- process.
                                   -- Pennant Systems, IBM
                  langPPDS(8),     -- IBM Personal Printer Data Stream.
                                   -- Originally called IBM ASCII, the name
                                   -- was changed to PPDS when the Laser
                                   -- Printer was introduced in 1989.
                                   -- Lexmark International, Inc.
                  langEscapeP(9),  -- Epson Corp.
                  langDDIF(11),    -- Digital Document Interchange Format
                                   -- Digital Equipment Corp., Maynard MA
                                   -- Xerox Corp.
                  langISO6429(13), -- ISO 6429.  Control functions for
                                   -- Coded Character Sets (has ASCII
                                   -- control characters, plus additional
                                   -- controls for
                                   -- character imaging devices.)
                                   -- ISO Standard, Geneva, Switzerland
                  langLineData(14),-- line-data:  Lines of data as
                                   -- separate ASCII or EBCDIC records

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                                   -- and containing no control functions
                                   -- (no CR, LF, HT, FF, etc.)
                                   -- For use with traditional line
                                   -- printers.  May use CR and/or LF to
                                   -- delimit lines, instead of records.
                                   -- See ISO 10175 Document Printing
                                   -- Application(DPA)
                                   -- ISO standard, Geneva, Switzerland
                  langMODCA(15),   -- Mixed Object Document Content
                                   -- Architecture
                                   -- Definitions that allow the
                                   -- composition, interchange, and
                                   -- presentation of final form
                                   -- documents as a collection of data
                                   -- objects (text, image, graphics, bar
                                   -- codes), resources (fonts, overlays)
                                   -- and page, form and finishing
                                   -- instructions.
                                   -- Pennant Systems, IBM
                  langREGIS(16),   -- Remote Graphics Instruction Set,
                                   -- Digital Equipment Corp., Maynard MA
                  langSCS(17),     -- SNA Character String
                                   -- Bi-directional print data stream for
                                   -- SNA LU-1 mode of communication.
                                   -- IBM
                  langSPDL(18),    -- ISO 10180 Standard Page Description
                                   -- Language
                                   -- ISO Standard
                  langTEK4014(19), -- Tektronix Corp.
                  langIGP(21),     -- Printronix Corp.
                  langCodeV(22),   -- Magnum Code-V, Image and printer
                                   -- control language used to control
                                   -- impact/dot-matrix printers.
                                   -- QMS, Inc., Mobile AL
                  langDSCDSE(23),  -- DSC-DSE:  Data Stream Compatible and
                                   -- Emulation Bi-directional print data
                                   -- stream for non-SNA (DSC) and SNA LU-3
                                   -- 3270 controller (DSE) communications
                                   -- IBM
                  langWPS(24),     -- Windows Printing System, Resource
                                   -- based command/data stream used by
                                   -- Microsoft At Work Peripherals.
                                   -- Developed by the Microsoft
                                   -- Corporation.

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                  langLN03(25),    -- Early DEC-PPL3, Digital Equipment
                                   -- Corp.
                  langQUIC(27),    -- QUIC (Quality Information Code), Page
                                   -- Description Language for laser
                                   -- printers. Included graphics, printer
                                   -- control capability and emulation of
                                   -- other well-known printer .
                                   -- QMS, Inc.
                  langCPAP(28),    -- Common Printer Access Protocol
                                   -- Digital Equipment Corp.
                  langDecPPL(29),  -- Digital ANSI-Compliant Printing
                                   -- Protocol
                                   -- (DEC-PPL)
                                   -- Digital Equipment Corp.
                                   -- simple-text:  character coded data,
                                   -- including NUL, CR , LF, HT, and FF
                                   -- control characters.  See ISO 10175
                                   -- Document Printing Application (DPA)
                                   -- ISO standard, Geneva, Switzerland
                  langNPAP(31),    -- Network Printer Alliance Protocol
                                   -- (NPAP). This protocol has been
                                   -- superseded by the IEEE 1284.1 TIPSI
                                   -- Std (ref. LangTIPSI(49)).
                  langDOC(32),     -- Document Option Commands, Appears in
                                   -- the data stream between data
                                   -- intended for a page description .
                                   -- QMS, Inc.
                  langimPress(33), -- imPRESS, Page description language
                                   -- originally developed for the
                                   -- ImageServer product line. A binary
                                   -- language providing representations
                                   -- of text, simple graphics, and some
                                   -- large forms (simple
                                   -- bit-map and CCITT group /
                                   -- encoded).The
                                   -- language was intended to be sent over
                                   -- an 8-bit channel and supported early
                                   -- document preparation languages (e.g.
                                   -- TeX and TROFF).
                                   -- QMS, Inc.
                                   -- 24 wire dot matrix printer  for
                                   -- USA, Europe, and Asia except

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                                   -- Japan.
                                   -- More widely used in Germany, and
                                   -- some Asian countries than in US.
                                   -- NEC
                  langNPDL(35),    -- Page printer  for Japanese market.
                                   -- NEC
                  langNEC201PL(36),-- Serial printer language used in
                                   -- the Japanese market.
                                   -- NEC
                                   -- Automatic PDL sensing.  Automatic
                                   -- sensing of the interpreter
                                   -- language family by the printer
                                   -- examining the document content.
                                   -- Which actual interpreter language
                                   -- families are sensed depends on
                                   -- the printer implementation.
                  langPages(38),   -- Page printer Advanced Graphic
                                   -- Escape Set
                                   -- IBM Japan
                  langLIPS(39),    -- LBP Image Processing System
                  langTIFF(40),    -- Tagged Image File Format (Aldus)
                                   -- A hex dump of the input to the
                                   -- interpreter
                                   -- The PostScript Language used for
                                   -- control (with any PDLs)
                                   -- Adobe Systems Incorporated
                  langCaPSL(43),   -- Canon Print Systems Language
                  langEXCL(44),    -- Extended Command Language
                                   -- Talaris Systems Inc.
                  langLCDS(45),    -- Line Conditioned Data Stream
                                   -- Xerox Corporation
                  langXES(46),     -- Xerox Escape Sequences
                                   -- Xerox Corporation
                  langPCLXL(47),   -- Printer Control Language. Extended
                                   -- language features for printing, and
                                   -- printer control.
                                   -- Hewlett-Packard Co.
                  langART(48),     -- Advanced Rendering Tools (ART).
                                   -- Page Description language
                                   -- originally developed for the Laser
                                   -- Press printers.
                                   -- Technical reference manual: "ART IV

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                                   -- Reference Manual", No F33M.
                                   -- Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
                  langTIPSI(49),   -- Transport Independent Printer
                                   -- System Interface (ref. IEEE Std.
                                   -- 1284.1)
                                   -- Page description and printer
                                   -- control language. It can be
                                   -- described with ordinary ASCII
                                   -- Technical reference manual:
                                   -- "PRESCRIBE II Programming Manual"
                                   -- A simple-text character stream which
                                   -- supports the control codes LF, VT,
                                   -- FF, and plus Centronics or
                                   -- Dataproducts Vertical Format Unit
                                   -- (VFU) language is commonly used on
                                   -- many older model line and matrix
                                   -- printers.
                  langIDP(52),     -- Imaging Device Protocol
                                   -- Apple Computer.
                  langXJCL(53),    -- Xerox Job Control Language (JCL).
                                   -- A Job Control language originally
                                   -- developed for the LaserPress printers
                                   -- and is capable of switching PDLs.
                                   -- Technical reference manual:
                                   -- "ART IV Reference Manual", No F33M.
                                   -- Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
                  langPDF(54),     -- Adobe Portable Document Format
                                   -- Adobe Systems, Inc.
                  langRPDL(55),    -- Ricoh Page Description Language for
                                   -- printers.
                                   -- Technical manual "RPDL command
                                   -- reference" No.307029
                                   -- RICOH, Co. LTD
                                   -- Intermec Printer Language for label
                                   -- printers.
                                   -- Technical Manual: "IPL Programmers
                                   -- Reference Manual"
                                   -- Intermec Corporation
                                   -- An intelligent basic-like programming
                                   -- language for label printers.
                                   -- Reference Manual: "UBI Fingerprint

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                                   -- 7.1", No. 1-960434-00
                                   -- United Barcode Industries
                                   -- An intelligent control language for
                                   -- label printers.
                                   -- Programmers guide: " UBI Direct
                                   -- Protocol", No. 1-960419-00
                                   -- United Barcode Industries
                                   -- Fujitsu Printer Language
                                   -- Reference Manual:
                                   -- "FM Printer Sequence" No. 80HP-0770
                                   -- FUJITSU LIMITED

          -- Input/Output Group Textual Conventions

          PrtInputTypeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This is a type 2 enumeration
              STATUS current
                   "The type of technology (discriminated primarily
                   according to feeder mechanism type) employed by a
                   specific component or components."
              SYNTAX INTEGER {

          PrtOutputTypeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
               -- This is a type 2 enumeration
               STATUS current
                    "The Type of technology supported by this output sub-
               SYNTAX INTEGER {

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          PrtOutputStackingOrderTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
               -- This is a type 1 enumeration
               STATUS current
                   "The current state of the stacking order for the
                   associated output sub-unit. 'firstToLast' means that as
                   pages are output, the front of the next page is placed
                   against the back of the previous page. 'lastToFirst'
                   means that as pages are output, the back of the next
                   page is placed against the front of the previous page."
               SYNTAX INTEGER {

          PrtOutputPageDeliveryOrientationTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
               -- This is a type 1 enumeration
               STATUS current
                   "The reading surface that will be 'up' when pages are
                   delivered to the associated output sub-unit. Values are
                   Face-Up and Face-Down (Note: interpretation of these
                   values is, in general, context-dependent based on
                   locale; presentation of these values to an end-user
                   should be normalized to the expectations of the user."
               SYNTAX INTEGER {

          -- Marker Group Textual Conventions

          PrtMarkerMarkTechTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
               -- This value is a type 2 enumeration
               STATUS current

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                   "The type of marking technology used for this marking
               SYNTAX     INTEGER {

          PrtMarkerCounterUnitTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
              STATUS     current
                  "The unit that will be used by the printer when reporting
                  counter values for this marking sub-unit.  The
                  time units of measure are provided for a device like a
                  strip recorder that does not or cannot track the physical
                  dimensions of the media and does not use characters,
                  lines or sheets."

              SYNTAX     INTEGER {

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                             tenThousandthsOfInches(3),  -- .0001

          PrtMarkerSuppliesTypeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              --   This value is a type 3 enumeration
              STATUS     current
                  "The type of this supply."
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                             opc(9), -- photo conductor
                      -- Values for Finisher MIB

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                      -- End of values for Finisher MIB

          PrtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnitTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
              STATUS     current
                  "Unit of this marker supply container/receptacle."
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                            tenThousandthsOfInches(3),  -- .0001
                     Value for Finisher MIB
                            items(18)        -- e.g. number of staples

          PrtMarkerSuppliesClassTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              --  This value is a type 1 enumeration
              STATUS     current
                  "Indicates whether this supply entity represents a supply
                  that is consumed or a receptacle that is filled."
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {

          PrtMarkerColorantRoleTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

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              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
              STATUS       current
                   "The role played by this colorant."
              SYNTAX     INTEGER { --  Colorant Role

          -- Media Path Textual Conventions

          PrtMediaPathMaxSpeedPrintUnitTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
              STATUS       current
                   "The unit of measure used in specifying the speed of all
                   media paths in the printer."
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                             tenThousandthsOfInchesPerHour(3),-- .0001/hour

          PrtMediaPathTypeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              --   This value is a type 2 enumeration
              STATUS     current
                  "The type of the media path for this media path."
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {

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          -- Interpreter Group Textual Conventions

          PrtInterpreterTwoWayTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This is a type 1 enumeration
              STATUS current
                   "Indicates whether or not this interpreter returns
                   information back to the host."
              SYNTAX          INTEGER {

          -- Console Group Textual Conventions

          PrtConsoleColorTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This value is a type 2 enumeration
              STATUS     current
                  "The color of this light."
              SYNTAX INTEGER {

          -- Alert Group Textual Conventions

          PrtAlertSeverityLevelTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration

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              STATUS     current
                   "The level of severity of this alert table entry.  The
                   printer determines the severity level assigned to each
                   entry into the table. A warning is defined to be a non-
                   critical alert. The value also indicates whether the
                   event is a binary change event or a unary change event."
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {

          PrtAlertTrainingLevelTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This value is a type 2 enumeration
              STATUS     current
                   "The level of training required to handle this alert, if
                   human intervention is required. The
                   noInterventionRequired value should be used if the event
                   does not require any human intervention. The training
                   level is an enumeration that is determined and assigned
                   by the printer manufacturer based on the information or
                   the training required to handle this alert.  The printer
                   will break alerts into these different training levels.
                   It is the responsibility of the management application
                   in the system to determine how a particular alert is
                   handled and how and to whom that alert is routed.  The
                   following are the four training levels of alerts:

                   Field Service - Alerts that typically require advanced
                                   training and technical knowledge of the
                                   printer and its sub-units. An example of
                                   a technical person would be a
                                   manufacturer's Field Service
                                   representative, or other person formally
                                   trained by the manufacturer or similar
                   Trained -       Alerts that require an intermediate or
                                   moderate level of knowledge of the
                                   printer and its sub-units. A typical
                                   examples of alerts that a trained
                                   operator can handle is replacing
                                   toner cartridges.

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                   Untrained -     Alerts that can be fixed without prior
                                   training either because the action to
                                   correct the alert is obvious or the
                                   printer can help the untrained person
                                   fix the problem. A typical example of
                                   such an alert is reloading paper trays
                                   and emptying output bins on a low end
                   Management -    Alerts that have to do with overall
                                   operation of and configuration of the
                                   printer. Examples of management events
                                   are configuration change of sub-units."
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {

          PrtAlertGroupTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration for values in the range
              -- 1 to 29.
              -- Values of 30 and greater are type 2 enumerations and are
              -- for use in other MIBs that augment tables in the Printer
              -- MIB. Therefore, other MIBs may assign alert codes of 30 or
              -- higher to use the alert table from the Printer MIB without
              -- requiring revising and re-publishing this document.
              STATUS     current
                   "The type of sub-unit within the printer model that this
                   alert is related.  Input, output, and markers are
                   examples of printer model groups, i.e., examples of
                   types of sub-units. Wherever possible, these
                   enumerations match the sub-identifier that identifies
                   the relevant table in the printer MIB.

                   NOTE: Alert type codes have been added for the host
                   resources MIB storage table and device table. These
                   additional types are for situations in which the
                   printer's storage and device objects
                   must generate alerts (and possibly traps for critical

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              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                     -- Values for Finisher MIB
                     -- End of values for Finisher MIB

          PrtAlertCodeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              -- This value is a type 2 enumeration
              STATUS     current
                   "The code that describes the type of alert for this
                   entry in the table. Binary change event alerts describe
                   states of the subunit while unary change event alerts
                   describe a single event. The same alert code can be used
                   for a binary change event or a unary change event,
                   depending on implementation. Also, the same alert code
                   can be used to indicate a critical or a non-critical
                   (warning) alert, depending on implementation. The value
                   of prtAlertSeverityLevel specifies binary vs. unary and
                   critical vs. non-critical for each event for the

                   While there are some specific codes for many subunits,
                   the generic codes should be used for most subunit
                   alerts. The network management station can then query

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                   the subunit specified by prtAlertGroup to determine
                   further subunit status and other subunit information.

                   An agent shall not add two entries to the alert table
                   for the same event, one containing a generic event code
                   and the other containing a specific event code; the
                   agent shall add only one entry in the alert table for
                   each event; either generic (preferred) or specific, not

                   Implementation of the unary change event
                   alertRemovalOfBinaryChangeEntry(1801) is optional. When
                   implemented, this alert code shall indicate to network
                   management stations that the trailing edge of a binary
                   change event has occurred and the corresponding alert
                   entry has been removed from the alert table. As with all
                   events, the alertRemovalOfBinaryChangeEntry(1801) alert
                   shall be placed at the end of the alert table. Such an
                   alert table entry shall specify the following

                   prtAlertSeverityLevel   warningUnaryChangeEvent(4)
                   prtAlertTrainingLevel   noInterventionRequired(7)
                   prtAlertGroup           alert(18)
                   prtAlertGroupIndex      the index of the row in the
                                           alert table of the binary
                                           change event that this event
                                           has removed.
                   prtAlertLocation        unknown (-2)
                   prtAlertCode       alertRemovalOfBinaryChangeEntry(1801)
                   prtAlertDescription     <description or null string>
                   prtAlertTime            the value of sysUpTime at
                                           the time of the removal of the
                                           binary change event from the
                                           alert table.

                   Optionally, the agent may generate a trap coincident
                   with removing the binary change event and placing the
                   unary change event alertRemovalOfBinaryChangeEntry(1801)
                   in the alert table. For such a trap, the prtAlertIndex
                   sent with the above trap parameters shall be the index
                   of the alertRemovalOfBinaryChangeEvent row that was
                   added to the prtAlertTable; not the index of the row
                   that was removed from the prtAlertTable."
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {

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                                  -- an event that is not represented
                                  -- by one of the alert codes
                                  -- specified below.
                                  -- The following generic codes are common
                                  -- to multiple groups. The NMS may
                                  -- examine the prtAlertGroup object
                                  -- to determine what group to query for
                                  -- further information.
                                  -- The subunit tray, bin, etc.
                                  -- has been removed.

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                      -- general Printer group
                          doorOpen(501),    -- DEPRECATED
                                            -- Use coverOpened(3)
                          doorClosed(502),  -- DEPRECATED
                                            -- Use coverClosed(4)
                                  -- The printer has been reset by some
                                  -- network management station(NMS)
                                  -- writing into 'prtGeneralReset'.
                                  -- The printer has been reset manually.
                                  -- The printer is ready to print. (i.e.,
                                  -- not warming up, not in power save
                                  -- state, not adjusting print quality,
                                  -- etc.).

                      -- Input Group
                              -- An interpreter has detected that a 
                              -- different medium is need in this input
                              -- tray subunit. The prtAlertDescription may
                              -- be used to convey a human readable
                              -- description of the medium required to
                              -- satisfy the request.
                              -- An interpreter has detected that manual
                              -- input is required in this subunit. The
                              -- prtAlertDescription may be used to convey
                              -- a human readable description of the medium
                              -- required to satisfy the request.

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                              -- The input tray failed to position 
                              -- correctly.
                      -- Output Group
                      -- Marker group
                      -- Marker Supplies group
                      -- Media Path Device Group
                      -- Interpreter Group
                              -- The interpreter has encountered a page

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                              -- that is too complex for the resources that
                              -- are available.
                      -- Alert Group
                              -- A binary change event entry has been
                              -- removed from the alert table. This unary
                              -- change alert table entry is added to the
                              -- end of the alert table.

          -- The General Printer Group
          -- The general printer sub-unit is responsible for the overall
          -- control and status of the printer.  There is exactly one
          -- general printer sub-unit in a printer.
          -- Implementation of every object in this group is mandatory.

          prtGeneral  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 5 }

          prtGeneralTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtGeneralEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                  "A table of general information per printer.
                  Objects in this table are defined in various
                  places in the MIB, nearby the groups to
                  which they apply.  They are all defined
                  here to minimize the number of tables that would
                  otherwise need to exist."
              ::= { prtGeneral 1 }

          prtGeneralEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      PrtGeneralEntry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS      current
                   "An entry exists in this table for each device entry in
                   the host resources MIB device table with a device type
                   of 'printer'"
              INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex }
              ::= { prtGeneralTable 1 }

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          PrtGeneralEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              -- Note that not all of the objects in this sequence are in
              -- the general printer group. The group to which a
              -- object belongs is tagged with a label "General", "Input"
              -- "Output", etc. after each entry in the following sequence
              prtGeneralConfigChanges         Counter32, -- General
              prtGeneralCurrentLocalization   Integer32, -- General
              prtGeneralReset                 PrtGeneralResetTC,
                                                         -- General
              prtGeneralCurrentOperator       OCTET STRING,
                                                  -- Responsible Party
              prtGeneralServicePerson         OCTET STRING,
                                                  -- Responsible Party
              prtInputDefaultIndex            Integer32, -- Input
              prtOutputDefaultIndex           Integer32, -- Output
              prtMarkerDefaultIndex           Integer32, -- Marker
              prtMediaPathDefaultIndex        Integer32, -- Media Path
              prtConsoleLocalization          Integer32, -- Console
              prtConsoleNumberOfDisplayLines  Integer32, -- Console
              prtConsoleNumberOfDisplayChars  Integer32, -- Console
              prtConsoleDisable               INTEGER,   -- Console,
              prtAuxiliarySheetStartupPage    PresentOnOff,
                                                         -- AuxiliarySheet
              prtAuxiliarySheetBannerPage     PresentOnOff,
                                                         -- AuxiliarySheet,
              prtGeneralPrinterName           OCTET STRING,
                                                         -- General
              prtGeneralSerialNumber          OCTET STRING,
                                                         -- General
              prtAlertCriticalEvents          Counter32, -- Alert
              prtAlertAllEvents               Counter32  -- Alert

          prtGeneralConfigChanges OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "Counts configuration changes within the printer. A
                   configuration change is defined to be an action that
                   results in a change to any MIB object other than those
                   that reflect status or level, or those that act as
                   counters or gauges. In addition, any action that results
                   in a row being added or deleted from any table in the

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                   Printer MIB is considered a configuration change. Such
                   changes will often affect the capability of the printer
                   to service certain types of print jobs. Management
                   applications may cache infrequently changed
                   configuration information about sub-units within the
                   printer. This object should be incremented whenever the
                   agent wishes to notify management applications that any
                   cached configuration information for this device is to
                   be considered 'stale'. At this point, the management
                   application should flush any configuration information
                   cached about this device and fetch new configuration

                   The following are examples of actions that would cause
                   the prtGeneralConfigChanges object to be incremented:

                   - Adding an output bin
                   - Changing the media in a sensing input tray
                   - Changing the value of prtInputMediaType

                   Note that the prtGeneralConfigChanges counter would not
                   be incremented when an input tray is removed, or the
                   level of an input device changes."

              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 1 }

          prtGeneralCurrentLocalization OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                    "The value of the prtLocalizationIndex corresponding to
                    the current language, country, and character set to be
                    used for localized string values that are identified as
                    being dependent on the value of this object.  Note that
                    this object does not apply to localized strings in the
                    prtConsole group or to any object that is not
                    explicitly identified as being localized according to
              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 2 }

           prtGeneralReset OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 3 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtGeneralResetTC 
              MAX-ACCESS read-write

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              STATUS     current
                   "Setting this value to 'powerCycleReset',
                   'resetToNVRAM', or 'resetToFactoryDefaults' will result
                   in the resetting of the printer.  When read, this object
                   will always have the value 'notResetting(3)', and a SET
                   of the value 'notResetting' shall have no effect on the
                   printer.  Some of the defined values are optional.
                   However, every implementation must support at least the
                   values 'notResetting' and 'resetToNVRAM'."
              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 3 }

          -- The Responsible Party group
          -- This group is optional.  However, to claim conformance to this
          -- group, it is necessary to implement every object in the group.

          prtGeneralCurrentOperator OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..127))
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The name of the person who is responsible for operating
                   this printer. It is suggested that this string include
                   information that would enable other humans to reach the
                   operator, such as a phone number. As a convention to
                   facilitate automatic notification of the operator by the
                   agent or the network management station, the phone
                   number, fax number or email address should be placed on
                   a separate line starting with ASCII LF (hex 0x0A) and
                   the ASCII text string (without the quotes): 'phone: ',
                   'fax: ', and 'email: ', respectively. Phone numbers may
                   contain digits, spaces and parentheses, which shall be
                   ignored. Phone numbers may also include ASCII comma
                   characters(hex 2C) that are used to indicate a two-
                   second pause during the dialing sequence. If either the
                   phone, fax, or email information is not available, then
                   a line should not be included for this information.

                   NOTE: For interoperability purposes, it is advisable to
                   use email addresses formatted according to RFC 822
              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 4 }

          prtGeneralServicePerson OBJECT-TYPE

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              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..127))
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The name of the person responsible for servicing this
                   printer. It is suggested that this string include
                   information that would enable other humans to reach the
                   service person, such as a phone number. As a convention
                   to facilitate automatic notification of the service
                   person by the agent or a network management station, the
                   phone number, fax number or email address should be
                   placed on a separate line starting with ASCII LF (hex
                   0x0A) and the ASCII text string (without the quotes):
                   'phone: ', 'fax: ', and 'email: ', respectively. Phone
                   numbers may contain digits, spaces and parentheses,
                   which shall be ignored. Phone numbers can also include
                   one or more ASCII comma characters(hex 2C) to indicate a
                   two-second pause during the dialing sequence. If either
                   the phone, fax, or email information is not available,
                   then a line should not included for this information.

                   NOTE: For interoperability purposes, it is advisable to
                   use email addresses formatted according to RFC 822

              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 5 }

          -- Default indexes section
          -- The following four objects are used to specify the indexes of
          -- certain subunits used as defaults during the printing process.

          prtInputDefaultIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The value of prtInputIndex corresponding to the default
                   input sub-unit: that is, this object selects the default
                   source of input media.

                   This value shall be -1 if there is no default input
                   subunit specified for the printer as a whole.  In this
                   case, the actual default input subunit may be specified

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                   by means outside the scope of this MIB, such as by each
                   interpreter in a printer with multiple interpreters."

              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 6 }

          prtOutputDefaultIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The value of prtOutputIndex corresponding to the
                   default output sub-unit; that is, this object selects
                   the default output destination.

                   This value shall be -1 if there is no default output
                   subunit specified for the printer as a whole.  In this
                   case, the actual default output subunit may be specified
                   by means outside the scope of this MIB, such as by each
                   interpreter in a printer with multiple interpreters."

              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 7 }

          prtMarkerDefaultIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                  "The value of prtMarkerIndex corresponding to the
                  default marker sub-unit; that is, this object selects the
                  default marker."
              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 8 }

          prtMediaPathDefaultIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                  "The value of prtMediaPathIndex corresponding to
                  the default media path; that is, the selection of the
                  default media path."
              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 9 }

          -- Console general section
          -- The following four objects describe overall parameters of the

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          -- printer console subsystem.

          prtConsoleLocalization OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The value of the prtLocalizationIndex corresponding to
                   the language, country, and character set to be used for
                   the console.  This localization applies both to the
                   actual display on the console as well as the encoding of
                   these console objects in management operations."
              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 10 }

          prtConsoleNumberOfDisplayLines OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The number of lines on the printer's physical
                  display.  This value is 0 if there are no lines on the
                  physical display or if there is no physical display"
              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 11 }

          prtConsoleNumberOfDisplayChars OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The number of characters per line displayed on the
                   physical display. This value is 0 if there are no lines
                   on the physical display or if there is no physical
              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 12 }

          prtConsoleDisable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                             operatorConsoleEnabled (3),
                             operatorConsoleDisabled (4),
                             operatorConsoleEnabledLevel1 (5),
                             operatorConsoleEnabledLevel2 (6),
                             operatorConsoleEnabledLevel3 (7)
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current

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                   "If the object prtConsoleDisable has value
                   'operatorConsoleDisabled' then input is not accepted
                   from the operator console. If the object
                   prtConsoleDisable has the value 'operatorConsoleEnabled'
                   then input is accepted from the operator console. If the
                   object prtConsoleDisable has the value
                   'operatorConsoleEnabledLevel2' or
                   'operatorConsoleEnabledLevel3' then limited input is
                   accepted from the operator console; the limitations are
                   product specific, however, the limitations are generally
                   less restrictive for operatorConsoleEnabledLevel1 than
                   for operatorConsoleEnabledLeve2, which is less
                   restrictive than operatorConsoleEnabledLevel3.

                   The value of the prtConsoleDisable object is a type-2
              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 13 }

          -- The Auxiliary Sheet Group
          -- The auxiliary sheet group allows the administrator to control
          -- the production of auxiliary sheets by the printer. This group
          -- contains only the "prtAuxiliarySheetStartupPage" and
          -- "prtAuxiliarySheetBannerPage" objects.
          -- This group is optional. However, to claim conformance to this
          -- group it is necessary to implement every object in the group.

          prtAuxiliarySheetStartupPage OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
               MAX-ACCESS read-write
               STATUS     current
                   "Used to enable or disable printing a startup page. If
                   enabled, a startup page will be printed shortly after
                   power-up, when the device is ready. Typical startup
                   pages include test patterns and/or printer configuration
               ::= { prtGeneralEntry 14 }

          prtAuxiliarySheetBannerPage OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX     PresentOnOff

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               MAX-ACCESS read-write
               STATUS     current
                   "Used to enable or disable printing banner pages at the
                   beginning of jobs. This is a master switch which applies
                   to all jobs, regardless of interpreter."
               ::= { prtGeneralEntry 15 }

          -- Administrative section
          -- The following two objects are used to specify administrative
          -- information assigned to the printer.

          prtGeneralPrinterName OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127))
               MAX-ACCESS read-write
               STATUS     current
                   "An administrator-specified name for this printer.
                   Depending upon implementation of this printer, the value
                   of this object may or may not be same as the value for
                   the MIB-II 'SysName' object."
               ::= { prtGeneralEntry 16 }

          prtGeneralSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
               MAX-ACCESS read-write
               STATUS     current
                   "A recorded serial number for this device that indexes
                   some type device catalog or inventory. This value is
                   usually set by the device manufacturer but the MIB
                   supports the option of writing for this object for site-
                   specific administration of device inventory or
              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 17 }

          -- General alert table section
          -- The following two objects are used to specify counters
          -- associated with the Alert Table.

          prtAlertCriticalEvents OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only

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              STATUS     current
                   "A running counter of the number of critical alert
                   events that have been recorded in the alert table. The
                   value of this object is RESET in the event of a power
                   cycle operation (i.e., the value is not persistent."
              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 18 }

          prtAlertAllEvents OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "A running counter of the total number of alert event
                   entries (critical and non-critical) that have been
                   recorded in the alert table"
              ::= { prtGeneralEntry 19 }

          -- The Cover Table
          -- The cover portion of the General print sub-unit describes the
          -- covers and interlocks of the printer.  The Cover Table has an
          -- entry for each cover and interlock.

          prtCover    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 6 }

          prtCoverTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtCoverEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                  "A table of the covers and interlocks of the printer."
              ::= { prtCover 1 }

          prtCoverEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtCoverEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                  "Information about a cover or interlock.
                  Entries may exist in the table for each device
                  index with a device type of 'printer'."
              INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtCoverIndex }
              ::= { prtCoverTable 1 }

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          PrtCoverEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              prtCoverIndex            Integer32,
              prtCoverDescription      OCTET STRING,
              prtCoverStatus           PrtCoverStatusTC

          prtCoverIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "A unique value used by the printer to identify this
                   Cover sub-unit.  Although these values may change due to
                   a major reconfiguration of the device (e.g. the addition
                   of new cover sub-units to the printer), values are
                   expected to remain stable across successive printer
                   power cycles."
              ::= { prtCoverEntry 1 }

          prtCoverDescription OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The manufacturer provided cover sub-mechanism name in
                   the localization specified by
              ::= { prtCoverEntry 2 }

          prtCoverStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
              --  This value is a type 2 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtCoverStatusTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The status of this cover sub-unit."
              ::= { prtCoverEntry 3 }

          -- The Localization Table
          -- The localization portion of the General printer sub-unit is
          -- responsible for identifying the natural language, country, and
          -- character set in which character strings are expressed. There
          -- may be one or more localizations supported per printer. The

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          -- available localizations are represented by the Localization
          -- table.

          prtLocalization  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 7 }

          prtLocalizationTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtLocalizationEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                  "The available localizations in this printer."
              ::= { prtLocalization 1 }

          prtLocalizationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtLocalizationEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                  "A description of a localization.
                  Entries may exist in the table for each device
                  index with a device type of 'printer'."
              INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtLocalizationIndex }
              ::= { prtLocalizationTable 1 }

          PrtLocalizationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                  prtLocalizationIndex          Integer32,
                  prtLocalizationLanguage       DisplayString,
                  prtLocalizationCountry        DisplayString,
                  prtLocalizationCharacterSet   CodedCharSet

          prtLocalizationIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "A unique value used by the printer to identify this
                   localization entry.  Although these values may change
                   due to a major reconfiguration of the device (e.g., the
                   addition of new localization data to the printer),
                   values are expected to remain stable across successive
                   printer power cycles."
              ::= { prtLocalizationEntry 1 }

          prtLocalizationLanguage OBJECT-TYPE

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              SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE(0..2))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "A two character language code from ISO 639.  Examples
                   en, gb, ca, fr, de."
              ::= { prtLocalizationEntry 2 }

          prtLocalizationCountry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE(0..2))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "A two character country code from ISO 3166, a blank
                   string (two space characters) shall indicate that the
                   country is not defined.  Examples: US, FR, DE, ..."
              ::= { prtLocalizationEntry 3 }

          prtLocalizationCharacterSet OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     CodedCharSet
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                "The coded character set used for this localization."
              ::= { prtLocalizationEntry 4 }

          -- The System Resources Tables
          -- The Printer MIB makes use of the Host Resources MIB to
          -- define system resources by referencing the storage
          -- and device groups of the print group.  In order to
          -- determine, amongst multiple printers serviced by
          -- one agent, which printer owns a particular resource,
          -- the prtStorageRef and prtDeviceRef tables associate
          -- particular storage and device entries to printers.

          prtStorageRefTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtStorageRefEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
              ::= { prtGeneral 2 }

          prtStorageRefEntry OBJECT-TYPE

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              SYNTAX     PrtStorageRefEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "This table will have an entry for each entry in the
                   Host Resources MIB storage table that represents storage
                   associated with a printer managed by this agent."
              INDEX      { hrStorageIndex, prtStorageRefSeqNumber }
              ::= { prtStorageRefTable 1 }

          PrtStorageRefEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              prtStorageRefSeqNumber  Integer32,
              prtStorageRefIndex      Integer32

          prtStorageRefSeqNumber OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "This value will be unique amongst all entries with a
                   common value of hrStorageIndex. This object allows a
                   storage entry to point to the multiple printer devices
                   with which it is associated."

              ::= { prtStorageRefEntry 1 }

          prtStorageRefIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The value of the hrDeviceIndex of the printer device
                   that this storageEntry is associated with."
              ::= { prtStorageRefEntry 2 }

          prtDeviceRefTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtDeviceRefEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
              ::= { prtGeneral 3 }

          prtDeviceRefEntry OBJECT-TYPE

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              SYNTAX     PrtDeviceRefEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "This table will have an entry for each entry in the
                   Host Resources MIB device table that represents a device
                   associated with a printer managed by this agent."
              INDEX      { hrDeviceIndex, prtDeviceRefSeqNumber }
              ::= { prtDeviceRefTable 1 }

          PrtDeviceRefEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              prtDeviceRefSeqNumber   Integer32,
              prtDeviceRefIndex       Integer32

          prtDeviceRefSeqNumber OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "This value will be unique amongst all entries with a
                   common value of hrDeviceIndex. This object allows a
                   device entry to point to the multiple printer devices
                   with which it is associated."
              ::= { prtDeviceRefEntry 1 }

          prtDeviceRefIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The value of the hrDeviceIndex of the printer device
                   that this deviceEntry is associated with."
              ::= { prtDeviceRefEntry 2 }

          -- The Input Group
          -- Input sub-units are managed as a tabular, indexed collection
          -- of possible devices capable of providing media for input to
          -- the printing process. Input sub-units typically have a
          -- location, a type, an identifier, a set of constraints on
          -- possible media sizes and potentially other media
          -- characteristics, and may be capable of indicating current
          -- status or capacity.

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          -- Implementation of every object in this group is mandatory.

          prtInput   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 8 }

          prtInputTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtInputEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "A table of the devices capable of providing media for
                   input to the printing process."
              ::= { prtInput 2 }

          prtInputEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtInputEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "Attributes of a device capable of providing media for
                   input to the printing process. Entries may exist in the
                   table for each device index with a device type of
              INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtInputIndex }
              ::= { prtInputTable 1 }

          PrtInputEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                  prtInputIndex                     Integer32,
                  prtInputType                      PrtInputTypeTC,
                  prtInputDimUnit                   PrtMediaUnitTC,
                  prtInputMediaDimFeedDirDeclared   Integer32,
                  prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirDeclared  Integer32,
                  prtInputMediaDimFeedDirChosen     Integer32,
                  prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirChosen    Integer32,
                  prtInputCapacityUnit              PrtCapacityUnitTC,
                  prtInputMaxCapacity               Integer32,
                  prtInputCurrentLevel              Integer32,
                  prtInputStatus                    PrtSubUnitStatusTC,
                  prtInputMediaName                 OCTET STRING,
                  prtInputName                      OCTET STRING,
                  prtInputVendorName                OCTET STRING,
                  prtInputModel                     OCTET STRING,
                  prtInputVersion                   OCTET STRING,

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                  prtInputSerialNumber              OCTET STRING,
                  prtInputDescription               OCTET STRING,
                  prtInputSecurity                  PresentOnOff,
                  prtInputMediaWeight               Integer32,
                  prtInputMediaType                 OCTET STRING,
                  prtInputMediaColor                OCTET STRING,
                  prtInputMediaFormParts            Integer32,
                  prtInputMediaLoadTimeout          Integer32,
                  prtInputNextIndex                 Integer32

          prtInputIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "A unique value used by the printer to identify this
                   input sub-unit. Although these values may change due to
                   a major reconfiguration of the device (e.g. the addition
                   of n input sub-units to the printer), values are
                   expected to remain stable across successive printer
                   power cycles."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 1 }

          prtInputType OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtInputTypeTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The type of technology (discriminated primarily
                   according to feeder mechanism type) employed by the
                   input sub-unit.  Note, the Optional Input Class provides
                   for a descriptor field to further qualify the other
              ::= { prtInputEntry 2 }

          prtInputDimUnit OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtMediaUnitTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The unit of measurement for use calculating and relaying
                   dimensional values for this input sub-unit."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 3 }

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          prtInputMediaDimFeedDirDeclared OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "This object provides the value of the declared
                   dimension, in the feed direction, of the media that is
                   (or, if empty, was or will be) in this input sub-unit.
                   The feed direction is the direction in which the media
                   is fed on this sub-unit.  This dimension is measured in
                   input sub-unit dimensional units (prtInputDimUnit).  If
                   this input sub-unit can reliably sense this value, the
                   value is sensed by the printer and may not be changed by
                   management requests.  Otherwise, the value may be
                   changed. The value (-1) means other and specifically
                   means that this sub-unit places no restriction on this

                   The value (-2) indicates unknown."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 4 }

          prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirDeclared OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "This object provides the value of the declared
                   dimension, in the cross feed direction, of the media
                   that is (or, if empty, was or will be) in this input
                   sub-unit.  The cross  feed direction is ninety degrees
                   relative to the feed direction associated with this sub-
                   unit. This dimension is measured in input sub-unit
                   dimensional units (prtInputDimUnit).  If this input sub-
                   unit can reliably sense this value, the value is sensed
                   by the printer and may not be changed by management
                   requests. Otherwise, the value may be changed. The value
                   (-1) means other and specifically means that this sub-
                   unit places no restriction on this parameter. The value
                   (-2) indicates unknown."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 5 }

          prtInputMediaDimFeedDirChosen OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current

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                   "The printer will act as if media of the chosen
                   dimension (in the feed direction) is present in this
                   input source.  Note that this value will be used even if
                   the input tray is empty. Feed dimension measurements are
                   taken relative to the feed direction associated with
                   that sub-unit and are in input sub-unit dimensional
                   units (MediaUnit). If the printer supports the declared
                   dimension, the granted dimension is the same as the
                   declared dimension. If not, the granted dimension is set
                   to the closest dimension that the printer supports when
                   the declared dimension is set. The value (-1) means
                   other and specifically indicates that this sub-unit
                   places no restriction on this parameter. The value (-2)
                   indicates unknown."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 6 }

          prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirChosen OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The printer will act as if media of the chosen
                   dimension (in the cross feed direction) is present in
                   this input source. Note that this value will be used
                   even if the input tray is empty.  The cross feed
                   direction is ninety degrees relative to the feed
                   direction associated with this sub-unit. This dimension
                   is measured in input sub-unit dimensional units
                   (MediaUnit).  If the printer supports the declare
                   dimension, the granted dimension is the same as the
                   declared dimension. If not, the granted dimension is set
                   to the closest dimension that the printer supports when
                   the declared dimension is set. The value (-1) means
                   other and specifically indicates that this sub-unit
                   places no restriction on this parameter.  The value (-2)
                   indicates unknown."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 7 }

          prtInputCapacityUnit OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtCapacityUnitTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current

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                   "The unit of measurement for use in calculating and
                   relaying capacity values for this input sub-unit."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 8 }

          prtInputMaxCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The maximum capacity of the input sub-unit in input
                   sub-unit capacity units (PrtCapacityUnitTC).  There is
                   no convention associated with the media itself so this
                   value reflects claimed capacity. If this input sub-unit
                   can reliably sense this value, the value is sensed by
                   the printer and may not be changed by management
                   requests; otherwise, the value may be written (by a
                   Remote Control Panel or a Management Application). The
                   value (-1) means other and specifically indicates that
                   the sub-unit places no restrictions on this parameter.
                   The value (-2) means unknown."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 9 }

          prtInputCurrentLevel OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 --    in capacity units
                                   --   (PrtCapacityUnitTC).
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The current capacity of the input sub-unit in input
                   sub-unit capacity units (PrtCapacityUnitTC). If this
                   input sub-unit can reliably sense this value, the value
                   is sensed by the printer and may not be changed by
                   management requests; otherwise, the value may be written
                   (by a Remote Control Panel or a Management Application).
                   The value (-1) means other and specifically indicates
                   that the sub-unit places no restrictions on this
                   parameter. The value (-2) means unknown. The value (-3)
                   means that the printer knows that at least one unit
              ::= { prtInputEntry 10 }

          prtInputStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtSubUnitStatusTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current

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                  "The current status of this input sub-unit."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 11 }

          prtInputMediaName OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "A description of the media contained in this input sub-
                   unit; This description is intended for display to a
                   human operator. This description is not processed by the
                   printer.  It is used to provide information not
                   expressible in terms of the other media attributes (e.g.
                   prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirChosen, prtInputMediaWeight,
                   prtInputMediaType). An example would be 'legal tender
                   bond paper'."
                   "See Appendix C, 'Media Names'."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 12 }

          --             INPUT MEASUREMENT
          --     _______ |               |
          --      ^      |               |
          --      |      |               |                 |
          --      |      |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| _______________ |direction
          --      |      |               |      ^          v
          -- MaxCapacity |    Sheets     |      |
          --      |      |     left      | CurrentLevel
          --      |      |      in       |      |
          --      v      |     tray      |      v
          --     _______ +_______________+ _______

          -- The Extended Input Group
          -- This group is optional.  However, to claim conformance to this
          -- group, it is necessary to implement every object in the group.

          prtInputName OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
              MAX-ACCESS read-write

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              STATUS     current
                  "The name assigned to this input sub-unit."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 13 }

          prtInputVendorName OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The vendor name of this input sub-unit."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 14 }

          prtInputModel OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The model name of this input sub-unit."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 15 }

          prtInputVersion OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The version of this input sub-unit."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 16 }

          prtInputSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The serial number assigned to this input sub-unit."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 17 }

          prtInputDescription OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "A free-form text description of this input sub-unit in
                   the localization specified by

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              ::= { prtInputEntry 18 }

          prtInputSecurity OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "Indicates if this input sub-unit has some security
                   associated with it."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 19 }

          -- The Input Media Group
          -- The Input Media Group supports identification of media
          -- installed or available for use on a printing device.
          -- Medium resources are identified by name, and include a
          -- collection of characteristic attributes that may further be
          -- used for selection and management of them.
          -- The Input Media group consists of a set of optional
          -- "columns" in the Input Table. In this manner, a minimally
          -- conforming implementation may choose to not support reporting
          -- of media resources if it cannot do so.
          -- This group is optional.  However, to claim conformance to this
          -- group, it is necessary to implement every object in the group.

          prtInputMediaWeight  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The weight of the medium associated with this input
                   sub-unit in grams / per meter squared. The value (-2)
                   means unknown."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 20 }

          prtInputMediaType OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The name of the type of medium associated with this
                   input sub-unit. This name need not be processed by the
                   printer; it might simply be displayed to an operator.

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                   The standardized string values from ISO 10175 (DPA) and
                   ISO 10180 (SPDL) are:

                   stationery       Separately cut sheets of an opaque
                   transparency     Separately cut sheets of a transparent
                   envelope         Envelopes that can be used for
                                    conventional mailing purposes
                   envelope-plain   Envelopes that are not preprinted and
                                    have no windows
                   envelope-window  Envelopes that have windows for
                                    addressing purposes
                   continuous-long  Continuously connected sheets of an
                                    opaque material connected along the
                                    long edge
                   continuous-short Continuously connected sheets of an
                                    opaque material connected along the
                                    short edge
                   tab-stock        Media with tabs
                   multi-part-form  Form medium composed of multiple layers
                                    not pre-attached to one another; each
                                    sheet may be drawn separately from an
                                    input source
                   labels           Label stock
                   multi-layer      Form medium composed of multiple layers
                                    which are pre-attached to one another;
                                    e.g., for use with impact printers.

                   Implementers may add additional string values. The
                   conventions in ISO 9070 are recommended in order to
                   potential name clashes."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 21 }

          prtInputMediaColor OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                  "The name of the color of the medium associated with
                  this input sub-unit using standardized string values
                  from ISO 10175 (DPA) and ISO 10180 (SPDL) which are:

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                  Implementers may add additional string values. The naming
                  conventions in ISO 9070 are recommended in order to avoid
                  potential name clashes."
              ::= { prtInputEntry 22 }

          prtInputMediaFormParts OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The number of parts associated with the medium
                   associated with this input sub-unit if the medium is a
                   multi-part form.  The value (-1) means other and
                   specifically indicates that the device places no
                   restrictions on this parameter.  The value (-2) means
              ::= { prtInputEntry 23 }

          -- The Input Switching Group
          -- The input switching group allows the administrator to set the
          -- input subunit time-out for the printer and to control the
          -- automatic input subunit switching by the printer when an input
          -- subunit becomes empty.
          -- This group is optional. However, to claim conformance to this
          -- group, it is required to implement every object in the group.

          prtInputMediaLoadTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX     Integer32
             MAX-ACCESS read-write
             STATUS     current

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                   "When the printer is not able to print due to a subunit
                   being empty or the requested media must be manually
                   loaded, the printer will wait for the duration (in
                   seconds) specified by this object. Upon expiration of
                   the time-out, the printer will take the action specified
                   by prtInputNextIndex.

                   The event which causes the printer to enter the waiting
                   state is product specific. If the printer is not waiting
                   for manually fed media, it may switch from an empty
                   subunit to a different subunit without waiting for the
                   time-out to expire.

                   A value of (-1) implies 'other' or 'infinite' which
                   translates to 'wait forever'. The action which causes
                   printing to continue is product specific. A value of (-
                   2) implies 'unknown'."

             ::= { prtInputEntry 24 }

          prtInputNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX     Integer32
             MAX-ACCESS read-write
             STATUS     current
                   "The value of prtInputIndex corresponding to the input
                   subunit which will be used when this input subunit is
                   emptied and the time-out specified by
                   prtInputMediaLoadTimeout expires. A value of zero(0)
                   indicates that auto input switching will not occur when
                   this input subunit is emptied. If the time-out specified
                   by prtInputLoadMediaTimeout expires and this value is
                   zero(0), the job will be aborted. A value of (-1) means
                   other. The value (-2) means 'unknown' and specifically
                   indicates that an implementation specific method will
                   determine the next input subunit to use at the time this
                   subunit is emptied and the time-out expires. The value(-
                   3) means input switching is not supported for this
             ::= { prtInputEntry 25 }

          -- The Output Group
          -- Output sub-units are managed as a tabular, indexed collection
          -- of possible devices capable of receiving media delivered from

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          -- the printing process.  Output sub-units typically have a
          -- location, a type, an identifier, a set of constraints on
          -- possible media sizes and potentially other characteristics,
          -- and may be capable of indicating current status or capacity.
          -- Implementation of every object in this group is mandatory.

          prtOutput  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 9 }

          prtOutputTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtOutputEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "A table of the devices capable of receiving media
                   delivered from the printing process."
              ::= { prtOutput 2 }

          prtOutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtOutputEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "Attributes of a device capable of receiving media
                   delivered from the printing process. Entries may exist
                   in the table for each device index with a device type of
              INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtOutputIndex }
              ::= { prtOutputTable 1 }

          PrtOutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                  prtOutputIndex                    Integer32,
                  prtOutputType                     PrtOutputTypeTC,
                  prtOutputCapacityUnit             PrtCapacityUnitTC,
                  prtOutputMaxCapacity              Integer32,
                  prtOutputRemainingCapacity        Integer32,
                  prtOutputStatus                   PrtSubUnitStatusTC,
                  prtOutputName                     OCTET STRING,
                  prtOutputVendorName               OCTET STRING,
                  prtOutputModel                    OCTET STRING,
                  prtOutputVersion                  OCTET STRING,
                  prtOutputSerialNumber             OCTET STRING,
                  prtOutputDescription              OCTET STRING,
                  prtOutputSecurity                 PresentOnOff,

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                  prtOutputDimUnit                  PrtMediaUnitTC,
                  prtOutputMaxDimFeedDir            Integer32,
                  prtOutputMaxDimXFeedDir           Integer32,
                  prtOutputMinDimFeedDir            Integer32,
                  prtOutputMinDimXFeedDir           Integer32,
                  prtOutputStackingOrder        PrtOutputStackingOrderTC,
                  prtOutputBursting                 PresentOnOff,
                  prtOutputDecollating              PresentOnOff,
                  prtOutputPageCollated             PresentOnOff,
                  prtOutputOffsetStacking           PresentOnOff

          prtOutputIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                  "A unique value used by this printer to identify this
                  output sub-unit. Although these values may change due
                  to a major reconfiguration of the sub-unit (e.g.  the
                  addition of new output devices to the printer), values
                  are expected to remain stable across successive printer
                  power cycles."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 1 }

          prtOutputType OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 2 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtOutputTypeTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The type of technology supported by this output sub-
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 2 }

          prtOutputCapacityUnit OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtCapacityUnitTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The unit of measurement for use in calculating and
                   relaying capacity values for this output sub-unit."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 3 }

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          prtOutputMaxCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The maximum capacity of this output sub-unit in output
                   sub-unit capacity units (PrtCapacityUnitTC). There is no
                   convention associated with the media itself so this
                   value essentially reflects claimed capacity. If this
                   output sub-unit can reliably sense this value, the value
                   is sensed by the printer and may not be changed by
                   management requests; otherwise, the value may be written
                   (by a Remote Control Panel or a Management Application).
                   The value (-1) means other and specifically indicates
                   that the sub-unit places no restrictions on this
                   parameter. The value (-2) means unknown."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 4 }

          prtOutputRemainingCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The remaining capacity of the possible output sub-unit
                   capacity in output sub-unit capacity units
                   (PrtCapacityUnitTC)of this output sub-unit. If this
                   output sub-unit can reliably sense this value, the value
                   is sensed by the printer and may not be modified by
                   management requests; otherwise, the value may be written
                   (by a Remote Control Panel or a Management Application).
                   The value (-1) means other and specifically indicates
                   that the sub-unit places no restrictions on this
                   parameter.  The value (-2) means unknown.  The value (-
                   3) means that the printer knows that there remains
                   capacity for at least one unit."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 5 }

          prtOutputStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtSubUnitStatusTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The current status of this output sub-unit."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 6 }

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          --            OUTPUT MEASUREMENT
          --   _______  |                | ________
          --      ^     |                |     ^
          --      |     |                |     |
          --      |     |                |RemainingCapacity
          -- MaxCapacity|                |     |
          --      |     |                |     v           ^
          --      |     |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _______________ |direction
          --      |     |    Sheets      |                 |
          --      |     |      in        |
          --      v     |    Output      |
          --   _______  +________________+

          -- The Extended Output Group
          -- This group is optional.  However, to claim conformance to this
          -- group, it is necessary to implement every object in the group.

          prtOutputName OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                  "The name assigned to this output sub-unit."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 7 }

          prtOutputVendorName OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The vendor name of this output sub-unit."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 8 }

          prtOutputModel OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The model name assigned to this output sub-unit."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 9 }

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          prtOutputVersion OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The version of this output sub-unit."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 10 }

          prtOutputSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The serial number assigned to this output sub-unit."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 11 }

          prtOutputDescription OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "A free-form text description of this output sub-unit in
                   the localization specified by
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 12 }

          prtOutputSecurity OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "Indicates if this output sub-unit has some security
                   associated with it and if that security is enabled or
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 13 }

          -- The Output Dimensions Group
          -- This group is optional.  However, to claim conformance to this
          -- group, it is necessary to implement every object in the group.

          prtOutputDimUnit OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtMediaUnitTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only

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              STATUS     current
                   "The unit of measurement for use in calculating and
                   relaying dimensional values for this output sub-unit."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 14 }

          prtOutputMaxDimFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                  "The maximum dimensions supported by this output sub-unit
                  for measurements taken parallel relative to the feed
                  direction associated with that sub-unit in output
                  sub-unit dimensional units (MediaUnit). If this output
                  sub-unit can reliably sense this value, the value is
                  sensed by the printer and may not be changed with
                  management protocol operations."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 15 }

          prtOutputMaxDimXFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                  "The maximum dimensions supported by this output sub-unit
                  for measurements taken ninety degrees relative to the
                  feed direction associated with that sub-unit in output
                  sub-unit dimensional units (MediaUnit). If this output
                  sub-unit can reliably sense this value, the value is
                  sensed by the printer and may not be changed with
                  management protocol operations."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 16 }

          prtOutputMinDimFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                  "The minimum dimensions supported by this output sub-unit
                  for measurements taken parallel relative to the feed
                  direction associated with that sub-unit in output
                  sub-unit dimensional units (DimUnit).  If this output
                  sub-unit can reliably sense this value, the value is
                  sensed by the printer and may not be changed with

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                  management protocol operations."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 17 }

          prtOutputMinDimXFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                  "The minimum dimensions supported by this output sub-unit
                  for measurements taken ninety degrees relative to the
                  feed direction associated with that sub-unit in output
                  sub-unit dimensional units (DimUnit). If this output
                  sub-unit can reliably sense this value, the value is
                  sensed by the printer and may not be changed with
                  management protocol operations."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 18 }

          -- The Output Features Group
          -- This group is optional.  However, to claim conformance to this
          -- group, it is necessary to implement every object in the group.

          prtOutputStackingOrder OBJECT-TYPE
              --  This value is a type 1 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtOutputStackingOrderTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                  "The current state of the stacking order for the
                  associated output sub-unit. 'FirstToLast' means
                  that as pages are output the front of the next page is
                  placed against the back of the previous page.
                  'LasttoFirst' means that as pages are output the back
                  of the next page is placed against the front of the
                  previous page."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 19 }

          prtOutputPageDeliveryOrientation OBJECT-TYPE
              --   This value is a type 1 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtOutputPageDeliveryOrientationTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                  "The reading surface that will be 'up' when pages are
                  delivered to the associated output sub-unit. Values are

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                  faceUp and faceDown. (Note: interpretation of these
                  values is in general context-dependent based on locale;
                  presentation of these values to an end-user should be
                  normalized to the expectations of the user)."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 20 }

          prtOutputBursting OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "This object indicates that the outputting sub-unit
                   supports bursting, and if so, whether the feature is
                   enabled. Bursting is the process by which continuous
                   media is separated into individual sheets, typically by
                   bursting along pre-formed perforations."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 21 }

          prtOutputDecollating OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "This object indicates that the output supports
                   decollating, and if so, whether the feature is enabled.
                   Decollating is the process by which the individual parts
                   within a multi-part form are separated and sorted into
                   separate stacks for each part."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 22 }

          prtOutputPageCollated OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "This object indicates that the output sub-unit supports
                   page collation, and if so, whether the feature is
                   enabled. See glossary for definition of how this
                   document defines collation."
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 23 }

          prtOutputOffsetStacking OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current

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                   "This object indicates that the output supports offset
                   stacking, and if so, whether the feature is enabled. See
                   glossary for how Offset Stacking is defined by this
              ::= { prtOutputEntry 24 }

          -- The Marker Group
          -- A marker is the mechanism that produces marks on the print
          -- media. The marker sub-units and their associated supplies are
          -- represented by the Marker Group in the model.  A printer can
          -- contain one or more marking mechanisms.  Some examples of
          -- multiple marker sub-units are: a printer
          -- with separate markers for normal and magnetic ink or an
          -- imagesetter that can output to both a proofing device and
          -- final film. Each marking device can have its own set of
          -- characteristics associated with it, such as marking technology
          -- and resolution.
          -- Implementation of every object in this group is mandatory.

          prtMarker OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 10 }

          -- The printable area margins as listed below define an area of
          -- the print media which is guaranteed to be printable for all
          -- combinations of input, media paths, and interpreters for this
          -- marker.

          prtMarkerTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtMarkerEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
              ::= { prtMarker 2 }

          prtMarkerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtMarkerEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current

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                   "Entries may exist in the table for each device index
                   with a device type of 'printer'."
              INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtMarkerIndex }
              ::= { prtMarkerTable 1 }

          PrtMarkerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                  prtMarkerIndex                  Integer32,
                  prtMarkerMarkTech               PrtMarkerMarkTechTC,
                  prtMarkerCounterUnit            PrtMarkerCounterUnitTC,
                  prtMarkerLifeCount              Counter32,
                  prtMarkerPowerOnCount           Counter32,
                  prtMarkerProcessColorants       Integer32,
                  prtMarkerSpotColorants          Integer32,
                  prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit     INTEGER,
                  prtMarkerAddressabilityFeedDir  Integer32,
                  prtMarkerAddressabilityXFeedDir Integer32,
                  prtMarkerNorthMargin            Integer32,
                  prtMarkerSouthMargin            Integer32,
                  prtMarkerWestMargin             Integer32,
                  prtMarkerEastMargin             Integer32,
                  prtMarkerStatus                 PrtSubUnitStatusTC

          prtMarkerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "A unique value used by the printer to identify this
                   marking SubUnit.  Although these values may change due
                   to a major reconfiguration of the device (e.g. the
                   addition of new marking sub-units to the printer),
                   values are expected to remain stable across successive
                   printer power cycles."
              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 1 }

          prtMarkerMarkTech OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 2 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtMarkerMarkTechTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The type of marking technology used for this marking

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              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 2 }

          prtMarkerCounterUnit OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtMarkerCounterUnitTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The unit that will be used by the printer when
                   reporting counter values for this marking sub-unit.  The
                   time units of measure are provided for a device like a
                   strip recorder that does not or cannot track the
                   physical dimensions of the media and does not use
                   characters, lines or sheets."
              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 3}

          prtMarkerLifeCount OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The count of the number of units of measure counted
                   during the life of printer using units of measure as
                   specified by prtMarkerCounterUnit."
              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 4 }

          prtMarkerPowerOnCount OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The count of the number of units of measure counted
                   since the equipment was most recently powered on using
                   units of measure as specified by prtMarkerCounterUnit."
              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 5 }

          prtMarkerProcessColorants OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The number of process colors supported by this marker.
                   A process color of 1 implies monochrome.  The value of
                   this object and prtMarkerSpotColorants cannot both be 0.

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                   The value of prtMarkerProcessColorants must be 0 or
              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 6 }

          prtMarkerSpotColorants OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The number of spot colors supported by this marker. The
                   value of this object and prtMarkerProcessColorants
                   cannot both be 0.  Must be 0 or greater."
              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 7 }

          prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit OBJECT-TYPE
              --   This value is a type 1 enumeration
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                             tenThousandthsOfInches(3),  -- .0001
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The unit of measure of distances, as applied to the
                   marker's resolution."
              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 8 }

          prtMarkerAddressabilityFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The maximum number of addressable marking positions in
                   the feed direction per 10000 units of measure specified
                   by prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit.  A value of (-1) implies
                   'other' or 'infinite' while a value of (-2) implies
              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 9 }

          prtMarkerAddressabilityXFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current

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                   "The maximum number of addressable marking positions in
                   the cross feed direction in 10000 units of measure
                   specified by prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit.  A value of (-
                   1) implies 'other' or 'infinite' while a value of (-2)
                   implies 'unknown'."
              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 10 }

          prtMarkerNorthMargin OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The margin, in units identified by
                   prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit, from the leading edge of
                   the medium as the medium flows through the marking
                   engine with the side to be imaged facing the observer.
                   The leading edge is the North edge and the other edges
                   are defined by the normal compass layout of  directions
                   with the compass facing the observer.  Printing within
                   the area bounded by all four margins is guaranteed for
                   all interpreters.   The value (-2) means unknown."
              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 11 }

          prtMarkerSouthMargin OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The margin from the South edge  (see
                   prtMarkerNorthMargin) of the medium in units identified
                   by prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit.  Printing within the
                   area bounded by all four margins  is guaranteed for all
                   interpreters. The value (-2) means unknown."
              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 12 }

          prtMarkerWestMargin OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The margin from the West edge (see
                   prtMarkerNorthMargin) of the medium in units identified
                   by prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit. Printing within the area
                   bounded by all four margins is guaranteed for all
                   interpreters. The value (-2) means unknown."

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              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 13 }

          prtMarkerEastMargin OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The margin from the East edge (see
                   prtMarkerNorthMargin) of the medium in units identified
                   by prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit. Printing within the area
                   bounded by all four margins is guaranteed for all
                   interpreters. The value (-2) means unknown."
              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 14 }

          prtMarkerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtSubUnitStatusTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The current status of this marker sub-unit."
              ::= { prtMarkerEntry 15 }

          -- The Marker Supplies Group
          -- This group is optional.  However, to claim conformance to this
          -- group, it is necessary to implement every object in the group.

          prtMarkerSupplies OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 11 }

          prtMarkerSuppliesTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtMarkerSuppliesEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "A table of the marker supplies available on this
              ::= { prtMarkerSupplies 1 }

          prtMarkerSuppliesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtMarkerSuppliesEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current

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                   "Attributes of a marker supply. Entries may exist in the
                   table for each device index with a device type of
              INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtMarkerSuppliesIndex }
              ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesTable 1 }

          PrtMarkerSuppliesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              prtMarkerSuppliesIndex          Integer32,
              prtMarkerSuppliesMarkerIndex    Integer32,
              prtMarkerSuppliesColorantIndex  Integer32,
              prtMarkerSuppliesClass          PrtMarkerSuppliesClassTC,
              prtMarkerSuppliesType           PrtMarkerSuppliesTypeTC,
              prtMarkerSuppliesDescription    OCTET STRING,
              prtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnit    PrtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnitTC,
              prtMarkerSuppliesMaxCapacity    Integer32,
              prtMarkerSuppliesLevel          Integer32

          prtMarkerSuppliesIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "A unique value used by the printer to identify this
                   marker supply.  Although these values may change due to
                   a major reconfiguration of the device (e.g. the addition
                   of new marker supplies to the printer), values are
                   expected to remain stable across successive power
          ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 1 }

          prtMarkerSuppliesMarkerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The value of prtMarkerIndex corresponding to the
                   marking sub-unit with which this marker supply sub-unit
                   is associated."
              ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 2 }

          prtMarkerSuppliesColorantIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-only

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              STATUS     current
                   "The value of prtMarkerColorantIndex corresponding to
                   the colorant with which this marker supply sub-unit is
                   associated.  This value shall be 0 if there is no
                   colorant table or if this supply does not depend on a
                   single specified colorant."
              ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 3 }

          prtMarkerSuppliesClass OBJECT-TYPE
              --  This value is a type 1 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtMarkerSuppliesClassTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "Indicates whether this supply entity represents a
                   supply that is consumed or a receptacle that is filled."
              ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 4 }

          prtMarkerSuppliesType OBJECT-TYPE
              --   This value is a type 3 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtMarkerSuppliesTypeTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The type of this supply."
              ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 5 }

          prtMarkerSuppliesDescription OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The description of this supply container/receptacle in
                   the localization specified by
              ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 6 }

          prtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnit OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnitTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current

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                   "Unit of measure of this marker supply
              ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 7 }

          prtMarkerSuppliesMaxCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The maximum capacity of this supply
                   container/receptacle expressed in
                   prtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnit. If this supply
                   container/receptacle can reliably sense this value, the
                   value is reported by the printer and is read-only;
                   otherwise, the value may be written (by a Remote Control
                   Panel or a Management Application). The value (-1) means
                   other and specifically indicates that the sub-unit
                   places no restrictions on this parameter. The value (-2)
                   means unknown."
              ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 8 }

          prtMarkerSuppliesLevel OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The current level if this supply is a container;
                   remaining space if this supply is a receptacle. If this
                   supply container/receptacle can reliably sense this
                   value, the value is reported by the printer and is read-
                   only; otherwise, the value may be written (by a Remote
                   Control Panel or a Management Application). The value (-
                   1) means other and specifically indicates that the sub-
                   unit places no restrictions on this parameter. The value
                   (-2) means unknown.  A value of (-3) means that the
                   printer knows that there is some supply/remaining space,
              ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 9 }

          -- The Marker Colorant Group
          -- This group is optional.  However, to claim conformance to this
          -- group, it is necessary to implement every object in the group.

          prtMarkerColorant OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 12 }

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          prtMarkerColorantTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtMarkerColorantEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "A table of all of the colorants available on the
              ::= { prtMarkerColorant 1 }

          prtMarkerColorantEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtMarkerColorantEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "Attributes of a colorant available on the printer.
                   Entries may exist in the table for each device index
                   with a device type of 'printer'."
              INDEX { hrDeviceIndex, prtMarkerColorantIndex }
              ::= { prtMarkerColorantTable 1 }

          PrtMarkerColorantEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                  prtMarkerColorantIndex          Integer32,
                  prtMarkerColorantMarkerIndex    Integer32,
                  prtMarkerColorantRole           PrtMarkerColorantRoleTC,
                  prtMarkerColorantValue          OCTET STRING,
                  prtMarkerColorantTonality       Integer32

          prtMarkerColorantIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                  "A unique value used by the printer to identify this
                  colorant. Although these values may change due to a major
                  reconfiguration of the device (e.g. the addition of new
                  colorants to the printer)."
              ::= { prtMarkerColorantEntry 1 }

          prtMarkerColorantMarkerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current

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                   "The value of prtMarkerIndex corresponding to the marker
                   sub-unit with which this colorant entry is associated."
              ::= { prtMarkerColorantEntry 2 }

          prtMarkerColorantRole OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtMarkerColorantRoleTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The role played by this colorant."
              ::= { prtMarkerColorantEntry 3 }

          prtMarkerColorantValue OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The name of the color of this colorant using
                   standardized string names from ISO 10175 (DPA) and ISO
                   10180 (SPDL) which are:
                   Implementers may add additional string values. The
                   naming conventions in ISO 9070 are recommended in order
                   to avoid potential name clashes"
              ::= { prtMarkerColorantEntry 4 }

          prtMarkerColorantTonality OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The distinct levels of tonality realizable by a marking
                   sub-unit when using this colorant.  This value does not
                   include the number of levels of tonal difference that an

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                   interpreter can obtain by techniques such as half
                   toning. This value must be at least 2."
              ::= { prtMarkerColorantEntry 5 }

          -- The Media Path Group
          -- The media paths encompass the mechanisms in the printer that
          -- move the media through the printer and connect all other media
          -- related sub-units: inputs, outputs, markers and finishers. A
          -- printer contains one or more media paths. These are
          -- represented by the Media Path Group in the model. The Media
          -- Path group has some attributes that apply to all
          -- paths plus a table of the separate media paths.

          prtMediaPath OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 13 }

          prtMediaPathTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtMediaPathEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
              ::= { prtMediaPath 4 }

          prtMediaPathEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtMediaPathEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "Entries may exist in the table for each device index
                   with a device type of 'printer'."
              INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtMediaPathIndex }
              ::= { prtMediaPathTable 1 }

          PrtMediaPathEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              prtMediaPathIndex               Integer32,
              prtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit       PrtMediaUnitTC,
              prtMediaPathMaxSpeed            Integer32,
              prtMediaPathMaxMediaFeedDir     Integer32,
              prtMediaPathMaxMediaXFeedDir    Integer32,
              prtMediaPathMinMediaFeedDir     Integer32,
              prtMediaPathMinMediaXFeedDir    Integer32,

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              prtMediaPathType                PrtMediaPathTypeTC,
              prtMediaPathDescription         OCTET STRING,
              prtMediaPathStatus              PrtSubUnitStatusTC

          prtMediaPathIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "A unique value used by the printer to identify this
                   media path. Although these values may change due to a
                   major reconfiguration of the device (e.g. the addition
                   of new media paths to the printer), values are expected
                   to remain stable across successive printer power
              ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 1 }

          prtMediaPathMaxSpeedPrintUnit OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
              SYNTAX PrtMediaPathMaxSpeedPrintUnitTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The unit of measure used in specifying the speed of all
                   media paths in the printer."
              ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 2 }

          prtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtMediaUnitTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The units of measure of media size for use in
                   calculating and relaying dimensional values for all
                   media paths in the printer."
              ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 3 }

          prtMediaPathMaxSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current

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                   "The maximum printing speed of this media path expressed
                   in prtMediaPathMaxSpeedUnit's.  A value of (-1) implies
              ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 4 }

          prtMediaPathMaxMediaFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The maximum physical media size in the feed direction
                   of this media path expressed in units of measure
                   specified by PrtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit.  A value of (-1)
                   implies 'unlimited' a value of (-2) implies 'unknown'"
              ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 5 }

          prtMediaPathMaxMediaXFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The maximum physical media size across the feed
                   direction of this media path expressed in units of
                   measure specified by prtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit.  A value
                   of (-2) implies 'unknown'."
              ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 6 }

          prtMediaPathMinMediaFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The minimum physical media size in the feed direction
                   of this media path expressed in units of measure
                   specified by prtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit. A value of (-2)
                   implies 'unknown'."
              ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 7 }

          prtMediaPathMinMediaXFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The minimum physical media size across the feed
                   direction of this media path expressed in units of

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                   measure specified by prtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit.  A value
                   of (-2) implies 'unknown'."
              ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 8 }

          prtMediaPathType OBJECT-TYPE
              --   This value is a type 2 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtMediaPathTypeTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The type of the media path for this media path."
              ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 9 }

          prtMediaPathDescription OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The manufacturer-provided description of this media
                   path in the localization specified by
              ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 10 }

          prtMediaPathStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtSubUnitStatusTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The current status of this media path."
              ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 11 }

          -- The Print Job Delivery Channel Group
          -- Implementation of every object in this group is mandatory.
          -- Print Job Delivery Channels are independent sources of print
          -- data. Here, print data is the term used for the information
          -- that is used to construct printed pages and may have both data
          -- and control aspects. The output of a channel is in a form
          -- suitable for input to one of the interpreters as a
          -- stream. A channel may be independently enabled (allowing
          -- print data to flow) or disabled (stopping the flow of
          -- print data). A printer may have one or more channels.
          -- The Print Job Delivery Channel table describes the

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          -- capabilities of the printer and not what is currently being
          -- performed by the printer
          -- Basically, the print job delivery channel abstraction
          -- describes the final processing step of getting the print data
          -- to an interpreter. It might include some level of
          -- decompression or decoding of print stream data.
          -- channel. All of these aspects are hidden in the channel
          -- abstraction.
          -- There are many kinds of print job delivery channels; some of
          -- which are based on networks and others which are not. For
          -- example, a channel can be a serial (or parallel) connection;
          -- it can be a service, such as the UNIX Line Printer Daemon
          -- (LPD), offering services over a network connection; or
          -- it could be a disk drive into which a floppy disk with
          -- the print data is inserted. Each print job delivery channel is
          -- identified by the electronic path and/or service protocol
          -- used to deliver print data to a print data interpreter.
          -- Channel example                   Implementation
          -- serial port channel            bi-directional data channel
          -- parallel port channel          often uni-directional channel
          -- IEEE 1284 port channel         bi-directional channel
          -- SCSI port channel              bi-directional
          -- Apple PAP channel              may be based on LocalTalk,
          --                                Ethernet or Tokentalk
          -- LPD Server channel             TCP/IP based, port 515
          -- Netware Remote Printer         SPX/IPX based channel
          -- Netware Print Server           SPX/IPX based channel
          -- It is easy to note that this is a mixed bag.  There are
          -- some physical connections over which no (or very meager)
          -- protocols are run (e.g. the serial or old parallel ports)
          -- and there are services which often have elaborate
          -- protocols that run over a number of protocol stacks. In
          -- the end, what is important is the delivery of print data
          -- through the channel.
          -- The print job delivery channel sub-units are represented by
          -- the Print Job Delivery Channel Group in the Model. It has a
          -- current print job control language, which can be used to
          -- specify which interpreter is to be used for the print data and
          -- to query and change environment variables used by the

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          -- interpreters (and Management Applications). There is also a
          -- default interpreter that is to be used if an interpreter is
          -- not explicitly specified using the Control Language.

          -- The first seven items in the Print Job Delivery Channel Table
          -- define the "channel" itself.  A channel typically depends on
          -- other protocols and interfaces to provide the data that flows
          -- through the channel.
          -- Control of a print job delivery channel is largely limited to
          -- enabling or disabling the entire channel itself. It is likely
          -- that more control of the process of accessing print data
          -- will be needed over time. Thus, the ChannelType will
          -- allow type-specific data to be associated with each
          -- channel (using ChannelType specific groups in a fashion
          -- analogous to the media specific MIBs that are associated
          -- with the IANAIfType in the Interfaces Table). As a first
          -- step in this direction, each channel will identify the
          -- underlying Interface on which it is based. This is the
          -- eighth object in each row of the table.

          -- The Print Job Delivery Channel Table
          -- The prtChannelTable represents the set of input data sources
          -- which can provide print data to one or more of the
          -- interpreters available on a printer

          prtChannel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 14 }

          prtChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtChannelEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
              ::= { prtChannel 1 }

          prtChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtChannelEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current

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                   "Entries may exist in the table for each device index
                   with a device type of 'printer'."
              INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtChannelIndex }
              ::= { prtChannelTable 1 }

          PrtChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              prtChannelIndex                     Integer32,
              prtChannelType                      PrtChannelTypeTC,
              prtChannelProtocolVersion           OCTET STRING,
              prtChannelCurrentJobCntlLangIndex   Integer32,
              prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex  Integer32,
              prtChannelState                     PrtChannelStateTC,
              prtChannelIfIndex                   Integer32,
              prtChannelStatus                    PrtSubUnitStatusTC,
              prtChannelInformation               OCTET STRING

          prtChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "A unique value used by the printer to identify this
                   data channel.  Although these values may change due to a
                   major reconfiguration of the device (e.g. the addition
                   of new data channels to the printer), values are
                   expected to remain stable across successive printer
                   power cycles."
              ::= { prtChannelEntry 1 }

          prtChannelType OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtChannelTypeTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The type of this print data channel.  This object
                   provides the linkage to ChannelType-specific groups that
                   may (conceptually) extend the prtChannelTable with
                   additional details about that channel."
              ::= { prtChannelEntry 2 }

          prtChannelProtocolVersion OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current

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                   "The version of the protocol used on this channel.  The
                   format used for version numbering depends on
              ::= { prtChannelEntry 3 }

          prtChannelCurrentJobCntlLangIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The value of prtInterpreterIndex corresponding to the
                   Control Language Interpreter for this channel. This
                   interpreter defines the syntax used for control
                   functions, such as querying or changing environment
                   variables and identifying job boundaries (e.g. PJL,
                   PostScript, NPAP). A value of zero indicates that there
                   is no current Job Control Language Interpreter for this
              ::= { prtChannelEntry 4 }

          prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The value of prtInterpreterIndex corresponding to the
                   Page Description Language Interpreter for this channel.
                   This interpreter defines the default Page Description
                   Language interpreter to be used for the print data
                   unless the Control Language is used to select a specific
                   interpreter (e.g., PCL, PostScript Language, auto-
                   sense). A value of zero indicates that there is no
                   default page description language interpreter for this
              ::= { prtChannelEntry 5 }

          prtChannelState OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtChannelStateTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current

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                   "The state of this print data channel. The value
                   determines whether control information and print data is
                   allowed through this channel or not."
              ::= { prtChannelEntry 6 }

          prtChannelIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The value of ifIndex (in the ifTable; see the interface
                   section of MIB-2/RFC 1213) which corresponds to this
                   channel. When more than one row of the ifTable is
                   relevant, this is the index of the row representing the
                   topmost layer in the interface hierarchy.  A value of
                   zero indicates that no interface is associated with this
              ::= { prtChannelEntry 7 }

          prtChannelStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtSubUnitStatusTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The current status of the channel."
              ::= { prtChannelEntry 8 }

          prtChannelInformation OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "Auxiliary information to allow a printing application
                   to use the channel for data submission to the printer.
                   An application capable of using a specific
                   PrtChannelType should be able to use the combined
                   information from the prtChannelInformation and other
                   channel and interface group objects to 'bootstrap' its
                   use of the channel.  prtChannelInformation is not
                   intended to provide a general channel description, nor
                   to provide information that is available once the
                   channel is in use.

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                   The encoding and interpretation of the
                   prtChannelInformation object is specific to channel
                   type.  The description of each PrtChannelType enum value
                   for which prtChannelInformation is defined specifies the
                   appropriate encoding and interpretation, including
                   interaction with other objects.  For channel types that
                   do not specify a prtChannelInformation value, its value
                   shall be null (0 length).

                   When a new PrtChannelType enumeration value is
                   registered, its accompanying description must specify
                   the encoding and interpretation of the
                   prtChannelInformation value for the channel type.
                   prtChannelInformation semantics for an existing
                   PrtChannelType may be added or amended in the same
                   manner as described in section 2.4.1 for type 2
                   enumeration values.

                   The prtChannelInformation specifies values for a
                   collection of channel attributes, represented as text
                   according to the following rules:

                   1. The prtChannelInformation is not affected by

                   2. The prtChannelInformation is a list of entries
                   representing the attribute values.  Each entry consists
                   of the following items, in order:

                   a. a keyword, composed of alphabetic characters (A-Z,
                   a-z) represented by their NVT ASCII [NVT ASCII] codes,
                   that identifies a channel attribute,

                   b. the NVT ASCII code for an Equals Sign (=) (code 61)
                   to delimit the keyword,

                   c. a data value encoded using rules specific to the
                   PrtChannelType to with the prtChannelInformation applies
                   which must in no case allow an octet with value 10 (the
                   NVT ASCII Line Feed code),

                   d. the NVT ASCII code for a Line Feed character (code
                   10) to delimit the data value.

                   No other octets shall be present.

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                   Keywords are case-sensitive.  Conventionally, keywords
                   are capitalized (including each word of a multi-word
                   keyword) and since they occupy space in the
                   prtChannelInformation, they are kept short.

                   3. If a channel attribute has multiple values, it is
                   represented by multiple entries with the same keyword,
                   each specifying one value. Otherwise, there shall be at
                   most one entry for each attribute.

                   4. By default, entries may appear in any order.  If
                   there are ordering constraints for particular entries,
                   these must be specified in their definitions.

                   5. The prtChannelInformation value by default consists
                   of text represented by NVT ASCII graphics character
                   codes. However, other representations may be specified:

                   a. In cases where the prtChannelInformation value
                   contains information not normally coded in textual form,
                   whatever symbolic representation is conventionally used
                   for the information should be used for encoding the
                   prtChannelInformation value. (For instance, a binary
                   port value might be represented as a decimal number
                   using NVT ASCII codes.) Such encoding must be specified
                   in the definition of the value.

                   b. The value may contain textual information in a
                   character set other than NVT ASCII graphics characters.
                   (For instance, an identifier might consist of ISO 10646
                   text encoded using the UTF-8 encoding scheme.) Such a
                   character set and its encoding must be specified in the
                   definition of the value.

                   6. For each PrtChannelType for which
                   prtChannelInformation entries are defined, the
                   descriptive text associated with the PrtChannelType
                   enumeration value shall specify the following
                   information for each entry:

                   Title:        Brief description phrase, e.g.: 'Port
                                 name', 'Service Name', etc.

                   Keyword:      The keyword value, e.g.: 'Port' or

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                   Syntax:       The encoding of the entry value if it
                                 cannot be directly represented by NVT

                   Status:       'Mandatory', 'Optional', or 'Conditionally

                   Multiplicity: 'Single' or 'Multiple' to indicate whether
                                 the entry may be present multiple times.

                   Description:  Description of the use of the entry, other
                                 information required to complete the
                                 definition (e.g.: ordering constraints,
                                 interactions between entries).

                   Applications that interpret prtChannelInformation should
                   ignore unrecognized entries, so they are not affected if
                   new entry types are added."

               ::= { prtChannelEntry 9 }

          -- The Interpreter Group
          -- The interpreter sub-units are responsible for the conversion
          -- of a description of intended print instances into images that
          -- are to be marked on the media. A printer may have one or more
          -- interpreters. The interpreter sub-units are represented by the
          -- Interpreter Group in the Model. Each interpreter is generally
          -- implemented with software running on the System Controller
          -- sub-unit. The Interpreter Table has one entry per interpreter
          -- where the interpreters include both Page Description Language
          -- (PDL) Interpreters and Control Language Interpreters.
          -- Implementation of every object in this group is mandatory.

          prtInterpreter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 15 }

          --       Interpreter Table
          -- The prtInterpreterTable is a table representing the
          -- interpreters in the printer.  An entry shall be placed in the

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          -- interpreter table for each interpreter on the printer.

          prtInterpreterTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtInterpreterEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
              ::= { prtInterpreter 1 }

          prtInterpreterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtInterpreterEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "Entries may exist in the table for each device index
                   with a device type of 'printer'."
              INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtInterpreterIndex }
              ::= { prtInterpreterTable 1 }

          PrtInterpreterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              prtInterpreterIndex                 Integer32,
              prtInterpreterLangFamily         PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC,
              prtInterpreterLangLevel             OCTET STRING,
              prtInterpreterLangVersion           OCTET STRING,
              prtInterpreterDescription           OCTET STRING,
              prtInterpreterVersion               OCTET STRING,
              prtInterpreterDefaultOrientation    PrtPrintOrientationTC,
              prtInterpreterFeedAddressability    Integer32,
              prtInterpreterXFeedAddressability   Integer32,
              prtInterpreterDefaultCharSetIn      CodedCharSet,
              prtInterpreterDefaultCharSetOut     CodedCharSet,
              prtInterpreterTwoWay                PrtInterpreterTwoWayTC

          prtInterpreterIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "A unique value for each PDL or control language for
                   which there exists an interpreter or emulator in the
                   printer. The value is used to identify this interpreter.
                   Although these values may change due to a major
                   reconfiguration of the device (e.g. the addition of new

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                   interpreters to the printer), values are expected to
                   remain stable across successive printer power cycles."
              ::= { prtInterpreterEntry 1 }

          prtInterpreterLangFamily OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 2 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The family name of a Page Description Language (PDL) or
                   control language which this interpreter in the printer
                   can interpret or emulate."
              ::= { prtInterpreterEntry 2 }

          prtInterpreterLangLevel OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..31))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The level of the language which this interpreter is
                   interpreting or emulating.  This might contain a value
                   like '5e' for an interpreter which is emulating level 5e
                   of the PCL language. It might contain '2' for an
                   interpreter which is emulating level 2 of the PostScript
                   language. Similarly it might contain '2' for an
                   interpreter which is emulating level 2 of the HPGL
              ::= { prtInterpreterEntry 3 }

          prtInterpreterLangVersion OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..31))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The date code or version of the language which this
                   interpreter is interpreting or emulating."
              ::= { prtInterpreterEntry 4 }

          prtInterpreterDescription OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current

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                   "A string to identify this interpreter in the
                   localization specified by prtGeneralCurrentLocalization
                   as opposed to the language which is being interpreted.
                   It is anticipated that this string will allow
                   manufacturers to unambiguously identify their
              ::= { prtInterpreterEntry 5 }

          prtInterpreterVersion OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..31))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The date code, version number, or other product
                   specific information tied to this interpreter.  This
                   value is associated with the interpreter, rather than
                   with the version of the language which is being
                   interpreted or emulated."
              ::= { prtInterpreterEntry 6 }

          prtInterpreterDefaultOrientation OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtPrintOrientationTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The current orientation default for this interpreter.
                   This value may be overridden for a particular job (e.g.,
                   by a command in the input data stream)."
              ::= { prtInterpreterEntry 7 }

          prtInterpreterFeedAddressability OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The maximum interpreter addressability in the feed
                   direction in 10000 prtMarkerAddressabilityUnits (see
                   prtMarkerAddressabilityFeedDir ) for this interpreter.
                   The value (-1) means other and specifically indicates
                   that the sub-unit places no restrictions on this
              ::= { prtInterpreterEntry 8 }

          prtInterpreterXFeedAddressability OBJECT-TYPE

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              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The maximum interpreter addressability in the cross
                   feed direction in 10000 prtMarkerAddressabilityUnits
                   (see prtMarkerAddressabilityXFeedDir) for this
                   interpreter. The value (-1) means other and specifically
                   indicates that the sub-unit places no restrictions on
                   this parameter."
              ::= { prtInterpreterEntry 9 }

          prtInterpreterDefaultCharSetIn OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     CodedCharSet
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The default coded character set for input octets
                   encountered outside a context in which the Page
                   Description Language established the interpretation of
                   the octets. (Input octets are presented to the
                   interpreter through a path defined in the channel
                   group.) This value shall be (2) if there is no default."
               ::= { prtInterpreterEntry 10 }

          prtInterpreterDefaultCharSetOut OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     CodedCharSet
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The default character set for data coming from this
                   interpreter through the printer's output channel (i.e.
                   the 'backchannel'). This value shall be (2) if there is
                   no default."
              ::= { prtInterpreterEntry 11 }

          prtInterpreterTwoWay OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtInterpreterTwoWayTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "Indicates whether or not this interpreter returns
                   information back to the host."
              ::= { prtInterpreterEntry 12 }

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          -- The Console Group
          -- Many printers have a console on the printer, the operator
          -- console, that is used to display and modify the state of the
          -- printer. The console can be as simple as a few indicators and
          -- switches or as complicated as full screen displays and
          -- keyboards. There can be at most one such console.

          -- Implementation of every object in this group is mandatory.

          -- The Display Buffer Table

          prtConsoleDisplayBuffer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 16 }

          prtConsoleDisplayBufferTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtConsoleDisplayBufferEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "Physical display buffer for printer console display or
                   operator panel"
              ::= { prtConsoleDisplayBuffer 5 }

          prtConsoleDisplayBufferEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtConsoleDisplayBufferEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "This table contains one entry for each physical line on
                   the display.  Lines cannot be added or deleted. Entries
                   may exist in the table for each device index with a
                   device type of 'printer'."
              INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtConsoleDisplayBufferIndex }
              ::= { prtConsoleDisplayBufferTable 1 }

          PrtConsoleDisplayBufferEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              prtConsoleDisplayBufferIndex    Integer32,
              prtConsoleDisplayBufferText     OCTET STRING

          prtConsoleDisplayBufferIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current

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                   "A unique value for each console line in the printer.
                   The value is used to identify this console line.
                   Although these values may change due to a major
                   reconfiguration of the device (e.g. the addition of new
                   console lines to the printer). Values are normally
                   expected to remain stable across successive printer
                   power cycles."
              ::= { prtConsoleDisplayBufferEntry 1 }

          prtConsoleDisplayBufferText OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "The content of a line in the logical display buffer of
                   the operator's console of the printer.  When a write
                   operation occurs, normally a critical message, to one of
                   the LineText strings, the agent should make that line
                   displayable if a physical display is present.  Writing a
                   zero length string clears the line.  It is an
                   implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent
                   allows a line to be overwritten before it has been
                   cleared. Printer generated strings shall be in the
                   localization specified by prtConsoleLocalization.
                   Management Application generated strings should be
                   localized by the Management Application."
              ::= { prtConsoleDisplayBufferEntry 2 }

          -- The Console Light Table

          prtConsoleLights OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 17 }

          prtConsoleLightTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtConsoleLightEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
              ::= { prtConsoleLights 6 }

          prtConsoleLightEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtConsoleLightEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current

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                   "Entries may exist in the table for each device index
                   with a device type of 'printer'."
              INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtConsoleLightIndex }
              ::= { prtConsoleLightTable 1 }

          PrtConsoleLightEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              prtConsoleLightIndex            Integer32,
              prtConsoleOnTime                Integer32,
              prtConsoleOffTime               Integer32,
              prtConsoleColor                 PrtConsoleColorTC,
              prtConsoleDescription           OCTET STRING

          prtConsoleLightIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "A unique value used by the printer to identify this
                   light. Although these values may change due to a major
                   reconfiguration of the device (e.g. the addition of new
                   lights to the printer). Values are normally expected to
                   remain stable across successive printer power cycles."
              ::= { prtConsoleLightEntry 1 }

          prtConsoleOnTime OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                   "This object, in conjunction with prtConsoleOffTime,
                   defines the current status of the light.  If both
                   prtConsoleOnTime and prtConsoleOffTime are non-zero, the
                   lamp is blinking and the values presented define the on
                   time and off time, respectively, in milliseconds. If
                   prtConsoleOnTime is zero and prtConsoleOffTime is non-
                   zero, the lamp is off. If prtConsoleOffTime is zero and
                   prtConsoleOnTime is non-zero, the lamp is on. If both
                   values are zero the lamp is off."
              ::= { prtConsoleLightEntry 2 }

          prtConsoleOffTime OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-write

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              STATUS     current
                   "This object, in conjunction with prtConsoleOnTime,
                   defines the current status of the light. If both
                   prtConsoleOnTime and prtConsoleOffTime are non-zero, the
                   lamp is blinking and the values presented define the on
                   time and off time, respectively, in milliseconds. If
                   prtConsoleOnTime is zero and prtConsoleOffTime is non-
                   zero, the lamp is off. If prtConsoleOffTime is zero and
                   prtConsoleOnTime is non-zero, the lamp is on. If both
                   values are zero the lamp is off."
              ::= { prtConsoleLightEntry 3 }

          prtConsoleColor OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 2 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtConsoleColorTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                  "The color of this light."
              ::= { prtConsoleLightEntry 4 }

          prtConsoleDescription OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The vendor description or label of this light in the
                   localization specified by prtConsoleLocalization."
              ::= { prtConsoleLightEntry 5 }

          -- The Alerts Group
          -- The prtAlertTable lists all the critical and non-critical
          -- alerts currently active in the printer.  A critical alert is
          -- one that stops the printer from printing immediately and
          -- printing can not continue until the critical alert condition
          -- is eliminated.  Non-critical alerts are those items that do
          -- not stop printing but may at some future time.
          -- The table contains information on the severity, component,
          -- detail location within the component, alert code and
          -- description of each critical alert that is currently active
          -- within the printer.  See 2.2.13 for a more complete
          -- description of the alerts table and its management.

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          -- Each parameter in the Trap PDU is a full OID which itself is
          -- indexed by the host resources MIB "hrDeviceIndex" object. In
          -- order for a management station to obtain the correct
          -- "hrDeviceIndex" associated with a particular Trap PDU, the
          -- "hrDeviceIndex" value can be extracted from the returned OID
          -- value in the Trap PDU when the PDU is received by the
          -- Management station.
          -- Implementation of every object in this group is mandatory.

          prtAlert OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 18 }

          prtAlertTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtAlertEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
              ::= { prtAlert 1 }

          prtAlertEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     PrtAlertEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                  "Entries may exist in the table for each device
                  index with a device type of 'printer'."
              INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtAlertIndex }
              ::= { prtAlertTable 1 }

          PrtAlertEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              prtAlertIndex               Integer32,
              prtAlertSeverityLevel       PrtAlertSeverityLevelTC,
              prtAlertTrainingLevel       PrtAlertTrainingLevelTC,
              prtAlertGroup               PrtAlertGroupTC,
              prtAlertGroupIndex          Integer32,
              prtAlertLocation            Integer32,
              prtAlertCode                PrtAlertCodeTC,
              prtAlertDescription         OCTET STRING,
              prtAlertTime                TimeTicks

          prtAlertIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)

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              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                   "The index value used to determine which alerts have
                   been added or removed from the alert table. This is an
                   incrementing integer starting from zero every time the
                   printer is reset.  When the printer adds an alert to the
                   table, that alert is assigned the next higher integer
                   value from the last item entered into the table.  If the
                   index value reaches its maximum value, the next item
                   entered will cause the index value to roll over and
                   start at zero again.  The first event placed in the
                   alert table after a reset of the printer shall have an
                   index value of 1.  NOTE: The management application will
                   read the alert table when a trap or event notification
                   occurs or at a periodic rate and then parse the table to
                   determine if any new entries were added by comparing the
                   last known index value with the current highest index
                   value. The management application will then update its
                   copy of the alert table.  When the printer discovers
                   that an alert is no longer active, the printer shall
                   remove the row for that alert from the table and shall
                   reduce the number of rows in the table.  The printer may
                   add or delete any number of rows from the table at any
                   time.  The management station can detect when binary
                   change alerts have been deleted by requesting an
                   attribute of each alert, and noting alerts as deleted
                   when that retrieval is not possible."
              ::= { prtAlertEntry 1 }

          prtAlertSeverityLevel OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtAlertSeverityLevelTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The level of severity of this alert table entry.  The
                   printer determines the severity level assigned to each
                   entry into the table."
              ::= { prtAlertEntry 2 }

          prtAlertTrainingLevel OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 2 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtAlertTrainingLevelTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only

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              STATUS     current
                  "See textual convention PrtAlertTrainingLevelTC"
              ::= { prtAlertEntry 3 }

          prtAlertGroup OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 1 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtAlertGroupTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The type of sub-unit within the printer model that this
                   alert is related. Input, output, and markers are
                   examples of printer model groups, i.e., examples of
                   types of sub-units. Wherever possible, these
                   enumerations match the sub-identifier that identifies
                   the relevant table in the printmib."
              ::= { prtAlertEntry 4 }

          prtAlertGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "An index of the row within the principle table in the
                   group identified by prtAlertGroup that represents the
                   sub-unit of the printer that caused this alert.  The
                   combination of the prtAlertGroup and the
                   prtAlertGroupIndex defines exactly which printer sub-
                   unit caused the alert; for example, Input #3, Output #2,
                   and Marker #1. Every object in this MIB is indexed with
                   hrDeviceIndex and optionally, another index variable.
                   If this other index variable is present in the table
                   that generated the alert, it will be used as the value
                   for this object.  Otherwise, this value shall be -1."
              ::= { prtAlertEntry 5 }

          prtAlertLocation OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The sub-unit location that is defined by the printer
                   manufacturer to further refine the location of this
                   alert within the designated sub-unit.  The location is

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                   used in conjunction with the Group and GroupIndex
                   values; for example, there is an alert in Input #2 at
                   location number 7. The value (-2) indicates unknown"
              ::= { prtAlertEntry 6 }

          prtAlertCode OBJECT-TYPE
              -- This value is a type 2 enumeration
              SYNTAX     PrtAlertCodeTC
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "See associated textual convention PrtAlertCodeTC"
              ::= { prtAlertEntry 7}

          prtAlertDescription OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "A description of this alert entry in the localization
                   specified by prtGeneralCurrentLocalization.  The
                   description is provided by the printer to further
                   elaborate on the enumerated alert or provide information
                   in the case where the code is classified as 'other' or
                   'unknown'.  The printer is required to return a
                   description string but the string may be a null
              ::= { prtAlertEntry 8 }

          prtAlertTime OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     TimeTicks
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                   "The value of sysUpTime at the time that this alert was
              ::= { prtAlertEntry 9 }

          printerV1Alert OBJECT-IDENTITY
              STATUS  current
                   "The value of the enterprise-specific OID in an SNMPv1
                   trap sent signaling a critical event in the

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              ::= { prtAlert 2 }

          printerV2AlertPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printerV1Alert 0 }

          printerV2Alert NOTIFICATION-TYPE
              OBJECTS { prtAlertIndex, prtAlertSeverityLevel,
          prtAlertGroup, prtAlertGroupIndex, prtAlertLocation, prtAlertCode
              STATUS  current
                   "This trap is sent whenever a critical event is added to
                   the prtAlertTable."
              ::= { printerV2AlertPrefix 1 }

          -- Note that the SNMPv2 to SNMPv1 translation rules dictate that
          -- the preceding structure will result in SNMPv1 traps of the
          -- following form:
          -- printerAlert TRAP-TYPE
          --     ENTERPRISE printerV1Alert
          --     VARIABLES { prtAlertIndex, prtAlertSeverityLevel,
          --                 prtAlertGroup, prtAlertGroupIndex,
          --                 prtAlertLocation, prtAlertCode }
          --     DESCRIPTION
          --        "This trap is sent whenever a critical event is added
          --         to the prtAlertTable."
          --     ::= 1

          -- Conformance Information

          prtMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 2 }

          -- compliance statements
          prtMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
              STATUS  current
                  "The compliance statement for agents that implement the
                  printer MIB."

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              MODULE -- this module
              MANDATORY-GROUPS { prtGeneralGroup, prtInputGroup,
                                 prtMarkerGroup, prtMediaPathGroup,
                                 prtChannelGroup, prtInterpreterGroup,
                                 prtConsoleGroup, prtAlertTableGroup }

                  OBJECT      prtGeneralReset
                  SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                   "It is conformant to implement just these two states in
                   this object.  Any additional states are optional."

                 OBJECT    prtGeneralCurrentLocalization
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtGeneralCurrentOperator
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtGeneralServicePerson
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtAuxiliarySheetStartupPage
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtAuxiliarySheetBannerPage
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtGeneralPrinterName
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

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                 OBJECT    prtGeneralSerialNumber
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInputDefaultIndex
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInputMediaDimFeedDirDeclared
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInputMaxCapacity
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInputCurrentLevel
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInputMediaName
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInputName
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInputSecurity
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInputMediaWeight
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

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                 OBJECT    prtInputMediaType
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInputMediaColor
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInputMediaFormParts
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInputMediaLoadTimeout
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInputNextIndex
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtOutputDefaultIndex
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtOutputMaxCapacity
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtOutputRemainingCapacity
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtOutputName
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

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                 OBJECT    prtOutputSecurity
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtOutputMaxDimFeedDir
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtOutputMaxDimXFeedDir
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtOutputMinDimFeedDir
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtOutputMinDimXFeedDir
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtOutputStackingOrder
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtOutputPageDeliveryOrientation
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtOutputBursting
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtOutputDecollating
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

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                 OBJECT    prtOutputPageCollated
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtOutputOffsetStacking
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtMarkerDefaultIndex
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtMarkerSuppliesMaxCapacity
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtMarkerSuppliesLevel
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtMediaPathDefaultIndex
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtChannelCurrentJobCntlLangIndex
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtChannelState
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

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                 OBJECT    prtChannelIfIndex
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInterpreterDefaultOrientation
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInterpreterDefaultCharSetIn
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtInterpreterDefaultCharSetOut
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtConsoleLocalization
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtConsoleDisable
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT    prtConsoleDisplayBufferText
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT      prtConsoleOnTime
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

                 OBJECT      prtConsoleOffTime
                 MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                   "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only"

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                 GROUP       prtResponsiblePartyGroup
                   "This group is unconditionally optional."

                 GROUP       prtExtendedInputGroup
                   "This group is unconditionally optional."

                 GROUP       prtInputMediaGroup
                   "This group is unconditionally optional."

                 GROUP       prtExtendedOutputGroup
                   "This group is unconditionally optional."

                 GROUP       prtOutputDimensionsGroup
                   "This group is unconditionally optional."

                 GROUP       prtOutputFeaturesGroup
                   "This group is unconditionally optional."

                 GROUP       prtMarkerSuppliesGroup
                   "This group is unconditionally optional."

                 GROUP       prtMarkerColorantGroup
                   "This group is unconditionally optional."

                 GROUP       prtAuxiliarySheetGroup
                   "This group is unconditionally optional."

                 GROUP       prtInputSwitchingGroup
                   "This group is unconditionally optional."

              ::= { prtMIBConformance 1 }

          prtMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prtMIBConformance 2 }

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          prtGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtGeneralConfigChanges,
                        prtGeneralReset, prtCoverDescription,
                        prtLocalizationLanguage, prtLocalizationCountry,
                        prtLocalizationCharacterSet, prtStorageRefIndex,
                        prtDeviceRefIndex, prtGeneralPrinterName,
                        prtGeneralSerialNumber }
              STATUS  current
                  "The general printer group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 1 }

          prtResponsiblePartyGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtGeneralCurrentOperator, prtGeneralServicePerson
              STATUS  current
                   "The responsible party group contains contact
                   information for humans responsible for the printer."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 2 }

          prtInputGroup OBJECT-GROUP
               OBJECTS { prtInputDefaultIndex, prtInputType,
                         prtInputDimUnit, prtInputMediaDimFeedDirDeclared,
                         prtInputCapacityUnit, prtInputMaxCapacity,
                         prtInputCurrentLevel, prtInputStatus,
                         prtInputMediaName }
              STATUS  current
                  "The input group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 3 }

          prtExtendedInputGroup OBJECT-GROUP
               OBJECTS { prtInputName, prtInputVendorName, prtInputModel,
                         prtInputVersion, prtInputSerialNumber,
                         prtInputDescription, prtInputSecurity }
              STATUS  current
                  "The extended input group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 4 }

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          prtInputMediaGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtInputMediaWeight, prtInputMediaType,
                        prtInputMediaColor, prtInputMediaFormParts }
              STATUS  current
                  "The input media group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 5 }

          prtOutputGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtOutputDefaultIndex, prtOutputType,
                        prtOutputCapacityUnit, prtOutputMaxCapacity,
                        prtOutputRemainingCapacity,  prtOutputStatus }
              STATUS  current
                  "The output group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 6 }

          prtExtendedOutputGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtOutputName, prtOutputVendorName, prtOutputModel,
                        prtOutputVersion, prtOutputSerialNumber,
                        prtOutputDescription, prtOutputSecurity }
              STATUS  current
                  "The extended output group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 7 }

          prtOutputDimensionsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtOutputDimUnit, prtOutputMaxDimFeedDir,
                        prtOutputMaxDimXFeedDir, prtOutputMinDimFeedDir,
                        prtOutputMinDimXFeedDir }
              STATUS  current
                  "The output dimensions group"
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 8 }

          prtOutputFeaturesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtOutputStackingOrder,
                        prtOutputDecollating, prtOutputPageCollated,
                        prtOutputOffsetStacking }
              STATUS  current
                  "The output features group."

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              ::= { prtMIBGroups 9 }

          prtMarkerGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtMarkerDefaultIndex, prtMarkerMarkTech,
                        prtMarkerCounterUnit, prtMarkerLifeCount,
                        prtMarkerPowerOnCount, prtMarkerProcessColorants,
                        prtMarkerSouthMargin, prtMarkerWestMargin,
                        prtMarkerEastMargin, prtMarkerStatus }
              STATUS  current
                  "The marker group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 10 }

          prtMarkerSuppliesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtMarkerSuppliesMarkerIndex,
                        prtMarkerSuppliesLevel }
              STATUS  current
                  "The marker supplies group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 11 }

          prtMarkerColorantGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtMarkerColorantMarkerIndex,
                        prtMarkerColorantValue, prtMarkerColorantTonality }
              STATUS  current
                  "The marker colorant group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 12 }

          prtMediaPathGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtMediaPathDefaultIndex,

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                        prtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit, prtMediaPathMaxSpeed,
                        prtMediaPathMinMediaXFeedDir, prtMediaPathType,
                        prtMediaPathDescription, prtMediaPathStatus}
              STATUS  current
                  "The media path group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 13 }

          prtChannelGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtChannelType, prtChannelProtocolVersion,
                        prtChannelIfIndex, prtChannelStatus,
                        prtChannelInformation }
              STATUS  current
                  "The channel group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 14 }

          prtInterpreterGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtInterpreterLangFamily, prtInterpreterLangLevel,
                        prtInterpreterTwoWay }
              STATUS  current
                  "The interpreter group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 15 }

          prtConsoleGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtConsoleLocalization,
                        prtConsoleNumberOfDisplayChars, prtConsoleDisable,
                        prtConsoleDisplayBufferText, prtConsoleOnTime,
                        prtConsoleOffTime, prtConsoleColor,

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                        prtConsoleDescription }
              STATUS  current
                  "The console group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 16 }

          prtAlertTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtAlertCriticalEvents, prtAlertAllEvents,
                        prtAlertSeverityLevel, prtAlertTrainingLevel,
                        prtAlertGroup, prtAlertGroupIndex,
                        prtAlertCode, prtAlertDescription, prtAlertTime }
              STATUS  current
                  "The alert table group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 17 }

          -- prtAlertTimeGroup has been DEPRECATED (prtMIBGroups 18 )

          prtAuxiliarySheetGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtAuxiliarySheetStartupPage,
                        prtAuxiliarySheetBannerPage }
              STATUS  current
                  "The auxiliary sheet group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 19 }

          prtInputSwitchingGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { prtInputMediaLoadTimeout, prtInputNextIndex }
              STATUS  current
               "The input switching group."
              ::= { prtMIBGroups 20 }


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          INTERNET DRAFT          Printer MIB              October 30, 1998

          Appendix A - Glossary of Terms

          Addressability - On the marker, the number of distinct marking
          units (pels) per unit of addressability unit that can be set; for
          example, 300 dots per inch is expressed as 300 per 1000
          Thousandths Of Inches and 4 dots per millimeter is 4 per 1000
          Micrometers. Addressability is not resolution because marks that
          are one addressability position apart may not be independently
          resolvable by the eye due to factors such as gain in the area of
          marks so they overlap or nearly touch.

          Alert - A reportable event for which there is an entry in the
          alert table.

          Bin - An output sub-unit which may or may not be removable.

          Binary Change Event - An event which comes in pairs; the leading
          edge event and the trailing edge event. The leading edge event
          enters a state from which there is only one exit. A binary change
          event may be critical or non-critical. See unary change event.

          Bursting - The process by which continuous media is separated
          into individual sheets, typically by bursting along pre-formed

          Channel - A term used to describe a single source of data which
          is presented to a printer.  The model that we use in describing a
          printer allows for an arbitrary number of channels.  Multiple
          channels can exist on the same physical port.  This is commonly
          done over Ethernet ports where EtherTalk, TCP/IP, and SPX/IPX
          protocols can be supplying different data streams simultaneously
          to a single printer on the same physical port.

          Collation - In multiple copy output, placing the pages from
          separate copies into separate ordered sets, ready for binding.

          Control Language - A data syntax or language for controlling the
          printer through the print data channel.

          Critical Alert - An alert triggered by an event which leads to a
          state in which printing is no longer possible; the printer is

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          Decollating - The process by which the individual parts within a
          multi-part form are separated and sorted into separate stacks for
          each part.

          Description - Information about the configuration and
          capabilities of the printer and its various sub-units.

          DPA - ISO 10175 Document Printing Application standard.  A
          standard for a client server protocol for a print system,
          including (1) submitting print jobs to and (2) managing print
          jobs in a spooler.

          Event - A state change in the printer.

          Group - A collection of objects that represent a type of sub-unit
          of the printer.

          IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.  See STD 2, RFC 1700.

          Idempotent - Idempotence is the property of an operation that
          results in the same state no matter how many times it is executed
          (at least once).  This is a property that is shared by true
          databases in which operations on data items only change the state
          of the data item and do not have other side effects.  Because the
          SNMP data model is that of operations on a database, SNMP MIB
          objects should be assumed to be idempotent.  If a MIB object is
          defined in a non-idempotent way, the this data model can break in
          subtle ways when faced with packet loss, multiple managers, and
          other common conditions.

          In order to fulfill the common need for actions to result from
          SNMP Set operations, SNMP MIB objects can be modeled such that
          the change in state from one state to another has the side effect
          of causing an action.  It is important to note that with this
          model, an SNMP operation that sets a value equal to its current
          value will cause no action.  This retains the idempotence of a
          single command, while allowing actions to be initiated by SNMP
          SET requests.

          Input - A tray or bin from which instances of the media are
          obtained and fed into the Media Path.

          Interpreter - The embodiment of an algorithm that processes a
          data stream consisting of a Page Description Language (PDL)
          and/or a Control Language.

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          Localization - The specification of human language, country, and
          character set needed to present information to people in their
          native languages.

          Management Application (a.k.a. Manager) - A program which queries
          and controls one or more managed nodes.

          Management Station - A physical computer on which one or more
          management applications can run.

          Media Path - The mechanisms that transport instances of the media
          from an input, through the marker, possibly through media buffers
          and duplex pathways, out to the output with optional finishing
          applied.  The inputs and outputs are not part of the Media Path.

          Non-critical Alert - An alert triggered by a reportable event
          which does not lead to a state in which printing is no longer
          possible; such an alert may lead to a state from which printing
          may no longer be possible in the future, such as the low toner
          state or the alert may be pure informational, such as a
          configuration change at the printer.

          Output - A bin or stacker which accepts instances of media that
          have been processed by a printer.

          Page Description Language (PDL) - A data syntax or language for
          the electronic representation of a document as a sequence of page

          Printer - A physical device that takes media from an input
          source, produces marks on that media according to some page
          description or page control language and puts the result in some
          output destination, possibly with finishing applied.

          Printing - The entire process of producing a printed document
          from generation of the file to be printed, choosing printing
          properties, selection of a printer, routing, queuing, resource
          management, scheduling, and finally printing including notifying
          the user.

          Reportable event - An event that is deemed of interest to a
          management station watching the printer.

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          Status - Information regarding the current operating state of the
          printer and its various sub-units. This is an abstraction of the
          exact physical condition of the printer.

          Sub-mechanism - A distinguishable part of a sub-unit.

          Sub-unit - A part of the printer which may be a physical part,
          such as one of the input sources or a logical part such as an

          Tray - An input sub-unit which is typically removable.

          Unary Change Event - An event that indicates a change of state of
          the printer, but to a state which is (often) just as valid as the
          state that was left, and from which no return is necessary. See
          binary change event.

          Visible state - The portion of the state of the printer that can
          be examined by a management application.

          Warning - A non-critical alert. See non-critical alert.

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          INTERNET DRAFT          Printer MIB              October 30, 1998

          Appendix B - Media Size Names from ISO/IEC 10175 Document
          Printing Architecture

          For the convenience of management application developers, this
          appendix lists the standardized media size names from ISO/IEC
          10175 Document Printing Application (DPA). Management
          applications that present a dialogue for choosing or displaying
          media size are encouraged to present relevant names from this
          list to avoid requiring the user to remember the physical
          dimensions used to describe the size of the media. A printer
          implementing the Printer MIB has no knowledge of these names,
          however; all media sizes in the MIB are given in terms of media
          dimensions as the values of prtMediaDimFeedDir and

          String name               Description


          na-letter or letter     North American letter
                                    size: 8.5 by 11 inches
          na-legal or legal       North American legal
                                    size:  8.5 by 14 inches
          na-10x13-envelope       North American 10x13 envelope
                                     size:  10 by 13 inches
          na-9x12-envelope        North American 9x12 envelope
                                     size:  9 by 12 inches
          na-number-10-envelope   North American number 10 business
                                     size:  4.125 by 9.5 inches
          na-7x9-envelope         North American 7x9
                                     size:  7 by 9 inches
          na-9x11-envelope        North American 9x11
                                     size: 9 by 11 inches
          na-10x14-envelope       North American 10x14 envelope
                                     size: 10 by 14 inches
          na-number-9-envelope    North American number 9 business envelope
          na-6x9-envelope         North American 6x9 envelope
                                     size:  6 by 9 inches
          na-10x15-envelope       North American 10x15 envelope
                                     size: 10 by 15 inches

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          a                       engineering A size 8.5 inches by 11
          b                       engineering B size 11 inches by 17 inches
          c                       engineering C size 17 inches by 22 inches
          d                       engineering D size 22 inches by 34 inches
          e                       engineering E size 34 inches by 44 inches
          iso-a0                  ISO A0  size:  841 mm by 1189 mm
          iso-a1                  ISO A1  size:  594 mm by  841 mm
          iso-a2                  ISO A2  size:  420 mm by  594 mm
          iso-a3                  ISO A3  size:  297 mm by  420 mm
          iso-a4                  ISO A4  size:  210 mm by  297 mm
          iso-a5                  ISO A5  size:  148 mm by  210 mm
          iso-a6                  ISO A6  size:  105 mm by  148 mm
          iso-a7                  ISO A7  size:   74 mm by  105 mm
          iso-a8                  ISO A8  size:   52 mm by   74 mm
          iso-a9                  ISO A9  size:   37 mm by   52 mm
          iso-a10                 ISO A10 size:   26 mm by   37 mm
          iso-b0                  ISO B0  size: 1000 mm by 1414 mm
          iso-b1                  ISO B1  size:  707 mm by 1000 mm
          iso-b2                  ISO B2  size:  500 mm by  707 mm
          iso-b3                  ISO B3  size:  353 mm by  500 mm
          iso-b4                  ISO B4  size:  250 mm by  353 mm
          iso-b5                  ISO B5  size:  176 mm by  250 mm
          iso-b6                  ISO B6  size:  125 mm by  176 mm
          iso-b7                  ISO B7  size:   88 mm by  125 mm
          iso-b8                  ISO B8  size:   62 mm by   88 mm
          iso-b9                  ISO B9  size:   44 mm by   62 mm
          iso-b10                 ISO B10 size:   31 mm by   44 mm
          iso-c0                  ISO C0 size:   917 mm by 1297 mm
          iso-c1                  ISO C1 size:   648 mm by  917 mm
          iso-c2                  ISO C2 size:   458 mm by  648 mm
          iso-c3                  ISO C3 size:   324 mm by  458 mm
          iso-c4                  ISO C4 size:   229 mm by  324 mm
          iso-c5                  ISO C5 size:   162 mm by  229 mm
          iso-c6                  ISO C6 size:   114 mm by  162 mm
          iso-c7                  ISO C7 size:    81 mm by  114 mm
          iso-c8                  ISO C8 size:    57 mm by   81 mm
          iso-designated          ISO Designated Long
                                      size:  110 mm by 220 mm
          jis-b0                  JIS B0  size  1030 mm by 1456 mm
          jis-b1                  JIS B1  size   728 mm by 1030 mm
          jis-b2                  JIS B2  size   515 mm by  728 mm
          jis-b3                  JIS B3  size   364 mm by  515 mm
          jis-b4                  JIS B4  size   257 mm by  364 mm
          jis-b5                  JIS B5  size   182 mm by  257 mm

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          jis-b6                  JIS B6  size   128 mm by  182 mm
          jis-b7                  JIS B7  size    91 mm by  128 mm
          jis-b8                  JIS B8  size    64 mm by   91 mm
          jis-b9                  JIS B9  size    45 mm by   64 mm
          jis-b10                 JIS B10 size    32 mm by   45 mm

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          INTERNET DRAFT          Printer MIB              October 30, 1998

          Appendix C - Media Names

          For the convenience of management application developers, this
          appendix lists the standardized media names from ISO/IEC 10175
          Document Printing Application (DPA). Management applications that
          present a dialogue for choosing media may wish to use these names
          as an alternative to separately specifying, size, color, and/or
          type. Using standard media names will mean that a single
          management application dealing with printers from different
          vendors and under different system mangers will tend to use the
          same names for the same media. If selection of media by name is
          used, the attributes (size, type or color) implied by the name
          must be explicitly mapped to the appropriate object
          prtInputDeclaredMediaDimXFeedDir, prtInputMediaType and
          prtInputMediaColor) in the MIB. The object prtInputMediaName is
          intended for display to an operator and is purely descriptive.
          The value in prtInputMediaName is not interpreted by the printer
          so using a standard name for this value will not change any of
          the other media attributes nor will it cause an alert if the
          media in the input sub-unit does not match the name.

            Simple Name                 Descriptor Text

            iso-a4-white        Specifies the ISO A4 white medium with
                                  size: 210 mm by 297 mm as defined in ISO
            iso-a4-coloured     Specifies the ISO A4 colored medium with
                                  size: 210 mm by 297 mm as defined in ISO
            iso-a4-transparent  Specifies the ISO A4 transparent medium
                                  with size: 210 mm by 297 mm as defined in
                                  ISO 216
            iso-a3-white        Specifies the ISO A3 white medium with
                                  size: 297 mm by 420 mm as defined in ISO
            iso-a3-coloured     Specifies the ISO A3 colored medium with
                                  size: 297 mm by 420 mm as defined in ISO
            iso-a5-white        Specifies the ISO A5 white medium with
                                  size: 148 mm by 210 mm as defined in ISO

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            iso-a5-coloured     Specifies the ISO A5 colored medium with
                                  size: 148 mm by 210 mm as defined in ISO
            iso-b4-white        Specifies the ISO B4 white medium with
                                  size: 250 mm by 353 mm as defined in ISO
            iso-b4-coloured     Specifies the ISO B4 colored medium with
                                  size: 250 mm by 353 mm as defined in ISO
            iso-b5-white        Specifies the ISO B5 white medium with
                                  size: 176 mm by 250 mm as defined in ISO
            iso-b5-coloured     Specifies the ISO B5 colored medium with
                                  size: 176 mm by 250 mm as defined in ISO
            jis-b4-white        Specifies the JIS B4 white medium with
                                  size: 257 mm by 364 mm as defined in JIS
            jis-b4-coloured     Specifies the JIS B4 colored medium with
                                  size: 257 mm by 364 mm as defined in JIS
            jis-b5-white        Specifies the JIS B5 white medium with
                                  size: 182 mm by 257 mm as defined in JIS
            jis-b5-coloured     Specifies the JIS B5 colored medium with
                                  size: 182 mm by 257 mm as defined in JIS

          The following standard values are defined for North American

            na-letter-white    Specifies the North American letter white
                                  medium with size: 8.5 inches by 11 inches
            na-letter-coloured Specifies the North American letter colored
                                  medium with size: 8.5 inches by 11 inches
                               Specifies the North American letter
                                  transparent medium with size: 8.5 inches
                                  by 11 inches
            na-legal-white     Specifies the North American legal white
                                  medium with size: 8.5 inches by 14 inches
            na-legal-coloured  Specifies the North American legal colored
                                  medium with size: 8.5 inches by 14 inches

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          INTERNET DRAFT          Printer MIB              October 30, 1998

            The following standard values are defined for envelopes:

            iso-b5-envelope    Specifies the ISO B5 envelope medium
                                  with size: 176 mm by 250 mm
                                  as defined in ISO 216 and ISO 269
            iso-b4-envelope    Specifies the ISO B4 envelope medium
                                  with size: 250 mm by 353 mm
                                  as defined in ISO 216
            iso-c4-envelope    Specifies the ISO C4 envelope medium
                                  with size: 229 mm by 324 mm
                                  as defined in ISO 216 and ISO 269
            iso-c5-envelope    Specifies the ISO C5 envelope medium
                                  with size: 162 mm by 229 mm
                                  as defined in ISO 269
                               Specifies the ISO Designated Long envelope
                                  medium with size: 110 mm by 220 mm
                                  as defined in ISO 269

            na-10x13-envelope  Specifies the North American 10x13 envelope
                                  medium with size: 10 inches by 13 inches
            na-9x12-envelope   Specifies the North American 9x12 envelope
                                  medium with size: 9 inches by 12 inches
                               Specifies the North American number 10
                                  business envelope medium with size: 4.125
                                  inches by 9.5 inches
            na-7x9-envelope    Specifies the North American 7x9 inch

            na-9x11-envelope   Specifies the North American 9x11 inch

            na-10x14-envelope  Specifies the North American 10x14 inch

                               Specifies the North American number 9
                                  business envelope
            na-6x9-envelope    Specifies the North American 6x9 inch

            na-10x15-envelope  Specifies the North American 10x15 inch

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          INTERNET DRAFT          Printer MIB              October 30, 1998

          The following standard values are defined for the less commonly
          used media (white-only):

            iso-a0-white  Specifies the ISO A0 white medium
                            with size:  841 mm by 1189 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-a1-white  Specifies the ISO A1 white medium
                            with size:  594 mm by 841 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-a2-white  Specifies the ISO A2 white medium
                            with size:  420 mm by 594 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-a6-white  Specifies the ISO A6 white medium
                            with size:  105 mm by 148 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-a7-white  Specifies the ISO A7 white medium
                            with size:  74 mm by 105 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-a8-white  Specifies the ISO A8 white medium
                            with size:  52 mm by 74 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-a9-white  Specifies the ISO A9 white medium
                            with size:  39 mm by 52 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-10-white  Specifies the ISO A10 white medium
                            with size:  26 mm by 37 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-b0-white  Specifies the ISO B0 white medium
                            with size: 1000 mm by 1414 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-b1-white  Specifies the ISO B1 white medium
                            with size:  707 mm by 1000 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-b2-white  Specifies the ISO B2 white medium
                            with size:  500 mm by 707 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-b3-white  Specifies the ISO B3 white medium
                            with size:  353 mm by 500 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-b6-white  Specifies the ISO B6 white medium
                            with size:  125 mm by 176 mm i
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-b7-white  Specifies the ISO B7 white medium
                            with size:  88 mm by 125 mm

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                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-b8-white  Specifies the ISO B8 white medium
                            with size:  62 mm by 88 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-b9-white  Specifies the ISO B9 white medium
                            with size:  44 mm by 62 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            iso-b10-white Specifies the ISO B10 white medium
                            with size:  31 mm by 44 mm
                            as defined in ISO 216
            jis-b0-white  Specifies the JIS B0 white medium with size:
                            1030 mm by 1456 mm
            jis-b1-white  Specifies the JIS B1 white medium with size:
                            728 mm by 1030 mm
            jis-b2-white  Specifies the JIS B2 white medium with size:
                            515 mm by 728 mm
            jis-b3-white  Specifies the JIS B3 white medium with size:
                            364 mm by 515 mm
            jis-b6-white  Specifies the JIS B6 white medium with size:
                            257 mm by 364 mm
            jis-b7-white  Specifies the JIS B7 white medium with size:
                            182 mm by 257 mm
            jis-b8-white  Specifies the JIS B8 white medium with size:
                            128 mm by 182 mm
            jis-b9-white  Specifies the JIS B9 white medium with size:
                            91 mm by 128 mm
            jis-b10-white Specifies the JIS B10 white medium with size:
                            64 mm by 91 mm

          The following standard values are defined for engineering media:
                 a        Specifies the engineering A size medium with
                             size: 8.5 inches by 11 inches
                 b        Specifies the engineering B size medium with
                             size: 11 inches by 17 inches
                 c        Specifies the engineering C size medium with
                             size: 17 inches by 22 inches
                 d        Specifies the engineering D size medium with
                              size: 22 inches by 34 inches
                 e        Specifies the engineering E size medium with
                              size: 34 inches by 44 inches

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          Appendix D - Roles of Users


          The need for "Role Models" stemmed in large part from the need to
          understand the importance of any given proposed object for the
          MIB.  Many times the real world need for a proposed object would
          be debated within the group; the debate would typically result in
          the need to describe the potential usage of the object in terms
          of a "live" person performing some type of printing-related task.

          Determining the value of a proposed object through identification
          of the associated human users was found to be so common that a
          more formalized model was required for consistent analysis.  The
          model describing categories of human-oriented tasks is called
          "Role Models" in this document.

          In developing the Role Models it was necessary to identify the
          common, primary tasks that humans typically face when interacting
          with a printer and its related printing system(s).  It was
          expected that certain kinds of tasks would serve to identify the
          various Role Models.

          In presenting the set of Role Models, the set of "Common Print
          System Tasks" are first presented, followed by the set of Role
          Model definitions.  Finally, a simple matrix is presented in
          which Role Models and Tasks are cross-compared.

          Common Print System Tasks

          Upon researching the many tasks encountered by humans in dealing
          with printers and printing systems, the following were found to
          be pervasive within any operating environment:

          Printer job state - Determine the status of a job without a

          Printer capabilities - Determine the current capabilities of a
          printer, for example, the available media sizes, two-sided
          printing, a particular type of interpreter, etc.

          Printer job submission - Submit a print job to a printer.

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          Printer job removal - Remove a job from a printer.

          Notification of events - Receive notification of the existence of
          a defined printer event.  An event can be of many types,
          including warnings, errors, job stage completion (e.g., "job
          done"), etc.

          Printer configuration - Query the current configuration of a

          Printer consumables - Determine the current state of any and all
          consumables within a printer.

          Print job identification - Determine the identification of a job
          within a printer.

          Internal printer status - Determine the current status of the

          Printer identification - Determine the identity of a printer.
          Printer location - Determine the physical location of a printer.

          Local system configuration - Determine various aspects of the
          current configuration of the local system involved with the
          operation of a printer.

          These "tasks" cover a large spectrum of requirements surrounding
          the operation of a printer in a network environment.  This list
          serves as the basis for defining the various Role Models
          described below.

          Proposed Role Models

          Following is the list of "Role Models" used to evaluate the
          requirements for any given Printer MIB object.  Note that the
          keyword enclosed in parentheses represents an abbreviation for
          the particular Role Model in the matrix described later in this

          User  (USER) - A person or application that submits print jobs to
          the printer; typically viewed as the "end user" within the
          overall printing environment.

          Operator  (OP) - A person responsible for maintaining a printer
          on a day-to-day basis, including such tasks as filling empty

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          media trays, emptying full output trays, replacing toner
          cartridges, clearing simple paper jams, etc.

          Technician  (TECH) - A person responsible for repairing a
          malfunctioning printer, performing routine preventive
          maintenance, and other tasks that typically require advanced
          training on the printer internals.  An example of a "technician"
          would be a manufacturer's Field Service representative, or other
          person formally trained by the manufacturer or similar

          System Manager  (MGR) - A person responsible for configuration
          and troubleshooting of components involved in the overall
          printing environment, including printers, print queues and
          network connectivity issues.  This person is typically
          responsible for ensuring the overall operational integrity of the
          print system components, and is typically viewed as the central
          point of coordination among all other Role Models.

          Help Desk  (HELP) - A person responsible for supporting Users in
          their printing needs, including training Users and
          troubleshooting Users' printing problems.

          Asset Manager  (AM) - A person responsible for managing an
          organization's printing system assets (primarily printers).  Such
          a person needs to be able to identify and track the location of
          printing assets on an ongoing basis.

          Capacity Planner  (CP) - A person responsible for tracking the
          usage of printing resources on an ongoing basis for the purpose
          of planning printer acquisitions and/or placement of printers
          based on usage trends.

          Installer  (INST) - A person or application responsible for
          installing or configuring printing system components on a local

          Accountant  (ACCT) - A person responsible for tracking the usage
          of printing resources on an ongoing basis for the purpose of
          charging Users for resources used.

          Matrix of Common Print System Tasks and Role Models

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          To better understand the relationship between the set of defined
          "Common Print System Tasks" and the various "Role Models," the
          following matrix is provided.

          It is important to recognize that many of the tasks will appear
          to be applicable to many of the Role Models.  However, when
          considering the actual context of a task, it is very important to
          realize that often the actual context of a task is such that the
          Role Model can change.

          For example, it is obvious that a "System Manager" must be able
          to submit print jobs to a printer; however, when submitting a
          print job, a person identified as a "System Manager" is actually
          operating in the context of a "User" in this case; hence, the
          requirement to submit a print job is not listed as a requirement
          for a System Manager.

          Conversely, while a "User" must be able to remove a job
          previously submitted to a printer, an "Operator" is often
          expected to be able to remove any print job from any printer;
          hence, print job removal is a (subtly different) requirement for
          both the "User" and "Operator" Role Models.

                                  Role Models

             Requirement Area     USER OP TECH MGR HELP  AM  CP INST ACCT
          Print job status         xx  xx   xx  xx   xx
          Printer capabilities     xx           xx   xx
          Print job submission     xx
          Print job removal        xx  xx
          Notification of events       xx   xx
          Printer configuration                 xx               xx
          Printer consumables          xx                    xx  xx
          Print job identification     xx       xx   xx      xx       xx
          Internal printer status      xx   xx  xx
          Printer identification       xx   xx  xx   xx  xx  xx  xx
          Printer location                                   xx
          Local system configuration            xx               xx

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          Appendix E - Overall Printer Status Table

          The Status Table was generated first in landscape format and is
          easier to read in this format. Because a table in landscape
          format can not be included in this document, the table has been
          converted into portrait format and split into three different
          sections. The three sections are: 1) the hrDeviceStatus,
          hrPrinterStuatus and hrPrinterDetectedErrorState for each state,
          2) the prtAlertTable for each state and 3) the respective SubUnit
          status for each state. The Status Table in landscape format can
          be found in a file with a name similar to Top 25 Errors at

                      in the directory /pub/pwg/pmp/contributions.

          The following table defines a suggested relationship between
          various printer states and the variables Printer hrDeviceStatus,
          hrPrinterStatus, hrPrinterDetectedErrorState, prtAlertGroup,
          prtAlertCode and various sub-unit status variables
          (prtInputStatus, prtOutputStatus, prtMarkerStatus,
          prtMediaPathStatus and prtChannelStatus). This table is the
          recommended implementation of these variables. It is provided to
          guide implementors of this MIB and users of the MIB by providing
          a sample set of states and the variable values that are expected
          to be produced as result of that state.

          This information supplements that provided in Section
          "Overall Printer Status". This is not an exhaustive list rather
          it is a guideline. More detailed status, if needed, should be
          obtained from the alert table and the sub-unit status variables.

                             |       General Printer Status               |
                             |            |              |hrPrinter       |
          Printer            |hrDevice    |hrPrinter     |Detected        |
          State              |Status      |Status        |ErrorState      |
          Normal or idle     |running (2) |idle (3)      |(0x0000)        |
          (no binary alerts) |            |              |                |
                             |            |              |                |
          Printing           |running (2) |printing (4)  |(0x0000)        |
          (no binary alerts) |            |              |                |
                             |            |              |                |
          Off-line           |down (5)    |other (1)     |offline         |

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                             |            |              |  (0x0200)      |
                             |            |              |                |
          Standby or Power   |running (2) |other (1)     |(0x0000)        |
          Saver Mode         |            |              |                |
                             |            |              |                |
          Initial Power Up   |            |              |                |
          (no binary alerts, |down (5)    |warmup (5)    |offline         |
           while warming up, |            |              |  (0x0200)      |
           not accepting     |            |              |                |
           jobs)             |            |              |                |
                             |            |              |                |
          Warming Up         |running (2) |warmup (5)    |(0x0000)        |
          (no binary alerts, |            |              |                |
           accepting jobs)   |            |              |                |
                             |            |              |                |

          Critical Errors: the printer can not print

          Jam                |down (5)    |other (1)     |Jammed (0x0400) |
                             |            |              |                |
          Cover/Door         |down (5)    |other (1)     |Door Open       |
          Open (listed       |            |              |  (0x0800       |
          in cover table)    |            |              |                |
                             |            |              |                |
          Input Tray         |down (5)    |other (1)     |inputTrayMissing|
          Missing            |            |              |  (0x0080)      |
                             |            |              |                |
          Input Tray         |down (5)    |other (1)     |inputTrayEmpty  |
          Empty              |            |              |  (0x0004)      |
                             |            |              |                |
          Output Tray        |down (5)    |other (1)     |outputTray      |
          Missing            |            |              |Missing (0x0040)|
                             |            |              |                |
          Output Tray        |down (5)    |other (1)     |outputFull      |
          Full               |            |              |  (0x0008)      |
                             |            |              |                |
          Marker Supply      |down (5)    |other (1)     |markerSupply    |
          Missing (i.e.,     |            |              |Missing         |
           toner missing,    |            |              |  (0x0020       |
           ink missing)      |            |              |                |
                             |            |              |                |
          Marker Supply      |down (5)    |other (1)     |No Toner        |
          Empty (i.e.,       |            |              |  (0x1000       |
          toner empty,       |            |              |                |

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          ink missing)       |            |              |                |
                             |            |              |                |

          Non-Critical Errors: the printer can still print while condition
          exists (the warning may be current while printing)

          Input Tray         |warning (3) |idle (3) or   |Low Paper       |
          Low                |            |printing (4)  |  (0x8000)      |
                             |            |or warmup (5) |                |
                             |            |              |                |
          Output Tray        |warning (3) |idle (3) or   |outputNear      |
          Almost Full        |            |printing (4)  |Full (0x0010)   |
                             |            |or warmup (5) |                |
                             |            |              |                |
          Marker Supply      |warning (3) |idle (3) or   |Low Toner       |
          Almost Empty       |            |printing (4)  | (0x2000)       |
          (i.e., toner low,  |            |or warmup (5) |                |
           ink low)          |            |              |                |
                             |            |              |                |
          Input Tray         |warning (3) |idle (3) or   |inputTray       |
          Missing (when n-1  |            |printing (4)  |Missing         |
          trays are missing  |            |or warmup (5) |  (0x0080)      |
          with linking)      |            |              |                |
                             |            |              |                |
          Input Tray         |warning (3) |idle (3) or   |Low Paper       |
          Empty (when n-1    |            |printing (4)  |  (0x8000)      |
          trays are empty    |            |or warmup (5) |                |
          with linking)      |            |              |                |
                             |            |              |                |
          Output Tray        |warning (3) |idle (3) or   |outputTray      |
          Missing (when n-1  |            |printing (4)  |Missing         |
          trays are missing  |            |or warmup (5) |  (0x0040)      |
          with linking)      |            |              |                |
                             |            |              |                |
          Output Tray        |warning (3) |idle (3) or   |outputFull      |
          Full (when n-1     |            |printing (4)  |  (0x0008)      |
          trays are full     |            |or warmup (5) |                |
          with linking)      |            |              |                |

                             |                               |
                             |         prtAlertTable         |
          Printer            |               |               |

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          State              | prtAlertGroup | prtAlertCode  |
          Normal or idle     | (no binary    | (no binary    |
          (no binary alerts) |  alerts)      |  alerts)      |
                             |               |               |
          Printing           | (no binary    | (no binary    |
          (no binary alerts) |  alerts)      |  alerts)      |
                             |               |               |
          Off-line           | generalPrinter| subunitOffline|
                             | (5)           | (22)          |
                             |               |               |
          Standby or Power   | generalPrinter| subunitPower  |
          Saver Mode         | (5)           | Saver(23)     |
                             |               |               |
          Initial Power Up   |               |               |
          (no binary alerts, | (no binary    | (no binary    |
           while warming up, |  alerts)      |  alerts)      |
           not accepting     |               |               |
           jobs)             |               |               |
                             |               |               |
          Warming Up         | (no binary    | (no binary    |
          (no binary alerts, |  alerts)      |  alerts)      |
           accepting jobs)   |               |               |
                             |               |               |

          Critical Errors: the printer can not print

          Jam                | appropriate   | jammed(8)     |
                             | group         |               |
                             |               |               |
          Cover/Door         | cover(6)      | coverOpened(3)|
          Open (listed       |               |               |
          in cover table)    |               |               |
                             |               |               |
          Input Tray         | input(8)      | subunitMissing|
          Missing            |               | (9)           |
                             |               |               |
          Input Tray         | input(8)      | subunitEmpty  |
          Empty              |               | (13)          |
                             |               |               |
          Output Tray        | output(9)     | subunitMissing|
          Missing            |               | (9)           |
                             |               |               |
          Output Tray        | output(9)     | subunitFull   |

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          Full               |               | (15)          |
                             |               |               |
          Marker Supply      | markerSupplies| subunitMissing|
          Missing (i.e.,     | (11)          | (9)           |
           toner missing,    |               |               |
           ink missing)      |               |               |
                             |               |               |
          Marker Supply      | markerSupplies| subunitEmpty  |
          Empty (i.e.,       | (11)          | (13)          |
           toner empty,      |               |               |
           ink missing)      |               |               |
                             |               |               |

          Non-Critical Errors: the printer can still print while condition
          exists (the warning may be current while printing)

          Input Tray         | input(8)      | subunitAlmost |
          Low                |               | Empty(12)     |
                             |               |               |
          Output Tray        | output(9)     | subunitAlmost |
          Almost Full        |               | Full(14)      |
                             |               |               |
          Marker Supply      | markerSupplies| subunitAlmost |
          Almost Empty       | (11)          | Empty(12)     |
          (i.e., toner low,  |               |               |
           ink low)          |               |               |
                             |               |               |
          Input Tray         | input(8)      | subunitMissing|
          Missing (when n-1  |               | (9)           |
          trays are missing  |               |               |
          with linking)      |               |               |
                             |               |               |
          Input Tray         | input(8)      | subunitEmpty  |
          Empty (when n-1    |               | (13)          |
          trays are empty    |               |               |
          with linking)      |               |               |
                             |               |               |
          Output Tray        | output(9)     | subunitMissing|
          Missing (when n-1  |               | (9)           |
          trays are missing  |               |               |
          with linking)      |               |               |
                             |               |               |
          Output Tray        | output(9)     | subunitFull   |
          Full (when n-1     |               | (15)          |

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          trays are full     |               |               |
          with linking)      |               |               |

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                              | Subunit Status        |
                              | (PrtSubUnitStatusTC)  |
                              | prtInputStatus        |
                              | (per input tray)      |
                              | prtOutputStatus       |
                              | (per output bin)      |
                              | prtMarkerStatus       |
                              | (per marker)          |
                              | prtMediaPathStatus    |
                              | (per path)            |
          Printer             | prtChannelStatus      |
          State               | (per channel)         |
          Normal or idle      | all groups are:       |
          (no binary alerts)  |   Idle (0)            |
                              |                       |
          Printing            | Availability may be:  |
          (no binary alerts)  |   Idle (0) or         |
                              |   Active (4) or       |
                              |   Busy (6)            |
                              | depending on          |
                              | subsystem state       |
                              |                       |
          Off-line            | prtChannelStatus:     |
                              |   Availability=       |
                              |   Unavailable and     |
                              |   OnRequest+          |
                              |   Critical Alerts+    |
                              |   Off-Line            |
                              |   (1+16+32)           |
                              |                       |
          Standby or Power    | prtChannelStatus:     |
          Saver Mode          |   Availability=       |
                              |   Available and       |
                              |   Standby (2)         |
                              |                       |
          Initial Power Up    | all groups are:       |
          (no binary alerts,  |   Availability=       |
           while warming up,  |   Unknown+            |
           not accepting jobs)|   Transitioning       |
                              |   (5+64)              |
          Warming Up          | all groups are:       |
          (no binary alerts,  |   Availability=       |
           accepting jobs)    |   Standby+            |

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                              |   Transitioning       |
                              |   (2+64)              |
                              |                       |

          Critical Errors: the printer can not print

          Jam                 | PrtSubUnitStatusTC    |
                              |   Availability=       |
                              |   Unavailable because |
                              |   broken+Critical     |
                              |   Alerts (3+16)       |
                              |                       |
          Cover/Door          | prtCoverStatus:       |
          Open (listed        |    coverOpen (3)      |
          in cover table)     |                       |
                              |                       |
          Input Tray          | prtInputStatus:       |
          Missing             |   Availability=       |
                              |   Unavailable because |
                              |   broken+Critical     |
                              |   Alerts (3+16)       |
                              |                       |
          Input Tray          | prtInputStatus:       |
          Empty               |   Availability=       |
                              |   Unavailable because |
                              |   broken+Critical     |
                              |   Alerts (3+16)       |
                              |                       |
          Output Tray         | prtOutputStatus:      |
          Missing             |   Availability=       |
                              |   Unavailable because |
                              |   broken+Critical     |
                              |   Alerts (3+16)       |
                              |                       |
          Output Tray         | prtOutputStatus:      |
          Full                |   Availability=       |
                              |   Unavailable because |
                              |   broken+Critical     |
                              |   Alerts (3+16)       |
                              |                       |
          Marker Supply       | prtMarkerStatus:      |
          Missing (i.e.,      |   Availability=       |
           toner missing,     |   Unavailable because |
           ink missing)       |   broken+Critical     |

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                              |   Alerts (3+16)       |
                              |                       |
          Marker Supply       | prtMarkerStatus:      |
          Empty (i.e.,        |   Availability=       |
           toner empty,       |   Unavailable because |
           ink missing)       |   broken+Critical     |
                              |   Alerts (3+16)       |
                              |                       |

          Non-Critical Errors: the printer can still print while condition
          exists (the warning may be current while printing)

          Input Tray          | prtInputStatus:       |
          Low                 |   Non-Critical        |
                              |   Alerts (8)          |
                              |                       |
          Output Tray         | prtOutputStatus:      |
          Almost Full         |   Non-Critical        |
                              |   Alerts (8)          |
                              |                       |
          Marker Supply       | prtMarkerStatus:      |
          Almost Empty        |   Non-Critical        |
          (i.e., toner low,   |   Alerts (8)          |
           ink low)           |                       |
                              |                       |
          Input Tray          | prtInputStatus:       |
          Missing (when n-1   |   Non-Critical        |
          trays are missing   |   Alerts (8)          |
          with linking)       |                       |
                              |                       |
          Input Tray          | prtInputStatus:       |
          Empty (when n-1     |   Non-Critical        |
          trays are empty     |   Alerts (8)          |
          with linking)       |                       |
                              |                       |
          Output Tray         | prtOutputStatus:      |
          Missing (when n-1   |   Non-Critical        |
          trays are missing   |   Alerts (8)          |
          with linking)       |                       |
                              |                       |
          Output Tray         | prtOutputStatus:      |
          Full (when n-1      |   Non-Critical        |
          trays are full      |   Alerts (8)          |
          with linking)       |                       |

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          The definition of PrtSubUnitStatusTC specifies that SubUnitStatus
          is an integer that is the sum of 5 distinct values/states:
          Availability, Critical, Non-Critical, On-line and Transitioning.
          Thus when a non-critical alert or alerts are present the values
          for Availability, On-Line and Transitioning will be summed with
          the Non-Critical Alerts (8) value.

          Appendix F - Participants

          The following people attended at least one meeting of the Printer
          Working Group; many attended most meetings.

               Ron Bergman - Dataproducts
               Luis Cubero - Hewlett-Packard
               Jay Cummings - Novell
               Andy Davidson - Tektronix
               Lee Farrell - Canon
               Joel Gyllenskog - Microworks
               Tom Hastings - Xerox
               Scott Isaacson - Novell
               Binnur Al-Kazily - Hewlett-Packard
               Rick Landau - Digital Equipment Corporation
               David Kellerman - Northlake Software
               Harry Lewis - IBM
               Pete Loya - Hewlett-Packard
               Jay Martin - Underscore
               Bob Pentecost - Hewlett-Packard
               Dave Roach - Unisys
               Stuart Rowley - Kyocera
               Bob Setterbo - Adobe
               Ron Smith - Texas Instruments
               Mike Timperman - Lexmark
               Randy Turner - Sharp Laboratories
               Bill Wagner - Digital Products, Inc.
               Chris Wellens - Interworking Labs
               Craig Whittle - Novell
               Don Wright - Lexmark
               Lloyd Young - Lexmark
               Atsushi Yuki - Kyocera
               Steve Zilles - Adobe

          Security Considerations

          Turner                pmib_103098.txt                  [Page 175]
                             Expires March 30, 1999

          INTERNET DRAFT          Printer MIB              October 30, 1998

          The Printer MIB specifies a database and not necessarily a
          protocol for accessing the database. With regards to the security
          of the information within the database, it is anticipated that
          the primary vehicle for accessing this data will be through the
          use of the Simple Network Protocol (SNMP). SNMP Version 1 has
          known security vulnerabilities due to the fact that only a "clear
          text" community name is used for accessing MIB objects within a
          particular entity. The IETF is pursuing much more robust security
          mechanisms with regards to SNMP Version 2, with support
          authentication, as well as privacy.

          Where the operational capability of the printing device are
          especially vulnerable or difficult to administer, certain objects
          within the MIB have been tagged as READ-ONLY, preventing
          modification. Further, for all READ-WRITE objects within the MIB,
          the working group has included specific conformance guidelines
          within this document stating that vendors are free to implement
          these objects as READ-ONLY. This conformance allowance should
          cover cases where specific vendor vulnerabilities may differ from
          product to product. (See conformance section with regards to MIN-
          ACCESS clauses).

          It is the intention of the working group to delegate true
          security mechanisms for accessing these MIB objects to the
          overall SNMP Version 2 working group, but not to preclude
          individual implementations from generating proprietary or
          additional security mechanisms for SNMP Version 1.0 environments.


          "Copyright (C) The Internet Society 1995, 1997. All Rights

          This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished
          to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise
          explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared,
          copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without
          restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice
          and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative
          works.  However, this document itself may not be modified in any
          way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to
          the Internet Society or other Internet organizations, except as
          needed for the purpose of developing Internet standards in which
          case the procedures for copyrights defined in the Internet
          Standards process must be followed, or as required to translate

          Turner                pmib_103098.txt                  [Page 176]
                             Expires March 30, 1999

          INTERNET DRAFT          Printer MIB              October 30, 1998

          it into languages other than English.

          The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not
          be revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

          This document and the information contained herein is provided on


          [NVT ASCII]    J. Postel, J. Reynolds, "TELENET PROTOCOL
                         SPECIFICATION", RFC 854, May 1983.

          [US-ASCII]     Coded Character Set - 7-bit American Standard Code
                         for Information Interchange, ANSI X3.4-1986.

          Authors' Addresses

             Randy Turner
             Sharp Laboratories of America

             Phone (360) 817-8456

          With significant contributions from the following individuals

             Ronald L. Smith
             Texas Instruments
             Phone: (817) 774-6151

             F.D. Wright
             Lexmark International
             Phone: (606) 232-4808

             Thomas N. Hastings
             Xerox Corporation

          Turner                pmib_103098.txt                  [Page 177]
                             Expires March 30, 1999

          INTERNET DRAFT          Printer MIB              October 30, 1998

             Phone:  (310) 333-6413

             Stephen N. Zilles
             Adobe Systems, Inc.
             Phone: (415) 962-4766

             Joel Gyllenskog
             Microworks, Inc.
             Phone: (208) 375-1234

             Scott Isaacson
             Phone: (801) 861-7366

             Binnur Al-Kazily
             Hewlett-Packard, Inc.

             David Kellerman
             Northlake Software
             Phone: (503) 228-3383

             Matt King
             Lexmark International
             Phone: (606) 232-6907

             Harry Lewis
             Phone: (303) 924-5337

             Jay Martin
             Phone: (603) 889-7000

             Mike McKay
             Novell, Inc.

             Bob Pentecost

          Turner                pmib_103098.txt                  [Page 178]
                             Expires March 30, 1999

          INTERNET DRAFT          Printer MIB              October 30, 1998

             Phone: (208) 396-3312

             William Wagner
             Digital Products

             Chris Wellens
             Interworking Labs
             Phone: (408) 685-3190

             Lloyd Young
             Lexmark International
             Phone: (606) 232-5150

             Chuck Adams
             Phone: (502) 685-2589

          Turner                pmib_103098.txt                  [Page 179]
                             Expires March 30, 1999