!#$ 1 Open-Printing Embedded Print !#$ 2 Job Ticket !#$ 3 Text !#$ 4 Version 1.00.00 !#$ 5 !#$ 6 Comment: Sample OP Embedded Job Ticket !#$ 7 Comment: Glen W. Petrie / 2006.10.18 !#$ 8 !#$ 9 DATA: # <*** Missing attributes are "Not Set" & solution defaults used.***> # <*** No ordering is implied or required. ***> <Job Ticket Info:> author: "Glen W. Petrie" version: 1.00.00 charSet: "ASCII" comment: "Sample OP Job Ticket for Embedded POSIX Print" typeVers: OP_JTV_OP_1_0 apiCharSet: "ASCII" apiVersion: 1.00.00 fidelity: OP_PST_ON lengthUnits:OP_LUN_TEN_THOUSANDTHS_OF_INCHES company: "The World of Graphics" contactUri: "None" details: " " name: "Glen W. Petrie" roles: "Software Developer", "Customer", "Author" jobId: "abcd" </Job Ticket Info:> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Print Job(s) for this ticket. ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <Job: abcd> author: "Glen W. Petrie" name: "Sample Embedded POSIX Print Job" comment: "Sample for use by developers/creators/authors." operMessage:"This is a no charge job. To be used for training. Please read carefully. This is a sample job." priority: 1 # <*** scale for sample: 0=lowest, 10=highest***> format: TEXT language: English compression:OP_CMP_NONE # <*** Job Objects ***> # <*** ----------------------------------------------------- ***> docId: "myDocument" includePagesId: "AllPages" outputPagesId: "AllPages" distinationId: "myPrintBox" contactInfoId: "Test" subscrId: "123" sepShtId: "None" forcePageId: "None" insertSheetId: "Formated" holeMkId: "3OnSide" mediaId: "JobDefault" foldId: "InHalf" stitchId: "OnTop" # <*** Policies and Actions ***> # <*** ----------------------------------------------------- ***> collate: OP_CLT_SHEET_AND_DOC feedOrient: OP_FDO_SHORT_EDGE_FIRST presentationDir: OP_PRD_TO_LEFT_TO_BOTTOM fitPolicy: OP_FPL_CLIP_TO_PAGE holdPolicy: OP_HLD_INDEFINITE outputBin: OP_OBN_STACKER outputDelivery: OP_PGD_SAME_ORDER_FACE_UP jogOffset: OP_JGO_ALTERNATE binding: EXT: OP_BDT_SPECIAL sides: OP_SSD_FRONT # <*** Print Format Attributes ***> # <*** ----------------------------------------------------- ***> xRes: 33 # <*** 1/10,000" = 1/300 Dpi ***> yRes: 33 # <*** 1/10,000" = 1/300 Dpi ***> quality: OP_PQL_NORMAL xScale: 1000 # <*** 1.000 ***> yScale: 1000 # <*** 1.000 ***> rotation: OP_ROT_180_DEGREES copies: 3 xNumUp: 1 yNumUp: 1 # <*** Image Attributes ***> # <*** ----------------------------------------------------- ***> xImageAlign: OP_IAX_LEFT yImageAlign: OP_IAY_TOP xImageShiftBack: 0 yImageShiftBack: 0 xImageShiftFront: 0 yImageShiftFront: 0 # <*** Margins ***> # <*** ----------------------------------------------------- ***> topMargin: 5000 # <*** 0.5" ***> leftMargin: 5000 # <*** 0.5" ***> bottomMargin: 5000 # <*** 0.5" ***> rightMargin: 5000 # <*** 0.5" ***> # <*** Accounting ***> # <*** ----------------------------------------------------- ***> billingCode: "Alpha 1" client: "me, myself and I" </Job: abcd> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Print Document(s) for this Job. ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <Document: myDocument> docURI: "/usr/glen/instructions.txt" docPageRange: "AllPages" docForcePage: "NoForcePages" docInsertSheet: "NoInsertPages" </Document: myDocument> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Document Page Range ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <DocPageRange: AllPages> lower: 0 upper: -1 # <*** Indicate all pages ***> </DocPageRange: AllPages> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Document Force Page ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <DocForcePage: NoForcePages> xPos: 0 yPos: 0 page: 0 side: OP_SSD_NOT_SET </DocForcePage: NoForcePages> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Document Insert Sheet ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <DocInsertSheet: NoInsertPages> content: OP_ISC_BLANK count: 0 mediaId: "NULL" # <*** NULL => no object ***> position: OP_POS_NOT_SET insertPageRangeID: "NULL" # <*** NULL => no object ***> </DocInsertSheet: NoInsertPages> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Include Pages ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <IncludePages: AllPages> lower: 0 upper: -1 # <*** Indicate all pages ***> </IncludePages: AllPages> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Output Pages ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <OutputPages: AllPages> lower: 0 upper: -1 # <*** Indicate all pages ***> </OutputPages: AllPages> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Destination ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <Destination: myPrintBox> uri: "Mail Stop 720, Floor 20" </Destination: myPrintBox> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Contact Info ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <ContactInfo: Test> address: "555 Any Street, Any Town, Any State 95555" company: "The World of Graphics" contactUri: "http://www.Any Web Page.com" details: "" name: "Glen W. Petrie" roles: OP_CIR_CUSTOMER, OP_CIR_OWNER, OP_CIR_APPROVER, OP_CIR_SENDER, OP_CIR_SUPPLIER </ContactInfo: Test> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Subscription ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <Subscr: 123> charSet: "ASCII" comment: "123 Subcription" events: OP_SEV_JOB_COMPLETED, OP_SEV_JOB_CONFIG_CHANGED, OP_SEV_JOB_ERROR, OP_SEV_JOB_STOPPED jobAttr: "Simple Print Job", "No Duplex Printing" naturalLang: "English" sendToUri: "http://www.Any Web Page.com" </Subscr: 123> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Separation Sheet ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <SepSht: None> message: "Job Separation" action: OP_SSH_BETWEEN_DOC_COPIES, OP_SSH_BETWEEN_JOB_COPIES mediaId: "SepSheet" </SepSht: None> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Separation Sheet: Media ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <Media: SepSheet> name: "plain paper" description: "plain paper" type: OP_MTP_STATIONERY precentRecycled: 37 sizeName: NA_LETTER_8o5X11IN color: OP_MCL_LIGHT_BLUE colorName: "Light Blue" prePrinted: OP_MPP_BLANK weight 30 frontCoating: OP_MCT_NONE backCoating: OP_MCT_NONE setCount: 0 holeCount: 0 manualFeed: OP_PST_OFF feedTray: OP_ITN_AUTO_SELECT </Media: SepSheet> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Force Page ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <ForcePage: None> xPos: 0 yPos: 0 page: 0 side: OP_SSD_NOT_SET </ForcePage: None> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Insert Sheet ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <InsertSheet: Formated> content: OP_ISC_BLANK count: 1 mediaId: "InsertSheets" position: OP_POS_BEFORE insertPageRangeId: "AllPages" </InsertSheet: Formated> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Insert Sheet: Media ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <Media: InsertSheets> name: "plain paper" description: "plain paper" type: OP_MTP_STATIONERY precentRecycled: 37 sizeName: NA_LETTER_8o5X11IN color: OP_MCL_GOLDENROD colorName: "Goldenrod" prePrinted: OP_MPP_BLANK weight 30 frontCoating: OP_MCT_NONE backCoating: OP_MCT_NONE setCount: 0 holeCount: 0 manualFeed: OP_PST_OFF feedTray: OP_ITN_AUTO_SELECT </Media: InsertSheets> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Insert Sheet: Page Range ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <InsertPageRange: AllPages> lower: 0 upper: -1 # <*** Indicate all pages ***> </InsertPageRange: AllPages> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Hole Making ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <HoleMk: 3OnSide> count: 3 refEdge: OP_RFE_LEFT </HoleMk: 3OnSide> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Media (Job) ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <Media: JobDefault> name: "plain paper" description: "plain paper" type: OP_MTP_STATIONERY precentRecycled: 0 sizeName: NA_LETTER_8o5X11IN color: OP_MCL_WHITE colorName: "White" prePrinted: OP_MPP_BLANK weight 30 frontCoating: OP_MCT_NONE backCoating: OP_MCT_NONE setCount: 0 holeCount: 0 manualFeed: OP_PST_OFF feedTray: OP_ITN_AUTO_SELECT </Media: JobDefault> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Folding ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <Fold: InHalf> foldType: OP_FDT_C refEdge: OP_RFE_TOP </Fold: InHalf> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> # <*** Stitch ***> # <*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***> <Stitch: OnTop> type: OP_STP_CORNER count: 1 angle: 45 refEdge: OP_RFE_TOP </Stitch: OnTop> !#$10 END: