ISSUE 112 (re-stated):  How does a management application determine
the coded character set for the per-job objects and attributes that
are returned by the agent whether submitted by the job submitting
client or defaulted by the agent when the job submitting client
does not supply.

The following 19 per-job objects and attributes are in question:

IETF Job object/attributes   Equivalent IPP attributes
--------------------------   -------------------------
jmJobOwner object            "job-originating-user"
other,                       -
unknown,                     -
serverAssignedJobName,       -
jobName,                     "job-name"
jobAccountName,              -
submittingServerName,        -
submittingApplicationName,   -
jobOriginatingHost,          "job-originating-host"
deviceNameRequested,         "printer-uri"
queueNameRequested,          -
fileName,                    "document-uri"
documentName,                "document-name"
jobComment,                  -
outputBin (name),            -
mediumRequested (name),      "media"
mediumConsumed (name),       -
colorantRequested (name),    -
colorantConsumed (name)      -

Suggested solution:

1. Add a JmJobDisplayTextTC textual-convention which is text for
display that the agent is using to represent the job objects and
job attributes whether (1) supplied by the job submitting client or
(2) defaulted by the server/device when the job submitting client
does not supply.  The agent SHALL indicate the coded character set
that it is using for JmJobDisplayTextTC by the value of the
jobCodedCharSet job attribute.

2. Add a jobCodedCharSet job attribute that identifies the IANA
character set that the agent is using to represent the job objects
and attributes whether supplied by the job submitting client or
defaulted by the server/device when the job submitting client does
not supply.  If the agent doesn't know what the coded character set
that the job submitting client used when submitting the job, the
agent SHALL either (1) omit the jobCodedCharSet attribute or (2)
return the value 'unknown(2)' as the value of the jobCodedCharSet

Suggested text changes:

1. Add the following paragraphs to the new Internationalization
Considerations section:

All of the objects and attributes represented by the
'JmJobDisplayTextTC' textual-convention are either (1) supplied in
the job submission protocol by the client that submits the job to
the server or device or (2) are defaulted by the server or device
if the job submitting client does not supply values.  The agent
SHALL represent these objects and attributes in the MIB either (1)
in the coded character set as they were submitted or (2) MAY
convert the coded character set to another coded character set or
encoding scheme.  In any case, the resulting coded character set
representation SHOULD be UTF-8 [UTF-8], but SHALL be one in which
the code positions from 0 to 31 SHALL not be used, 32 to 127 SHALL
be US-ASCII [US-ASCII], 127 SHALL be unused, and the remaining code
positions 128 to 255 SHALL represent single-byte or multi-byte
graphic characters structured according to ISO 2022 [ISO 2022] or
SHALL be unused.

The coded character set SHALL be one of the ones registered with
IANA [IANA] and SHALL be identified by the jobCodedCharSet
attribute in the jmJobAttributeTable for the job.  If the agent
does not know what coded character set was used by the job
submitting client, the agent SHALL return the 'unknown(2)' value
for the jobCodedCharSet attribute for the job.

Examples of coded character sets which meet this criteria for use
as the value of the jobCodedCharSet job attribute are: US-ASCII,
ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) [ISO 8859-1], any ISO 8859-n, HP Roman8, IBM
Code Page 850, Windows Default 8-bit set, UTF-8 [UTF-8], US-ASCII
plus JIS X0208-1990 Japanese [JIS X0208], US-ASCII plus GB2312-1980
PRC Chinese [GB2312]. See the IANA registry of coded character sets
[IANA charsets].

Examples of coded character sets which do not meet this criteria
are: national 7-bit sets (except US-ASCII), EBCDIC, and ISO 10646
(Unicode) [ISO 10646].  In order to represent Unicode characters,
the UTF-8 [UTF-8] encoding scheme SHALL be used which has been
assigned the MIBenum value of '106' by IANA.

The jobCodedCharSet attribute uses the imported 'CodedCharSet'
textual-convention from the Printer MIB [printmib].

2. Add the following job attribute:

        jobCodedCharSet(7),               CodedCharSet
            INTEGER:  The MIBenum identifier of the coded character
            set that the agent is using to represent coded
            character set objects and attributes of type
            'JmJobDisplayTextTC'.  These objects and attributes are
            either: (1) supplied by the job submitting client or
            (2) defaulted by the server or device when omitted by
            the job submitting client.
            These MIBenum values are assigned by IANA when the
            coded character sets are registered.  The coded
            character set SHALL be one of the ones registered with
            IANA [IANA] and SHALL be identified by the
            jobCodedCharSet attribute in the jmJobAttributeTable
            for the job.
            If the agent does not know what coded character set was
            used by the job submitting client, the agent SHALL
            return the 'unknown(2)' value for the jobCodedCharSet
            attribute for the job.  See Section 3.5, entitled
            'Internationalization Considerations'.

3. Add the following to the References section:

   [GB2312]       GB 2312-1980, "Chinese People's Republic oF China
                  mixed one byte and two byte coded character set"

   [IANA]         Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers",
                  1700, ISI, October 1994.

[IANA charsets]   See

   [ISO 646]      ISO/IEC 646:1991, "Information technology -- ISO
7-bit coded
                  character set for information interchange",

   [ISO 8859]     ISO/IEC 8859-1:1987, "Information technology -- 8-
bit single
                  byte coded graphic  character sets -
                  Part 1: Latin alplhabet No. 1, JTC1/SC2."

   [ISO 2022]     ISO/IEC 2022:1994 - "Information technology --
Character code
                  structure and extension techniques", JTC1/SC2.

   [JIS X0208]    JIS X0208-1990, "Japanese two byte coded
character set."