Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) IANA Registrations - per [RFC2911]
(file last updated 2003-02-27)

  0. Objects
  1. Attributes
  2. Keyword Attribute Values
  3. Enum Attribute Values
  4. Attribute Syntaxes
  5. Operations
  6. Attribute Group Tags
  7. Status Codes
  8. Out-of-band Attribute Value Tags
  9. References

(This plain text file contains lines that are a maximum of 78 characters so
that they won't wrap when viewed on an 80 character screen or when printed on
na-letter or A4 paper using a 10 point fixed pitch font at 12 characters per


Object definitions may be proposed as extensions to the base IPP protocol with
an Expert Review that requires a review with a mailing list according to
[RFC2911] section 6.2.  Objects are listed in alphabetic order.  The
specifications that define objects, also define operations and attributes for
the objects.

Object name                                                Reference   Section
-----------                                                ---------   -------
Job                                                        [RFC2911]   2.2
Printer                                                    [RFC2911]   2.1


Attribute definitions may be proposed as extensions to the base IPP protocol
with an Expert Review that requires a review with a mailing list according to
[RFC2911] section 6.2.  Attribute are listed in alphabetic order.  The member
attributes of collection attributes [RFC3382] are indented two spaces 
immediately after the collection attribute to which they belong.

Name (attribute syntax)                                    Reference   Section
--------------------------------------                     ---------   -------
Job Description attributes:
attributes-charset (charset)                               [RFC2911]   4.3.19
attributes-natural-language (naturalLanguage)              [RFC2911]   4.3.20
date-time-at-completed (dateTime)                          [RFC2911]
date-time-at-creation (dateTime)                           [RFC2911]
date-time-at-processing (dateTime)                         [RFC2911]
impressions-completed-current-copy (integer (0:MAX))       [RFC3381]    4.4
job-collation-type (type2 enum)                            [RFC3381]    4.1
job-detailed-status-messages (1setOf text(MAX))            [RFC2911]   4.3.10
job-document-access-errors (1setOf text(MAX))              [RFC2911]   4.3.11
job-id (integer(1:MAX))                                    [RFC2911]   4.3.2
job-impressions (integer(0:MAX))                           [RFC2911]
job-impressions-completed (integer(0:MAX))                 [RFC2911]
job-k-octets (integer(0:MAX))                              [RFC2911]
job-k-octets-processed (integer(0:MAX))                    [RFC2911]
job-media-sheets (integer(0:MAX))                          [RFC2911]
job-media-sheets-completed (integer(0:MAX))                [RFC2911]
job-message-from-operator (text(127))                      [RFC2911]   4.3.16
job-more-info (uri)                                        [RFC2911]   4.3.4
job-name (name(MAX))                                       [RFC2911]   4.3.5
job-originating-user-name (name(MAX))                      [RFC2911]   4.3.6
job-printer-up-time (integer(1:MAX))                       [RFC2911]
job-printer-uri (uri)                                      [RFC2911]   4.3.3
job-state (type1 enum)                                     [RFC2911]   4.3.7
job-state-message (text(MAX))                              [RFC2911]   4.3.9
job-state-reasons (1setOf  type2 keyword)                  [RFC2911]   4.3.8
job-uri (uri)                                              [RFC2911]   4.3.1
number-of-documents (integer(0:MAX))                       [RFC2911]   4.3.12
number-of-intervening-jobs (integer(0:MAX))                [RFC2911]   4.3.15
output-device-assigned (name(127))                         [RFC2911]   4.3.13
Partitioning of Job States                                 [RFC2911]
sheet-completed-copy-number (integer (0:MAX))              [RFC3381]    4.2
sheet-completed-document-number (integer (0:MAX))          [RFC3381]    4.3
time-at-completed (integer(MIN:MAX))                       [RFC2911]
time-at-creation (integer(MIN:MAX))                        [RFC2911]
time-at-processing (integer(MIN:MAX))                      [RFC2911]

Job Template attributes:
copies (integer(1:MAX))                                    [RFC2911]   4.2.5
copies-default (integer(1:MAX))                            [RFC2911]   4.2.5
copies-supported (1setOf (integer(1:MAX)))                 [RFC2911]   4.2.5
finishings (1setOf type2 enum)                             [RFC2911]   4.2.6
finishings-default (1setOf type2 enum)                     [RFC2911]   4.2.6
finishings-supported (1setOf type2 enum)                   [RFC2911]   4.2.6
job-hold-until (type3 keyword | name (MAX))                [RFC2911]   4.2.2
job-hold-until-default (type3 keyword | name (MAX))        [RFC2911]   4.2.2
job-hold-until-supported (1setOf (type3 keyword | name (MAX)))
                                                           [RFC2911]   4.2.2
job-priority (integer(1:100))                              [RFC2911]   4.2.1
job-priority-default (integer(1:100))                      [RFC2911]   4.2.1
job-priority-supported (integer(1:100))                    [RFC2911]   4.2.1
job-sheets (type3 keyword | name(MAX))                     [RFC2911]   4.2.3
job-sheets-default (type3 keyword | name(MAX))             [RFC2911]   4.2.3
job-sheets-supported (1setOf (type3 keyword | name(MAX)))  [RFC2911]   4.2.3
media (type3 keyword | name(MAX))                          [RFC2911]   4.2.11
media-default (type3 keyword | name(MAX))                  [RFC2911]   4.2.11
media-supported (1setOf (type3 keyword | name(MAX)))       [RFC2911]   4.2.11
media-ready (type3 keyword | name(MAX))                    [RFC2911]   4.2.11
multiple-document-handling (type2 keyword)                 [RFC2911]   4.2.4
multiple-document-handling-default (type2 keyword)         [RFC2911]   4.2.4
multiple-document-handling-supported (1setOf (type2 keyword))
                                                           [RFC2911]   4.2.4
number-up (integer(1:MAX))                                 [RFC2911]   4.2.9
number-up-default (integer(1:MAX))                         [RFC2911]   4.2.9
number-up-supported (integer(1:MAX))                       [RFC2911]   4.2.9
orientation-requested (type2 enum)                         [RFC2911]   4.2.10
orientation-requested-default (type2 enum)                 [RFC2911]   4.2.10
orientation-requested-supported (type2 enum)               [RFC2911]   4.2.10
page-ranges (1setOf rangeOfInteger (1:MAX))                [RFC2911]   4.2.7
page-ranges-supported (boolean)                            [RFC2911]   4.2.7
printer-resolution (resolution)                            [RFC2911]   4.2.12
printer-resolution-default (resolution)                    [RFC2911]   4.2.12
printer-resolution-supported (resolution)                  [RFC2911]   4.2.12
print-quality (type2 enum)                                 [RFC2911]   4.2.13
print-quality-default (type2 enum)                         [RFC2911]   4.2.13
print-quality-supported (1setOf (type2 enum))              [RFC2911]   4.2.13
sheet-collate (type2 keyword)                              [RFC3381]   3.1
sheet-collate-default (type2 keyword)                      [RFC3381]   3.1
sheet-collate-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)             [RFC3381]   3.1
sides (type2 keyword)                                      [RFC2911]   4.2.8
sides-default (type2 keyword)                              [RFC2911]   4.2.8
sides-supported (type2 keyword)                            [RFC2911]   4.2.8

Operation attributes:
attributes-charset (charset)                               [RFC2911]
attributes-natural-language (naturalLanguage)              [RFC2911]
compression (type3 keyword)                                [RFC2911]
detailed-status-message (text(MAX))                        [RFC2911]
document-access-error (text(MAX))                          [RFC2911]
document-format (mimeMediaType)                            [RFC2911]
document-name (name(MAX))                                  [RFC2911]
document-natural-language (naturalLanguage)                [RFC2911]
ipp-attribute-fidelity (boolean)                           [RFC2911]
job-hold-until" (type3 keyword | name(MAX))                [RFC2911]
job-id (integer(1:MAX))                                    [RFC2911]
job-impressions (integer(0:MAX))                           [RFC2911]
job-k-octets (integer(0:MAX))                              [RFC2911]
job-media-sheets (integer(0:MAX))                          [RFC2911]
job-message-from-operator (text (127))                     [RFC3380]    5.2
job-name (name(MAX))                                       [RFC2911]
job-state (type1 enum)                                     [RFC2911]
job-state-message (text(MAX))                              [RFC2911]
job-state-reasons (1setOf type2 keyword)                   [RFC2911]
job-uri (uri)                                              [RFC2911]
job-uri (uri))                                             [RFC2911]   3.1.5
last-document" (boolean)                                   [RFC2911]
limit (integer(1:MAX))                                     [RFC2911]
message" (text(127))                                       [RFC2911]
my-jobs (boolean)                                          [RFC2911]
number-of-intervening-jobs" (integer(0:MAX))               [RFC2911]
printer-message-from-operator (text (127))                 [RFC3380]    5.1
printer-uri (uri)                                          [RFC2911]   3.1.5
requested-attributes" (1setOf keyword)                     [RFC2911]
requesting-user-name (name(MAX))                           [RFC2911]
status-code (type2 enum)                                   [RFC2911]
status-message (text(255))                                 [RFC2911]
which-jobs (type2 keyword)                                 [RFC2911]

Printer Description attributes:
charset-configured (charset)                               [RFC2911]   4.4.17
charset-supported (1setOf charset)                         [RFC2911]   4.4.18
color-supported (boolean)                                  [RFC2911]   4.4.26
compression-supported (1setOf type3 keyword)               [RFC2911]   4.4.32
document-format-default (mimeMediaType)                    [RFC2911]   4.4.21
document-format-supported (1setOf mimeMediaType)           [RFC2911]   4.4.22
document-format-varying-attributes-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)
                                                           [RFC3380]   6.3
generated-natural-language-supported (1setOf naturalLanguage)
                                                           [RFC2911]   4.4.20
ipp-versions-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)              [RFC2911]   4.4.14
job-impressions-supported (rangeOfInteger(0:MAX))          [RFC2911]   4.4.34
job-k-octets-supported (rangeOfInteger(0:MAX))             [RFC2911]   4.4.33
job-media-sheets-supported (rangeOfInteger(0:MAX))         [RFC2911]   4.4.35
job-settable-attributes-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)   [RFC3380]   6.2
multiple-document-jobs-supported (boolean)                 [RFC2911]   4.4.16
multiple-operation-time-out (integer(1:MAX))               [RFC2911]   4.4.31
natural-language-configured (naturalLanguage)              [RFC2911]   4.4.19
operations-supported (1setOf type2 enum)                   [RFC2911]   4.4.15
pages-per-minute (integer(0:MAX))                          [RFC2911]   4.4.36
pages-per-minute-color (integer(0:MAX))                    [RFC2911]   4.4.37
pdl-override-supported (type2 keyword)                     [RFC2911]   4.4.28
printer-current-time (dateTime)                            [RFC2911]   4.4.30
printer-driver-installer (uri)                             [RFC2911]   4.4.8
printer-info (text(127))                                   [RFC2911]   4.4.6
printer-is-accepting-jobs (boolean)                        [RFC2911]   4.4.23
printer-location (text(127))                               [RFC2911]   4.4.5
printer-make-and-model (text(127))                         [RFC2911]   4.4.9
printer-message-date-time (dateTime)                       [RFC3380]   6.5
printer-message-from-operator (text(127))                  [RFC2911]   4.4.25
printer-message-time (integer (MIN:MAX))                   [RFC3380]   6.4
printer-more-info (uri)                                    [RFC2911]   4.4.7
printer-more-info-manufacturer (uri)                       [RFC2911]   4.4.10
printer-name (name(127))                                   [RFC2911]   4.4.4
printer-settable-attributes-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)
                                                           [RFC3380]   6.1
printer-state (type1 enum)                                 [RFC2911]   4.4.11
printer-state-message (text(MAX))                          [RFC2911]   4.4.13
printer-state-reasons (1setOf type2 keyword)               [RFC2911]   4.4.12
printer-up-time (integer(1:MAX))                           [RFC2911]   4.4.29
printer-uri-supported (1setOf uri)                         [RFC2911]   4.4.1
printer-xri-supported (1setOf collection)                  [RFC3380]   6.6
  xri-authentication (type2 keyword)                       [RFC3380]   6.6
  xri-security (type2 keyword)                             [RFC3380]   6.6
  xri-uri (uri)                                            [RFC3380]   6.6
queued-job-count (integer(0:MAX))                          [RFC2911]   4.4.24
reference-uri-schemes-supported (1setOf uriScheme)         [RFC2911]   4.4.27
uri-authentication-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)        [RFC2911]   4.4.2
uri-security-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)              [RFC2911]   4.4.3
xri-authentication-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)        [RFC3380]   6.8
xri-security-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)              [RFC3380]   6.9
xri-uri-scheme-supported (1setOf uriScheme)                [RFC3380]   6.7


Type1 keywords are part of the base IPP protocol and are defined through an
IETF Consensus action.  Type2 keyword definitions may be proposed as extensions
to the base IPP protocol using an Expert Review that requires a review with a
mailing list according to [RFC2911] section 6.1.  Type3 keyword definitions may
be proposed as extensions to the base IPP protocol with an Expert Review that
may include a review with a mailing list according to [RFC2911] section 6.1.
The keyword values are indented two spaces under the attribute(s) for which
they are defined.  Attributes and their values are listed in alphabetic order.  

Attribute (attribute syntax)
  Value                                                    Reference   Section
  -----                                                    ---------   -------
compression (type3 keyword)                                [RFC2911]
compression-supported (1setOf type3 keyword)               [RFC2911]   4.4.32
  compress                                                 [RFC2911]   4.4.32
  deflate                                                  [RFC2911]   4.4.32
  gzip                                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.32
  none                                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.32

ipp-versions-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)              [RFC2911]   4.4.14
  1.0                                                      [RFC2911]   4.4.14
  1.1                                                      [RFC2911]   4.4.14

job-hold-until (type3 keyword | name (MAX))                [RFC2911]   4.2.2
job-hold-until-default (type3 keyword | name (MAX))        [RFC2911]   4.2.2
job-hold-until-supported (1setOf (type3 keyword | name (MAX)))
                                                           [RFC2911]   4.2.2
  day-time                                                 [RFC2911]   4.2.2
  evening                                                  [RFC2911]   4.2.2
  indefinite                                               [RFC2911]   4.2.2
  night                                                    [RFC2911]   4.2.2
  no-hold                                                  [RFC2911]   4.2.2
  second-shift                                             [RFC2911]   4.2.2
  third-shift                                              [RFC2911]   4.2.2
  weekend                                                  [RFC2911]   4.2.2

job-settable-attributes-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)   [RFC3380]   6.2
  none                                                     [RFC3380]   6.2
  <Any other Job attribute keyword name                  See section 1 above>

job-sheets (type3 keyword | name(MAX))                     [RFC2911]   4.2.3
job-sheets-default (type3 keyword | name(MAX))             [RFC2911]   4.2.3
job-sheets-supported (1setOf (type3 keyword | name(MAX)))  [RFC2911]   4.2.3
  none                                                     [RFC2911]   4.2.3
  standard                                                 [RFC2911]   4.2.3

job-state-reasons (1setOf type2 keyword)                   [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  aborted-by-system                                        [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  compression-error                                        [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  document-access-error                                    [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  document-format-error                                    [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-canceled-at-device                                   [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-canceled-by-operator                                 [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-canceled-by-user                                     [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-completed-successfully                               [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-completed-with-errors                                [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-completed-with-warnings                              [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-data-insufficient                                    [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-hold-until-specified                                 [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-incoming                                             [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-interpreting                                         [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-outgoing                                             [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-printing                                             [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-queued                                               [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-queued-for-marker                                    [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-restartable                                          [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  job-transforming                                         [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  none                                                     [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  printer-stopped                                          [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  printer-stopped-partly                                   [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  processing-to-stop-point                                 [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  queued-in-device                                         [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  resources-are-not-ready                                  [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  service-off-line                                         [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  submission-interrupted                                   [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  unsupported-compression                                  [RFC2911]   4.3.8
  unsupported-document-format                              [RFC2911]   4.3.8

media (type3 keyword | name(MAX))                          [RFC2911]   4.2.11
media-default (type3 keyword | name(MAX))                  [RFC2911]   4.2.11
media-supported (1setOf (type3 keyword | name(MAX)))       [RFC2911]   4.2.11
media-ready (type3 keyword | name(MAX))                    [RFC2911]   4.2.11
  a                                        (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  arch-a                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  arch-a-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-a-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-a-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-axsynchro-translucent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-axsynchro-transparent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-axsynchro-white                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-b                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  arch-b-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-b-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-b-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-bxsynchro-translucent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-bxsynchro-transparent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-bxsynchro-white                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-c                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  arch-c-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14 
  arch-c-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-c-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-cxsynchro-translucent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-cxsynchro-transparent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-cxsynchro-white                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-d                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  arch-d-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-d-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-d-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-dxsynchro-translucent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-dxsynchro-transparent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-dxsynchro-white                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-e                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  arch-e-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-e-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-e-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-exsynchro-translucent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-exsynchro-transparent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  arch-exsynchro-white                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  a-translucent                            (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  a-transparent                            (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  auto-fixed-size-translucent              (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  auto-fixed-size-transparent              (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  auto-fixed-size-white                    (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  auto-synchro-translucent                 (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  auto-synchro-transparent                 (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  auto-synchro-white                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  auto-translucent                         (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  auto-transparent                         (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  auto-white                               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  a-white                                  (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  axsynchro-translucent                    (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  axsynchro-transparent                    (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  axsynchro-white                          (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  b                                        (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  bottom                                   (input tray)    [RFC2911]   14
  b-translucent                            (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  b-transparent                            (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  b-white                                  (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  bxsynchro-translucent                    (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  bxsynchro-transparent                    (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  bxsynchro-white                          (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  c                                        (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  c-translucent                            (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  c-transparent                            (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  c-white                                  (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  cxsynchro-translucent                    (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  cxsynchro-transparent                    (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  cxsynchro-white                          (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  d                                        (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  default                                  (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  d-translucent                            (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  d-transparent                            (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  d-white                                  (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  dxsynchro-translucent                    (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  dxsynchro-transparent                    (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  dxsynchro-white                          (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  e                                        (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  envelope                                 (input tray)    [RFC2911]   14
  e-translucent                            (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  e-transparent                            (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  e-white                                  (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  executive                                (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  executive-white                          (media name)    [RFC2911]   14 
  exsynchro-translucent                    (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  exsynchro-transparent                    (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  exsynchro-white                          (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  folio                                    (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  folio-white                              (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  invoice                                  (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  invoice-white                            (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a0                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a0-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a0-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a0-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a0xsynchro-translucent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a0xsynchro-transparent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a0xsynchro-white                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a1                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a10                                  (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a10-white                            (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a1-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a1-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a1-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a1x3-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a1x3-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a1x3-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a1x4- translucent                    (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a1x4-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a1x4-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a1xsynchro-translucent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a1xsynchro-transparent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a1xsynchro-white                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2x3-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2x3-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2x3-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2x4-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2x4-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2x4-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2x5-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2x5-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2x5-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2xsynchro-translucent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2xsynchro-transparent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a2xsynchro-white                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3-colored                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3x3-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3x3-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3x3-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3x4-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3x4-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3x4-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3x5-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3x5-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3x5-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3x6-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3x6-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3x6-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3x7-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3x7-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14 
  iso-a3x7-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3xsynchro-translucent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3xsynchro-transparent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a3xsynchro-white                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4-colored                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x3-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x3-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x3-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x4-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x4-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x4-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x5-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x5-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x5-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x6-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x6-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x6-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x7-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x7-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x7-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x8-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x8-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x8-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x9-translucent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x9-transparent                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4x9-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4xsynchro-translucent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4xsynchro-transparent               (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a4xsynchro-white                     (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a5                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a5-colored                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a5-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a5-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a5-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a6                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a6-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a7                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a7-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a8                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a8-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a9                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-a9-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b0                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b0-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b1                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b10                                  (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b10-white                            (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b1-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b2                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b2-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b3                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b3-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b4                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b4-colored                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b4-envelope                         (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b4-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b5                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b5-colored                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b5-envelope                         (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b5-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14 
  iso-b6                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b6-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b7                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b7-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b8                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b8-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b9                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-b9-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  iso-c3                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-c3-envelope                         (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  iso-c4                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-c4-envelope                         (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  iso-c5                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-c5-envelope                         (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  iso-c6                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-c6-envelope                         (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  iso-designated-long                      (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  iso-designated-long-envelope            (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b0                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b0-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b0-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b0-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b1                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b10                                  (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b10-white                            (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b1-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b1-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b1-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b2                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b2-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b2-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b2-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b3                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b3-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b3-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b3-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b4                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b4-colored                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b4-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b4-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b4-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b5                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b5-colored                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b5-translucent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b5-transparent                       (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b5-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b6                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b6-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b7                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b7-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b8                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b8-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b9                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  jis-b9-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  large-capacity                           (input tray)    [RFC2911]   14
  ledger                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  ledger-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  main                                     (input tray)    [RFC2911]   14
  manual                                   (input tray)    [RFC2911]   14
  middle                                   (input tray)    [RFC2911]   14
  monarch                                  (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  monarch-envelope                        (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  na-10x13                                 (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  na-10x13-envelope                       (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14 
  na-10x14                                 (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  na-10x14-envelope                       (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  na-10x15                                 (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  na-10x15-envelope                       (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  na-5x7                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  na-6x9                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  na-6x9-envelope                         (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  na-7x9                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  na-7x9-envelope                         (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  na-8x10                                  (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  na-9x11                                  (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  na-9x11-envelope                        (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  na-9x12                                  (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  na-9x12-envelope                        (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  na-legal                                 (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  na-legal-colored                         (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  na-legal-white                           (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  na-letter                                (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  na-letter-colored                        (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  na-letter-transparent                    (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  na-letter-white                          (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  na-number-10                             (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  na-number-10-envelope                   (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  na-number-9                              (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  na-number-9-envelope                    (envelope name)  [RFC2911]   14
  quarto                                   (size name)     [RFC2911]   14
  quarto-white                             (media name)    [RFC2911]   14
  side                                     (input tray)    [RFC2911]   14
  top                                      (input tray)    [RFC2911]   14

multiple-document-handling (type2 keyword)                 [RFC2911]   4.2.4
multiple-document-handling-default (type2 keyword)         [RFC2911]   4.2.4
multiple-document-handling-supported (1setOf (type2 keyword))
                                                           [RFC2911]   4.2.4
  separate-documents-collated-copies                       [RFC2911]   4.2.4
  separate-documents-uncollated-copies                     [RFC2911]   4.2.4
  single-document                                          [RFC2911]   4.2.4
  single-document-new-sheet                                [RFC2911]   4.2.4

printer-authentication-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)    [RFC2911]   4.4.2
  none                                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.2
  requesting-user-name                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.2
  basic                                                    [RFC2911]   4.4.2
  digest                                                   [RFC2911]   4.4.2
  certificate                                              [RFC2911]   4.4.2

printer-security-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)          [RFC2911]   4.4.3
  none                                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.3
  ssl3                                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.3
  tls                                                      [RFC2911]   4.4.3

printer-settable-attributes-supported (1setOf type2 keyword]
                                                           [RFC3380]    6.1
  <Any other Printer attribute keyword name              See section 1 above>

printer-state-reasons (1setOf type2 keyword)               [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  connecting-to-device                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  cover-open                                               [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  developer-empty                                          [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  developer-low                                            [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  door-open                                                [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  fuser-over-temp                                          [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  fuser-under-temp                                         [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  input-tray-missing                                       [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  interlock-open                                           [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  interpreter-resource-unavailable                         [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  marker-supply-empty                                      [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  marker-supply-low                                        [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  marker-waste-almost-full                                 [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  marker-waste-full                                        [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  media-empty                                              [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  media-jam                                                [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  media-low                                                [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  media-needed                                             [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  moving-to-paused                                         [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  none                                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  opc-life-over                                            [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  opc-near-eol                                             [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  other                                                    [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  output-area-almost-full                                  [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  output-area-full                                         [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  output-tray-missing                                      [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  paused                                                   [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  shutdown                                                 [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  spool-area-full                                          [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  stopped-partly                                           [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  stopping                                                 [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  timed-out                                                [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  toner-empty                                              [RFC2911]   4.4.12
  toner-low                                                [RFC2911]   4.4.12

sheet-collate (type2 keyword)                              [RFC3381]   3.1
sheet-collate-default (type2 keyword)                      [RFC3381]   3.1
sheet-collate-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)             [RFC3381]   3.1
  uncollated                                               [RFC3381]   3.1
  collated                                                 [RFC3381]   3.1

sides (type2 keyword)                                      [RFC2911]   4.2.8
sides-default (type2 keyword)                              [RFC2911]   4.2.8
sides-supported (type2 keyword)                            [RFC2911]   4.2.8
  one-sided                                                [RFC2911]   4.2.8
  two-sided-long-edge                                      [RFC2911]   4.2.8
  two-sided-short-edge                                     [RFC2911]   4.2.8

uri-authentication-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)        [RFC2911]   4.4.2
  basic                                                    [RFC2911]   4.4.2
  certificate                                              [RFC2911]   4.4.2
  digest                                                   [RFC2911]   4.4.2
  none                                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.2
  requesting-user-name                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.2

uri-security-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)              [RFC2911]   4.4.3
  none                                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.3
  ssl3                                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.3
  tls                                                      [RFC2911]   4.4.3

xri-authentication-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)        [RFC3380]   6.8
  <Any "printer-authentication" keyword attribute value  See above>

xri-security-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)              [RFC3380]   6.9
  <Any "printer-security-supported" keyword attribute value  See above>


The range for enum attribute values is 1 to 2**31-1, with codes in the range
2**30 to 2**31-1 reserved for vendor extension.  See [RFC2911] section 6.1.

An exception is made for the operations-supported (1setOf type2 enum)
attribute, where the range is 0x0001-0x8FFF (instead of 2**31-1).  See 
[RFC2911] section 4.4.15.  Operation enum values in the range 0x0001-0x3FFF are
allocated using an Expert Review that requires a review with a mailing list
according to [RFC2911] section 6.1.  Operation enum values in the range
0x4000-0x8FFF are reserved for vendor private use and are allocated on a first
come first served basis (see "Private Space" Opcode Allocation Table at

Type1 enums are part of the base IPP protocol and are allocated through an
IETF Consensus action.  Type2 enum definitions may be proposed as extensions
to the base IPP protocol using an Expert Review that requires a review with a
mailing list according to [RFC2911] section 6.1.  Type3 enum definitions may
be proposed as extensions to the base IPP protocol with an Expert Review that
may include a review with a mailing list according to [RFC2911] section 6.1.
The enum values are indented two spaces under the attribute(s) for which
they are defined.  Attributes are listed in alphabetic order, while their
enum values are listed in numeric order.  

Attribute (attribute syntax)
  Value       Name                                         Reference   Section
  -----       -----------------------------                ---------   -------
finishings (1setOf type2 enum)                             [RFC2911]   4.2.6
finishings-default (1setOf type2 enum)                     [RFC2911]   4.2.6
finishings-supported (1setOf type2 enum)                   [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  3           none                                         [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  4           staple                                       [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  5           punch                                        [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  6           cover                                        [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  7           bind                                         [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  8           saddle-stitch                                [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  9           edge-stitch                                  [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  10-19       reserved for future generic finishing enum   [RFC2911]   4.2.6

  20          staple-top-left                              [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  21          staple-bottom-left                           [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  22          staple-top-right                             [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  23          staple-bottom-right                          [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  24          edge-stitch-left                             [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  25          edge-stitch-top                              [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  26          edge-stitch-right                            [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  27          edge-stitch-bottom                           [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  28          staple-dual-left                             [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  29          staple-dual-top                              [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  30          staple-dual-right                            [RFC2911]   4.2.6
  31          staple-dual-bottom                           [RFC2911]   4.2.6

job-collation-type (type2 enum)                            [RFC3381]   4.1
  1           other                                        [RFC3381]   4.1
  2           unknown                                      [RFC3381]   4.1
  3           uncollated-sheets                            [RFC3381]   4.1
  4           collated-documents                           [RFC3381]   4.1
  5           uncollated-documents                         [RFC3381]   4.1

job-state (type1 enum)                                     [RFC2911]   4.3.7
  3           pending                                      [RFC2911]   4.3.7
  4           pending-held                                 [RFC2911]   4.3.7
  5           processing                                   [RFC2911]   4.3.7
  6           processing-stopped                           [RFC2911]   4.3.7
  7           canceled                                     [RFC2911]   4.3.7
  8           aborted                                      [RFC2911]   4.3.7
  9           completed                                    [RFC2911]   4.3.7

operations-supported (1setOf type2 enum)                   [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x0000      reserved, not used                           [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x0001      reserved, not used                           [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x0002      Print-Job                                    [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x0003      Print-URI                                    [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x0004      Validate-Job                                 [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x0005      Create-Job                                   [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x0006      Send-Document                                [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x0007      Send-URI                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x0008      Cancel-Job                                   [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x0009      Get-Job-Attributes                           [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x000A      Get-Jobs                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x000B      Get-Printer-Attributes                       [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x000C      Hold-Job                                     [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x000D      Release-Job                                  [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x000E      Restart-Job                                  [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x000F      reserved for a future operation              [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x0010      Pause-Printer                                [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x0011      Resume-Printer                               [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x0012      Purge-Jobs                                   [RFC2911]   4.4.15
  0x0013      Set-Printer-Attributes                       [RFC3380]   4
  0x0014      Set-Job-Attributes                           [RFC3380]   4
  0x0015      Get-Printer-Supported-Values                 [RFC3380]   4

orientation-requested (type2 enum)                         [RFC2911]   4.2.10
orientation-requested-default (type2 enum)                 [RFC2911]   4.2.10
orientation-requested-supported (type2 enum)               [RFC2911]   4.2.10
  3           portrait                                     [RFC2911]   4.2.10
  4           landscape                                    [RFC2911]   4.2.10
  5           reverse-landscape                            [RFC2911]   4.2.10
  6           reverse-portrait                             [RFC2911]   4.2.10

print-quality (type2 enum)                                 [RFC2911]   4.2.13
print-quality-default (type2 enum)                         [RFC2911]   4.2.13
print-quality-supported (1setOf (type2 enum))              [RFC2911]   4.2.13
  3           draft                                        [RFC2911]   4.2.13
  4           normal                                       [RFC2911]   4.2.13
  5           high                                         [RFC2911]   4.2.13

printer-state (type1 enum)                                 [RFC2911]   4.4.11
  3           idle                                         [RFC2911]   4.4.11
  4           processing                                   [RFC2911]   4.4.11
  5           stopped                                      [RFC2911]   4.4.11


The range of attribute syntaxes is 0x20 to 0xFF.  Tag values are allocated
using an Expert Review that requires a review with a mailing list according to
[RFC2911] section 6.3.  Use of the 0x7F value permits additional values up to
0x37777777 for Expert Review action and 0x40000000 to 0x7FFFFFFF for vendor
extensions.  See [RFC2910] section 3.5.2.  The tag values are listed in
numeric order.

Tag Value     Attribute Syntax Name                        Reference   Section
---------     -----------------------------                ---------   -------
0x20          reserved for future IANA Registration after  [RFC2910]   3.5.2
              an Expert Review as defined in [RFC2911] section 6.3.
0x21          integer                                      [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x22          boolean                                      [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x23          enum                                         [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x24-0x2F     reserved for future IANA Registration of     [RFC2910]   3.5.2
              integer type definitions after an Expert 
              Review as defined in [RFC2911] section 6.3.
NOTE: 0x20 is reserved for "generic integer" if it should ever be needed.

The following table specifies the octetString values for the "value-tag"
Tag Value     Meaning                                      Reference   Section
---------     -----------------------------                ---------   -------
0x30          octetString with an unspecified format       [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x31          dateTime                                     [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x32          resolution                                   [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x33          rangeOfInteger                               [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x34          begCollection                                [RFC3382]   7.1
0x35          textWithLanguage                             [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x36          nameWithLanguage                             [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x37          endCollection                                [RFC3382]   7.1
0x38-0x3F     reserved for future IANA Registration of     [RFC2910]   3.5.2
              octetString type definitions after an Expert
              Review as defined in [RFC2911] section 6.3.

The following table specifies the character-string values for the "value-tag"
Tag Value     Meaning                                      Reference   Section
---------     -----------------------------                ---------   -------
0x40          reserved for future IANA Registration after  [RFC2910]   3.5.2
              an Expert Review as defined in [RFC2911] section 6.3.
0x41          textWithoutLanguage                          [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x42          nameWithoutLanguage                          [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x43          reserved for future IANA Registration after  [RFC2910]   3.5.2
              an Expert Review as defined in [RFC2911] section 6.3.
0x44          keyword                                      [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x45          uri                                          [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x46          uriScheme                                    [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x47          charset                                      [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x48          naturalLanguage                              [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x49          mimeMediaType                                [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x4A          memberAttrName                               [RFC3382]   7.1
0x4B-0x5F     reserved for future IANA Registration of     [RFC2910]   3.5.2
              character string type definitions after an Expert
              Review as defined in [RFC2911] section 6.3.
NOTE: 0x40 is reserved for "generic character-string" if it should ever be


Operation definitions may be proposed as extensions to the base IPP protocol
with a required review according to [RFC2911] section 6.4.  See the hex values
assigned to each operation under the "operations-supported" attribute in
Section 3 above.  In addition, vendors may define their own private operations.
See the explanation at the beginning of Section 3 above on the enum allocation
for such vendor-defined private operations.

Operations are listed in alphabetic order.  Specifications that extend the
semantics of operations defined in other specifications will be listed here
as well on separate lines with the notation "(extension)" after the name.

Operation Name                                             Reference   Section
--------------------------------------                     ---------   -------
Cancel-Job                                                 [RFC2911]   3.3.3
Create-Job                                                 [RFC2911]   3.2.4
Get-Job-Attributes                                         [RFC2911]   3.3.4
Get-Jobs                                                   [RFC2911]   3.2.6
Get-Printer-Attributes                                     [RFC2911]   3.2.5
Hold-Job                                                   [RFC2911]   3.3.5
Pause-Printer                                              [RFC2911]   3.2.7
Print-Job                                                  [RFC2911]   3.2.1
Print-URI                                                  [RFC2911]   3.2.2
Purge-Jobs                                                 [RFC2911]   3.2.9
Release-Job                                                [RFC2911]   3.3.6
Restart-Job                                                [RFC2911]   3.3.7
Resume-Printer                                             [RFC2911]   3.2.8
Send-Document                                              [RFC2911]   3.3.1
Send-URI                                                   [RFC2911]   3.3.2
Set-Job-Attributes                                         [RFC3380]   4.2
Set-Printer-Attributes                                     [RFC3380]   4.1
Set-Printer-Supported Values                               [RFC3380]   4.3
Validate-Job                                               [RFC2911]   3.2.3


The range of attribute group tags is 0x00 to 0x0f.  Tag values are allocated
using an Expert Review that requires a review with a mailing list according to
[RFC2911] section 6.5.  See [RFC2910] section 3.5.1.  Tag values are listed in
numeric order.

Tag Value     Attribute Group Tag Name                     Reference   Section
---------     ------------------------------------         ---------   -------
   0x00       reserved for future IANA Registration after  [RFC2910]   3.5.1
              an Expert Review as defined in [RFC2911] section 6.5.
   0x01       "operation-attributes-tag"                   [RFC2910]   3.5.1
   0x02       "job-attributes-tag"                         [RFC2910]   3.5.1
   0x03       "end-of-attributes-tag"                      [RFC2910]   3.5.1
   0x04       "printer-attributes-tag"                     [RFC2910]   3.5.1
   0x05       "unsupported-attributes-tag"                 [RFC2910]   3.5.1


The range of status code values is 0x0000 to 0x7FFF.  Status code values in
the range 0x0000 to 0x007F and 0x0600 to 0x7FFF are allocated using an Expert
Review that requires a review with a mailing list according to [RFC2911]
section 6.6.  [RFC2911] section 13 allocates the value ranges for each status
code class are as follows:

  "successful"     - 0x0000 to 0x00FF
  "informational"  - 0x0100 to 0x01FF
  "redirection"    - 0x0300 to 0x03FF   -- See RFC 2911 Errata
  "client-error"   - 0x0400 to 0x04FF
  "server-error"   - 0x0500 to 0x05FF

Values in the range 0x0080 to 0x05FF are reserved for vendor extensions.
The top half (128 values) of each range (0x0n80 [See RFC 2911 Errata] to
0x0nFF, for n = 0 to 5) is reserved for vendor use within each status code
class.  Values 0x0600 to 0x7FFF are reserved for future IANA Registration
after an Expert Review as defined in [RFC2911] section 6.6.  Status codes are
listed in numeric order.

Value    Status Code Name                                  Reference   Section
------   ------------------------------------              ---------   -------
0x0000:0x00FF - Successful:
0x0000     successful-ok                                   [RFC2911]
0x0001     successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes [RFC2911]
0x0002     successful-ok-conflicting-attributes            [RFC2911]

0x0100:0x01FF - Informational:
none at this time

0x0300:0x03FF - Redirection (see RFC 2911 Errata):
none at this time

0x0400:0x04FF - Client Error:
0x0400     client-error-bad-request                        [RFC2911]
0x0401     client-error-forbidden                          [RFC2911]
0x0402     client-error-not-authenticated                  [RFC2911]
0x0403     client-error-not-authorized                     [RFC2911]
0x0404     client-error-not-possible                       [RFC2911]
0x0405     client-error-timeout                            [RFC2911]
0x0406     client-error-not-found                          [RFC2911]
0x0407     client-error-gone                               [RFC2911]
0x0408     client-error-request-entity-too-large           [RFC2911]
0x0409     client-error-request-value-too-long             [RFC2911]
0x040A     client-error-document-format-not-supported      [RFC2911]
0x040B     client-error-attributes-or-values-not-supported [RFC2911]
0x040C     client-error-uri-scheme-not-supported           [RFC2911]
0x040D     client-error-charset-not-supported              [RFC2911]
0x040E     client-error-conflicting-attributes             [RFC2911]
0x040F     client-error-compression-not-supported          [RFC2911]
0x0410     client-error-compression-error                  [RFC2911]
0x0411     client-error-document-format-error              [RFC2911]
0x0412     client-error-document-access-error              [RFC2911]
0x0413     client-error-attributes-not-settable            [RFC3380]  7.1

0x0500:0x05FF - Server Error:
0x0500     server-error-internal-error                     [RFC2911]
0x0501     server-error-operation-not-supported            [RFC2911]
0x0502     server-error-service-unavailable                [RFC2911]
0x0503     server-error-version-not-supported              [RFC2911]
0x0504     server-error-device-error                       [RFC2911]
0x0505     server-error-temporary-error                    [RFC2911]
0x0506     server-error-not-accepting-jobs                 [RFC2911]
0x0507     server-error-busy                               [RFC2911]
0x0508     server-error-job-canceled                       [RFC2911]
0x0509     server-error-multiple-document-jobs-not-supported


The range of out-of-band tags is 0x10 to 0x1F.  Tag values are allocated
using an Expert Review that requires a review with a mailing list according to
[RFC2911] section 6.7.  See [RFC2910] section 3.5.2.  The tag values are
listed in numeric order.

Tag Value   Out-of-Band Name                               Reference   Section
---------   ------------------------------------           ---------   -------
0x10        unsupported                                    [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x11        reserved for 'default' for a future IANA       [RFC2910]   3.5.2
            Registration after an Expert Review as defined 
            in [RFC2911] section 5.7.
0x12        unknown                                        [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x13        no-value                                       [RFC2910]   3.5.2
0x14        reserved for future standardization
0x15        not-settable                                   [RFC3380]   8.1
0x16        delete-attribute                               [RFC3380]   8.2
0x17        admin-define                                   [RFC3380]   8.3


   [RFC2910]  R. Herriot, S. Butler, P. Moore, R. Turner, "Internet Printing
           Protocol/1.1: Encoding and Transport", RFC 2910, September 2000.

   [RFC2911]  T. Hastings, R. Herriot, R. deBry, S. Isaacson, and
           P. Powell, "Internet Printing Protocol/1.1: Model and
           Semantics", RFC 2911, September 2000.

   [RFC3380]  T. Hastings, R. Herriot, C. Kugler, and H. Lewis, "Internet
           Printing Protocol (IPP): Job and Printer Set Operations",
           RFC 3380, September 2002.

   [RFC3381]  T. Hastings, H. Lewis, and R. Bergman, "Internet Printing
           Protocol (IPP): Job Progress Attributes", RFC 3381, September 2002.

   [RFC3382]  D. deBry, T. Hastings, R. Herriot, K. Ocke, and P. Zehler
           "Internet Printing Protocol (IPP): The 'collection' attribute
           syntax", RFC 3382, September 2002.

(file first created 2002-07-15)
