Robert Herriot (editor)
                                                               Sun Microsystems
                                                                  Sylvan Butler
                                                                Hewlett Packard
                                                                     Paul Moore
                                                                   Randy Turner
                                                                     Sharp Labs
                                                                   July 2, 1997

                Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Protocol Specification

       Status of this Memo

       This document is an Internet-Draft.  Internet-Drafts are working
       documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and
       its working groups.  Note that other groups may also distribute working
       documents as Internet-Drafts.

       Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
       and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
       time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material
       or to cite them other than as "work in progress".

       To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the
       "1id-abstracts.txt" listing contained in the Internet-Drafts Shadow
       Directories on (Africa), (Europe), (Pacific Rim), (US East Coast), or (US West Coast).


       This document is one of a set of documents, which together describe all
       aspects of a new Internet Printing Protocol (IPP).  IPP is an
       application level protocol that can be used for distributed printing
       using Internet tools and technology.  The protocol is heavily influenced
       by the printing model introduced in the Document Printing Application
       (ISO/IEC 10175 DPA) standard.  Although DPA specifies both end user and
       administrative features, IPP version 1.0 is focused only on end user

       The full set of IPP documents includes:

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         Internet Printing Protocol: Requirements
         Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics
         Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Security
         Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Protocol Specification
         Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Directory Schema

       The requirements document takes a broad look at distributed printing
       functionality, and it enumerates real-life scenarios that help to
       clarify the features that need to be included in a printing protocol for
       the Internet.  It identifies requirements for three types of users: end
       users, operators, and administrators.  The requirements document calls
       out a subset of end user requirements that MUST be satisfied in the
       first version of IPP.  Operator and administrator requirements are out
       of scope for v1.0. The model and semantics document describes a
       simplified model with abstract objects, their attributes, and their
       operations. The model introduces a Printer object and a Job object.  The
       Job object supports multiple documents per job.  The security document
       covers potential threats and proposed counters to those threats.  The
       protocol specification is formal document which incorporates the ideas
       in all the other documents into a concrete mapping using clearly defined
       data representations and transport protocol mappings that real
       implementers can use to develop interoperable client and server side
       components. Finally, the directory schema document shows a generic
       schema for directory service entries that represent instances of IPP

       This document is the "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Protocol
       Specification" document.

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                                  Table of Contents

       1. Introduction .......................................................4
       2. Conformance Terminology ............................................4
       3. Encoding of  the Operation Layer ...................................4
          3.1  Syntax of Encoding ............................................4
          3.2  Diagram of Encoding ...........................................5
          3.3  Version .......................................................7
          3.4  Mapping of Operations .........................................7
          3.5  Mapping of Status .............................................8
          3.6  Lengths of  Parameter Names ...................................9
          3.7  Mapping of Attribute and Parameter Names ......................9
          3.8  Lengths of  Parameter Values ..................................9
          3.9  Mapping of Attribute and Parameter Values ....................10
          3.10 Encoding of Data .............................................11
       4. Encoding of Transport Layer .......................................11
          4.1  General Headers ..............................................12
          4.2  Request  Headers .............................................13
          4.3  Response Headers .............................................14
          4.4  Entity  Headers ..............................................14
       5. Security Considerations ...........................................15
       6. Appendix A: Requirements with Transports other than HTTP/1.1 ......16
          6.1  Additional Parameter-group for HTTP header information .......16
          6.2  Chunking of Data .............................................17
          6.3  Revised Syntax for the Operation Layer .......................17
       7. References ........................................................18
       8. Author's Address ..................................................19
       9. Other Participants: ...............................................20

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       1. Introduction

       This document contains the rules for encoding IPP operations and
       describes two layers: the transport layer and the operation layer.

       The transport layer consists of an  HTTP/1.1 request or response. RFC
       2068 describes HTTP/1.1. This document specifies the HTTP headers that
       an IPP implementation supports.

       The operation layer consists of  a message body in an HTTP request or
       response.  The document "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and
       Semantics" defines the semantics of such a message body and the
       supported values. This document specifies the encoding of an IPP

       2. Conformance Terminology

       The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
       "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and  "OPTIONAL" in this
       document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [25].

       3. Encoding of  the Operation Layer

       The operation layer SHALL contain a single operation request or
       operation response.

       The encoding is defined using both a diagram and Augmented Backus-Naur
       Form (ABNF), as specified by draft-ietf-drums-abnf-02.txt [29]

       All binary integers in this encoding SHALL be transmitted in big-endian
       format (also known as _network order_ and _most significant byte first_)

       3.1 Syntax of Encoding

       The syntax for the operation layer is:

         ipp-message = ipp-request / ipp-response
         ipp-request = version operation parameters %xFF %xFF [ data ]
         ipp-response = version status parameters %xFF %xFF [ data ]
         version = major-version minor-version
         major-version = SIGNED-BYTE  ; initially %d1
         minor-version = SIGNED-BYTE  ; initially %d0
         operation = SIGNED-SHORT  ; mapping from model defined below

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         status = SIGNED-SHORT     ; mapping from model defined below
         parameters = parameter-group *(%xFF %xFE parameter-group)
         parameter-group = *parameter
         parameter = single-parameter *(more-values)
         single-parameter = name-length name value-length value
         more-values = zero-name-length value-length value
         name-length = SIGNED-SHORT    ; number of octets of `name'
         name = LALPHA *( LALPHA / DIGIT / _-_ / ___ )
         value-length = SIGNED-SHORT  ; number of octets of `value'
         value = OCTET-STRING
         zero-name-length = %x00 %x00
         data = OCTET-STRING

         SIGNED-BYTE = %x0..%xFF
         SIGNED-SHORT = %x0..%xFF %x0..%xFF
         DIGIT = "0".."9"
         LALPHA = "a".."z"
         BYTE = %x0..%xFF

       NOTE: there are 3 additional fields that are positioned, from a decoding
       view, in the same position as the `name-length' field. These fields are
       defined in the syntax above, and they have the following 3 special

         .  0 (0x0000): denotes an additional value of a parameter.  When a
            parameter has more than one value, the parameter-name for all but
            the first value is empty and has a length of zero.
         .  -1 (0xFFFF): denotes the end of the parameters. The `data' starts
            in the next byte. The 2 bytes of -1 are present even when there is
            no data.
         .  -2 (0xFFFE): denotes the end of a parameter group. The next
            parameter-group starts in the next byte. This special value exists
            only when an operation contains 2 or more parameter groups. A
            parameter group is defined in greater detail in section 3.7
            _Mapping of Attribute and Parameter Names_.

       3.2 Diagram of Encoding

       The following is a diagram of the encoding of  a request operation.

       Note: there are be 1 or more parameter groups and data may be omitted.

         |    major version       |    minor version  |    2 bytes
         |                   operation                |    2 bytes

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         |                parameter-group             |    k bytes
         |                    0xFFFE                  |    2 bytes |
         ----------------------------------------------            |
         |                      _                     |    m bytes |
         ----------------------------------------------            |
         |                parameter-group             |    n bytes |- optional
         ----------------------------------------------            |
         |                    0xFFFE                  |    2 bytes |
         ----------------------------------------------            |
         |                parameter-group             |    p bytes |
         |                    0xFFFF                  |    2 bytes
         |                     data                   |    q bytes - optional

       The following is a diagram of the parameter-group which is 0 or more

         |                   parameter                |    r bytes
         |                      _                     |    s bytes
         |                   parameter                |    t bytes

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       The following is a diagram of a parameter. The optional fields are
       present only when a parameter has more than one value.

         |                length-of-name              |    2 bytes
         |                parameter-name              |    u bytes
         |                length-of-value             |    2 bytes
         |                parameter-value             |    v bytes
         |                    0x0000                  |    2 bytes |
         ----------------------------------------------            |
         |                length-of-value             |    2 bytes |
         ----------------------------------------------            |
         |                parameter-value             |    w bytes |- optional
         ----------------------------------------------            |
         |                      _                     |    x bytes |
         ----------------------------------------------            |
         |                    0x0000                  |    2 bytes |
         ----------------------------------------------            |
         |                length-of-value             |    2 bytes |
         ----------------------------------------------            |
         |                parameter-value             |    y bytes |

       The encoding of  a response operation is identical to the encoding of a
       request operation except that the `status' field replaces the
       `operation' field.

       3.3 Version

       The version SHALL consist of a major and minor version, each of which
       SHALL be represented by a one byte signed integer. The protocol
       described in this document SHALL have a major version of 1 (0x01) and a
       minor version of  0 (0x00).

       3.4 Mapping of Operations

       The following SHALL be the mapping of operations names to integer values
       which are encoded as two byte binary signed integers. The operations are
       defined in the document "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and

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         Operation                             Integer Encoding (in decimal)

         Get-Operations                                  0
         Print-Job                                       1
         Print-URI                                       2
         Validate-Job                                    3
         Create-Job                                      4
         Send-Document                                   5
         Send-URI                                        6
         Cancel-Job                                      7
         Get-Attributes                                  8
         Get-Jobs                                        9

       3.5 Mapping of Status

       The following SHALL be the mapping of status names to integer values
       which are encoded as two byte binary signed integers. The status names
       are defined in the document "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and

       If an IPP status is returned, then the HTTP status MUST be 200 (OK).
       With any other HTTP status value, the HTTP response SHALL NOT contain an
       IPP message-body, and thus no IPP status is returned.

       Note: the integer encodings below were chosen to be similar to
       corresponding status values in HTTP. But the status returned at the HTTP
       level will always be different except in the case where `OK' is returned
       at both levels, 200 (OK) in HTTP and 0 (successful-OK) in IPP.

         Status Name                           Integer Encoding (in decimal)
         successful-OK                                   0
         client-error-bad-request                        400
         client-error-unauthorized                       401
         client-error-payment-required                   402
         client-error-forbidden                          403
         client-error-not-found                          404
         client-error-method-not-allowed                 405
         client-error-timeout                            408
         client-error-gone                               410
         client-error-request-entity-too-large           413
         client-error-request-URI-too-long               414
         client-error-unsupported-document-format        415
         client-error-attribute-not-supported            416
         server-error-internal-server-error              500
         server-error-operation-not-implemented          501

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         server-error-service-unavailable                503
         server-error-timeout                            504
         server-error-version-not-supported              505
         server-error-printer-error                      506
         server-error-temporary-error                    507

       3.6 Lengths of  Parameter Names

       Each parameter name SHALL be preceded by a two byte binary signed
       integer in big endian order which SHALL specify the number of octets in
       the name which follows this length, exclusive of the two bytes
       specifying the length.

       3.7 Mapping of Attribute and Parameter Names

       Attribute names and parameter names are ASCII text strings whose values
       SHALL be  the text names defined in the document "Internet Printing
       Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics".

       The document "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics"
       defines the parameters for each operation. Some of these parameters
       SHALL receive special handling in the protocol, as described below.

        The parameter named _status_ for each response SHALL become the
       _status_ field in the operation layer.  A response may optionally
       include the parameter _reason-phase_ to specify human readable text
       associated with the status. If this parameter is in the response, it
       SHALL be the first one.

       The parameter named _document-content_, which is defined for some
       requests, SHALL become the _data_ in the operation layer.

       Requests and responses contain a mixture of parameters and attributes.
       All parameters SHALL be in the first parameter-group.  Attributes shall
       be in the second parameter-group.  If an operation returns attributes
       from more than one object (e.g. Get-Jobs), the attributes from each
       object shall be in a separate parameter-group.

       3.8 Lengths of  Parameter Values

       Each parameter value SHALL be preceded by a two byte binary signed
       integer in big endian order which SHALL specify the number of octets in
       the value which follows this length, exclusive of the two bytes
       specifying the length.

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       3.9 Mapping of Attribute and Parameter Values

       The following SHALL be the mapping of attribute and parameter values to
       their IPP encoding. The syntax types are defined in the document
       "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics".

         text - an octet string where each character is encoded in UTF-8. The
            first character in the octet string is the encoding of the first
            character in the text value
         name - same as text
         fileName - same as text
         keyword - same as text. Allowed text values are defined in the
            document "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics".
         uri - same as text
         uriScheme - same as text
         locale - same as text
         boolean - one binary octet where 0x00 is `false' and 0x01 is `true'
         integer - number of octets is a power of 2 (i.e. 1, 2 or 4). These
            octets represent a signed binary integer in big endian order (MSB
         enum - same as integer. Allowed integer values are defined in the
            document "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics".
         dateTime - same as text. Syntax of data and time is defined by ISO

         ISSUE: should ISO 8601 be called out in the model document?

         seconds - same as integer
         milliseconds - same as integer
         1setOf  X - encoding according to the rules for a parameter with more
            than more value.  Each value X is encoded according to the rules
            for encoding its type.
         rangeOf  X - same 1setOf  X where the number of values is 2.

       There is sometimes a need for a parameter to have some special `out-of-
       band' values.  Such value are represented by empty values with special
       negative lengths as specified by the table below.

         default - -1
         unsupported - -2

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       3.10 Encoding of Data

       No encoding SHALL be applied to the data. It is included within the
       operation as is.

       NOTE: HTTP, however, allows an encoding to be applied to the entire

       4. Encoding of Transport Layer

       HTTP/1.1 shall be the transport layer for this protocol.

       The operation layer has been designed with the assumption that the
       transport layer contains the following information:

         - the URI of the target job or printer operation
         - the total length of the data in the operation layer, either as a
            single length or as a sequence of chunks each with a length.

       Each HTTP operation shall use the POST method where the URI the object
       target of the operation, and where the _Content-Type_ of the message-
       body in each request and response shall be _application/ipp_. The
       message-body shall contain the operation layer and shall have the syntax
       described in section 2.

       ISSUE: Should the URI of the operation be in the operation layer? Should
       the URI in the POST be a server/printer always with the target object as
       a parameter within the message-body?

       In the following sections, there are a tables of all HTTP headers which
       describe their use in an IPP client or server.  The following is an
       explanation of each column in these tables.

         - the _header_ column contains the name of a header
         - the _request/client_ column indicates whether a client sends the
            header. The values in each cell are described below:
         - the _request/server_ column indicates whether a server supports the
            header when received. The values in each cell are described below.
         - the _response/server_ column indicates whether a server sends the
            header. The values in each cell are described below:
         - the _response /client_ column indicates whether a client supports
            the header when received. The values in each cell are described
         - the _values and conditions_ column specifies the allowed header
            values and the conditions for the header to be present in a

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       The table for _request headers_ does not have columns for responses, and
       the table for _response headers_ does not have columns for requests.

       The following is an explanation of the values in the _request client_
       and _response server_ columns.

         man: (mandatory) the client or server MUST send the header,
         c-man: (conditionally mandatory)  the client or server MUST send the
            header when the condition described in the _values and conditions_
            column is met,
         opt: (optional) the client or server MAY send the header
         not: (not needed) the client or server NEED NOT send the header. It
            is not relevant to an IPP implementation.

       The following is an explanation of the values in the _response client_
       and _request server_ columns.

         man: (mandatory) the client or server MUST support the header,
         opt: (optional)  the client or server MAY support the header
         not: (not needed) the client or server NEED NOT support the header.
            It is not relevant to an IPP implementation.

       4.1 General Headers

       The following is a table for the general headers.

       ISSUE: an HTTP expert should review these tables for accuracy.

       General-     Request    Response   Values and Conditions

                    Cli  Serv  Serv  Cli
                    ent  er    er    ent

       Cache-       man  not   man   not  _no-cache_ only
       Connection   c-   man   c-    man  _close_  only.  Header   must  be
                    man        man        present     only     for     last
                                          request/response    before    the
                                          connection is closed.
       Date         opt  opt   man   opt  per RFC 1123
       Pragma`      man  not   man   not  _no-cache_ only
       Transfer-    c-   man   c-    man  _chunked_ only  . Header  must be
       Encoding     man        man        present   if  Content-Length   is
       Upgrade      not  not   not   not

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       General-     Request    Response   Values and Conditions

                    Cli  Serv  Serv  Cli
                    ent  er    er    ent

       Via          not  not   not   not

       4.2 Request  Headers

       The following is a table for the request headers.

       Request-      Cli  Serv  Request Values and Conditions
       Header        ent  er

       Accept        opt  man   _application/ipp_ only.  This  value is the
                                default if the client omits it
       Accept-       opt  man   per IANA Character  Set registry.    ISSUE:
       Charset                  is this useful for IPP?
       Accept-       opt  man   empty and  per RFC  2068 and  IANA registry
       Encoding                 for content-codings
       Accept-       opt  man   see RFC 1766
       Authorizatio  c-   man   per RFC  2068. A  client sends  this header
       n             man        when  it  receives  a   401  _Unauthorized_
                                response   and    no   _Proxy-Authenticate_
       From          not  not   per  RFC   2068.  Because   RFC  recommends
                                sending this  header only  with the  user's
                                approval, it is not very useful
       Host          man  man   per RFC 2068
       If-Match      not  not
       If-Modified-  not  not
       If-None-      not  not
       If-Range      not  not
       If-           not  not
       Max-Forwards  not  not
       Proxy-        c-   not   per RFC  2068.  A  client  must  send  this
       Authorizatio  man        header   when    it    receives    a    401

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       Request-      Cli  Serv  Request Values and Conditions
       Header        ent  er

       n                        _Unauthorized_  response   and  a   _Proxy-
                                Authenticate_ header.
       Range         not  not
       Referer       not  not
       User-Agent    not  not

       4.3 Response Headers

       The following is a table for the request headers.

       Response-     Serv Clie  Response Values and Conditions
       Header        er   nt

       Accept-       not  not
       Age           not  not
       Location      c-   opt   per RFC 2068. When URI needs redirection.
       Proxy-        not  man   per RFC 2068
       Public        opt  opt   per RFC 2068
       Retry-After   opt  opt   per RFC 2068
       Server        not  not
       Vary          not  not
       Warning       opt  opt   per RFC 2068
       WWW-          c-   man   per  RFC  2068.  When  a  server  needs  to
       Authenticate  man        authenticate a client.

       4.4 Entity  Headers

       The following is a table for the request headers.

       Entity-      Request    Response   Values and Conditions

                    Cli  Serv  Serv  Clie
                    ent  er    er    nt

       Allow        not  not   not   not
       Content-     not  not   not   not

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       Entity-      Request    Response   Values and Conditions

                    Cli  Serv  Serv  Clie
                    ent  er    er    nt

       Content-     opt  man   man   man  per  RFC 2068  and  IANA registry
       Encoding                           for content codings.
       Content-     opt  man   man   man  see RFC 1766.
       Content-     c-   man   c-    man  the  length  of the  message-body
       Length       man        man        per  RFC  2068.  Header  must  be
                                          present  if Transfer-Encoding  is
       Content-     not  not   not   not
       Content-MD5  opt  opt   opt   opt  per RFC 2068
       Content-     not  not   not   not
       Content-     man  man   man   man  _application/ipp_ only
       ETag         not  not   not   not
       Expires      not  not   not   not
       Last-        not  not   not   not

       5. Security Considerations

       When utilizing HTTP 1.1 as a transport for IPP, all of the security
       considerations specified in RFC 2068 apply. In addition, the IPP adds
       some additional application-specific security considerations, including
       denial-of-service attacks, mutual authentication, and privacy. The IPP
       Model document addresses IPP-specific security considerations, while RFC
       2068 addresses HTTP-related security considerations.

       ISSUE: the security subgroup is free to add whatever is necessary to
       fill out the "security considerations" section of this document.
       However, the IPP model document should include the bulk of security
       discussions that are IPP-specific.

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       6. Appendix A: Requirements with Transports other than HTTP/1.1

       Some transports, such as raw TCP/IP, don't have a way to specify length
       or carry along parameters supported by a transport layer, such as
       HTTP/1.1. An example of such a parameter is the Content-Encoding for an
       operation.  Another example is the target URI.

       This section specifies the modifications to the operation-layer encoding
       for transports, such as raw TCP/IP. The following changes would have to
       made. All of these changes are upward compatible with the encoding
       defined in section 3 _Encoding of  the Operation Layer_.

       6.1 Additional Parameter-group for HTTP header information

       First there is an additional parameter-group which SHALL appear as the
       first parameter-group and which SHALL contain the target URI along with
       relevant HTTP header information, including those shown below. This
       parameter-group SHALL be preceded by a name-length of  -4 (0xFFFC) which
       functions like the other negative lengths defined in section 3 _Encoding
       of  the Operation Layer_. This special number specifies that the first
       parameter group contains header type information, and distinguishes it
       from the protocol which have these parameters outside of the operation

       The following table shows the mapping of  HTTP headers to parameters in
       the operation layer.

       HTTP  header  or  other IPP parameter name       Syntax     Type      of
       concept                                          Parameter

       URI                     target-URI               uri
       Connection              Close-Connection         Boolean
       Accept-Charset          Accept-Charset           keyword
       Accept-Encoding         Accept-Encoding          keyword
       Accept-Language         Accept-Language          keyword
       Content-Encoding        Content-Encoding         keyword
       Content-Language        Content-Language         keyword
       charset parameter       Content-Charset          keyword
       miscellaneous security  if needed at this level

       The first parameter in the header parameter-group for a request SHALL be
       the attribute _target-URI_ which is the target object of the operation.

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       ISSUE: should the reason-phrase be in the initial parameter group
       instead of the second one for responses?

       6.2 Chunking of Data

       Second the _parameters_ and _data_ of the operation layer are separated
       by -3 (0xFFFD) instead of  -1 (0xFFFF) to denote that the following data
       is chunked. A chunk of length 0 denotes the end of the data. The syntax
       for the chunked data is:

         chunked-data = *data-chunk %x00 %x00
         data-chunk = data-segment-length data-segment
         data-segment-length = SIGNED-SHORT   ; number of octets of the data
         in binary
         data-segment = OCTET-STRING

       A data-segment contains fragments of the data. When all the data-
       segments are concatenated together, they form the complete data.

       6.3 Revised Syntax for the Operation Layer

       The following is the revised syntax for the operation layer.

         ipp-message = ipp-request / ipp-response
         ipp-request = version operation parameters data
         ipp-response = version status parameters %xFF %xFF [ data ]
         version = major-version minor-version
         major-version = SIGNED-BYTE  ; initially %d1
         minor-version = SIGNED-BYTE  ; initially %d0
         operation = SIGNED-SHORT  ; mapping from model defined below
         status = SIGNED-SHORT     ; mapping from model defined below
         parameters = (headers / parameter-group ) *(%xFF %xFE parameter-
         headers = %xFF %xFC parameter-group
         parameter-group = *parameter
         parameter = single-parameter *(more-values)
         single-parameter = name-length name value-length value
         more-values = zero-name-length value-length value
         name-length = SIGNED-SHORT    ; number of octets of `name'
         name = LALPHA *( LALPHA / DIGIT / _-_ / ___ )
         value-length = SIGNED-SHORT  ; number of octets of `value'
         value = OCTET-STRING
         zero-name-length = %x00 %x00
         data = (%xFF %xFF [ full-data ] ) / ( %xFF %xFD chunked-data )
         full-data = OCTET-STRING

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         chunked-data = *data-chunk %x00 %x00
         data-chunk = data-segment-length data-segment
         data-segment-length = SIGNED-SHORT   ; number of octets of the data
         in binary
         data-segment = OCTET-STRING

         SIGNED-BYTE = %x0..%xFF
         SIGNED-SHORT = %x0..%xFF %x0..%xFF
         DIGIT = "0".."9"
         LALPHA = "a".."z"
         BYTE = %x0..%xFF

       7. References

       [1]  Smith, R., Wright, F., Hastings, T., Zilles, S., and Gyllenskog,
            J., "Printer MIB", RFC 1759, March 1995.

       [2]  Berners-Lee, T, Fielding, R., and Nielsen, H., "Hypertext Transfer
            Protocol - HTTP/1.0", RFC 1945, August 1995.

       [3]  Crocker, D., "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text
            Messages", RFC 822, August 1982.

       [4]  Postel, J., "Instructions to RFC Authors", RFC 1543, October 1993.

       [5]  ISO/IEC 10175 Document Printing Application (DPA), June 1996.

       [6]  Herriot, R. (editor), X/Open A Printing System Interoperability
            Specification (PSIS), August 1995.

       [7]  Kirk, M. (editor), POSIX System Administration - Part 4: Printing
            Interfaces, POSIX 1387.4 D8, 1994.

       [8]  Borenstein, N., and Freed, N., "MIME (Multi-purpose Internet Mail
            Extensions) Part One: Mechanism for Specifying and Describing the
            Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC 1521, September, 1993.

       [9]  Braden, S., "Requirements for Internet Hosts - Application and
            Support", RFC 1123, October, 1989,

       [10] McLaughlin, L. III, (editor), "Line Printer Daemon Protocol" RFC
            1179, August 1990.

       [11] Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L., McCahill, M. , "Uniform Resource
            Locators (URL)", RFC 1738, December, 1994.

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                        July 2, 1997, Expires January 2, 1998

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       [20] Internet Printing Protocol: Requirements

       [21] Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics

       [22] Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Security

       [23] Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Protocol Specification (This

       [24] Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Directory Schema

       [25] S. Bradner, "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
            Levels", RFC 2119 , March 1997

       [26] H. Alvestrand, " Tags for the Identification of Languages", RFC
            1766, March 1995.

       [27]       R Fielding, et al, _Hypertext Transfer Protocol _ HTTP/1.1_
            RFC 2068, January 1997

       [28]       Marcus Kuhn, _International Standard Date and Time Notation_,
            ISO 8601,

       [29] D. Crocker et al., _Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF_,

       8. Author's Address

            Robert Herriot (editor)
            Sun Microsystems Inc.
            901 San Antonio.Road, MPK-17
            Palo Alto, CA 94303

            Phone: 415-786-8995
            Fax:  415-786-7077

            Sylvan Butler
            Hewlett Packard

            Boise, ID

            Paul Moore
            One Microsoft Way

       Herriot, Butler, Moore and Turner                             [Page 19]
                        July 2, 1997, Expires January 2, 1998

       INTERNET-DRAFT      IPP/1.0: Protocol Specification        July 2, 1997

            Redmond, WA 98053

            Phone: 425-936-0908
            Fax: 425-93MS-FAX

            Randy Turner
            Sharp Laboratories
            5750 NW Pacific Rim Blvd
            Camas, WA 98607

            Phone: 360-817-8456
            Fax: : 360-817-8436

            IPP Mailing List:
            IPP Mailing List Subscription:
            IPP Web Page:

       9. Other Participants:

            Ron Bergman - Data Products
            Sylvan Butler - HP
            Keith Carter - IBM
            Jeff Copeland - QMS
            Roger Debry - IBM
            Lee Farrell - Canon
            Brian Grimshaw - Apple
            Jerry Hadsell - IBM
            Tom Hastings - Xerox
            Stephen Holmstead
            Zhi-hony Huang - Zenographics
            Scott Isaacson - Novell
            David Kellerman - Northlake Software
            Robert Kline - TrueSpectra
            Dave Kuntz - HP
            Takami Kurono - Brother
            Harry Lewis - IBM
            Tony Liao - Vivid Image
            David Manchala - Xerox
            Carl-Uno Manros - Xerox
            J.K. Martin - Underscore
            Jay Martin - Underscore
            Larry Masinter - Xerox
            Bob Pentecost - HP
            Patrick Powell - SDSU

       Herriot, Butler, Moore and Turner                             [Page 20]
                        July 2, 1997, Expires January 2, 1998

       INTERNET-DRAFT      IPP/1.0: Protocol Specification        July 2, 1997

            Xavier Riley - Xerox
            Gary Roberts - Ricoh
            Stuart Rowley - Kyocera
            Richard Schneider - Epson
            William Wagner - Digital Products
            Don Wright - Lexmark
            Rick Yardumian - Xerox
            Peter Zehler - Xerox
            Steve Zilles - Adobe

            NOTE: if I missed someone, please let me know.

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                        July 2, 1997, Expires January 2, 1998