PWG DRAFT                                                   Roger deBry
File:  ipp-collection-attr-syntax-v096.doc         IBM Printing Company
                                                             T. Hastings
                                                       Xerox Corporation
                                                              R. Herriot
                                                        Sun Microsystems
                                                          August 6, 1998

           Proposed Internet Printing Protocol/1.0 Extension
                     'collection' attribute syntax
Status of this Memo:

This document is a PWG Working Draft.  It proposes an OPTIONAL extension
to the IPP/1.0 Model and Semantics document [ipp-mod].  There are some
issues in Sections 4.1, 5, and 7.  This attribute syntax will be 
registered with IANA after approval by the WG and after IPP/1.0 has been 
published as RFCs.  We may want to publish it as an RFC as well.  This 
attribute syntax had originally been named 'dictionary'.  We agreed to 
change its name to 'collection' in [ipp-pro], since the member attributes 
are not ordered, typically.  [ipp-pro] has reserved the tag value code 
0x34 for 'collection'.  Some future extensions, both registered and 
private, will make use of this new attribute syntax.


   This document specifies a new attribute syntax called
   'collection'.  A 'collection' value is itself a set of
   attributes, called "member" attributes, that are grouped together
   as the value of an attribute.  The member attributes may be
   SINGLE-VALUED or MULTI-VALUED (1setOf).  An attribute that uses
   the 'collection' attribute syntax may be SINGLE-VALUED
   ('collection) or MULTI-VALUED ('1setOf collection') as well.

DeBry, Hastings, Herriot                                        [page 1]

IPP 'collection' attribute syntax    Version 0.96           Aug 6, 1998

                           Table of Contents

1  Problem Statement.................................................3
2  Summary of the attribute syntax alternative.......................3
3  Requirements for and properties of the suggested collection
4  Examples of collection usage......................................5
 4.1  Example a: "printer-resolution" Job Template attribute.........5
   4.1.1 "printer-resolution-default" example........................6
   4.1.2 "printer-resolution-supported" example and validation of
 4.2  Example b: "job-notify" Operation attribute....................6
 4.3  Example c: Start page fields supplied by the end-user..........7
 4.4  Example d: Postal mailing address..............................8
5  Detailed description 'collection' attribute syntax................8
6  Encoding..........................................................9
7  Rejected alternatives for a collection mechanism.................11
8  IANA Considerations..............................................13
9  Internationalization Considerations..............................13
10 Security Considerations..........................................13
11 References.......................................................13

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IPP 'collection' attribute syntax    Version 0.96           Aug 6, 1998

1  Problem Statement

There is no good way to add attributes that contain several fields,
whether the fields are mandatory or optional.  Instead of each new
attribute that needs more than one field (struct), requiring a new ad
hoc attribute syntax, such as we have done for the 'resolution'
attribute syntax for use in the "printer-resolution" attribute, it would
be desirable to have a simple, general mechanism for representing multi-
field values.  (ISO DPA [ISO-10175] also had many ad hoc syntaxes for
structure data types using ASN.1)  It would also be desirable to allow
fields to be omitted, when the attribute specification allows that.
This mechanism would be useful for both new attributes that we might
register as extensions to be used with the IPP standard, or that
implementers might implement as private extensions.

2  Summary of the attribute syntax alternative

A number of other alternatives were considered.  See the last section
for a list and the reasons for their rejection.

The proposal is to add a new attribute syntax, called 'collection'.  Any
attribute of type 'collection' ha a value that is a set of attributes,
called "member" attributes.  Each member attribute MAY be single-valued
or multi-valued (1setOf collection) as specified for the attribute that
has the 'collection' attribute syntax.  Since each attribute value has a
length like any other attribute value, IPP objects not supporting the
attribute can easily skip over the entire attribute value, i.e., skip
over the entire set of attributes that make up a collection value.

3  Requirements for and properties of the suggested collection mechanism

The collection mechanism for use with IPP needs to have the following
semantic properties:

  The collection mechanism provides a way to supply and query a set of
  attributes as a logical unit.  Then each 'field' that is present in
  the collection would be self-identifying by its attribute name.

  The attributes in a collection are unordered.  Therefore, an IPP
  object MUST be able to accept attributes in a collection in any
  order.  In order to improve processing efficiency, one or more member
  attributes of the collection may be specified as being REQUIRED to be
  first, just as for operation attributes in an IPP request.

  The semantics of a collection attribute specifies which attributes in
  a collection instance are REQUIRED for the IPP object to support and
  which are OPTIONAL for the IPP object to support when the IPP object
  supports that collection attribute.

  The semantics of a collection attribute specifies which attributes in
  a collection instance are required for the requester to supply and
  which the requester may omit.

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IPP 'collection' attribute syntax    Version 0.96           Aug 6, 1998

  A collection attribute could be single valued, i.e., with one
  collection value consisting of a set of attributes, or could be
  multi-valued, i.e., with multiple collection values, each consisting
  of a set of attributes.

  An attribute in a collection value can be single valued or multi-
  valued as well according to the specification of the collection

  As with all attribute values, if an IPP object does not support a
  collection attribute, it must be easy for the IPP object to ignore
  each collection attribute value, including returning whatever is
  required in the Ignored Attributes group in the response.

  The syntax of each collection value is the same as a group of
  attributes in a request or response, so each attribute in a
  collection value instance has its keyword name, its attribute syntax
  code, and its value.

  An implementer MAY support additional registered or private
  attributes in a collection.  In other words, a collection is
  extensible, just like an attribute group in an operation or response.

    ince support of all possible combinations of values for all
  attributes in a collection value may not be supported by some
  implementations, there should be a way for the IPP object to indicate
  which combinations of values are supported.  For example, 300x300,
  600x300, and 600x600, but not 300x600 dpi.

    inally, an attribute in a collection value can be itself a
  collection, so that nesting could be allowed, if the specification of
  a collection attribute allowed a collection attribute to be contained
  in its collection.

DeBry, Hastings, Herriot                                        [page 4]

IPP 'collection' attribute syntax    Version 0.96           Aug 6, 1998

4  Examples of collection usage

This section describes four collection Job Template examples: "printer-
resolution", "job-notify", "job-start-page-contents", and "postal-mail-
disposition" attributes.  The "printer-resolution" and "job-notify"
attributes only contain single-valued member attributes, while the "job-
start-page-contents" and "postal-mail-disposition"   attributes contain
multi-valued member attributes.

4.1 Example a: "printer-resolution" Job Template attribute

For example, the new "printer-resolution" attribute was defined using a
very ad hoc 'resolution' attribute syntax.  Had we had the collection
attribute syntax, we might have chosen to use it here, though we
wouldn't have had to either.  If we did use the 'collection' attribute
syntax for the "resolution", the attribute value would contain the
following attributes:  "resolution", "cross-feed-resolution", and
"resolution-units".  We could have also specified that the "cross-feed-
resolution" attribute is OPTIONAL and when omitted, the cross-feed
resolution is the same as the "resolution" attribute, since most
resolutions are the same in both directions.  We could have also
specified that the "resolution-units" attribute is OPTIONAL and when
omitted, the resolution units are dots per inch.

For the resolution, the "resolution" member attribute may be supplied by
the client by itself when the value is the same for feed and cross-feed
and the units are dots per inch.   This would allow simple clients to
provide most of the resolution capability in a simple way.

The specification for the "printer-resolution" collection attribute is
that its collection value is made up of the following attributes:

  Attribute name           syntax         in request
  --------------           ------         ----------
  "resolution"             integer        required
  "cross-feed-resolution"  integer        optional
  "resolution-units"       enum           optional

For a simplified collection attribute notation, lets use:

     "collection attribute" = { set of attributes and values }

where a set of {} is used to group a single collection value.

For example, a client supplying a resolution of 600 x 300 would be
indicated in examples using the following notation:

     "printer-resolution" = { "resolution" = '600', "cross-feed-
resolution" = '300' }

DeBry, Hastings, Herriot                                        [page 5]

IPP 'collection' attribute syntax    Version 0.96           Aug 6, 1998

     "printer-resolution-default" example

The Printer object could represent the "printer-resolution-default"
default values as a single collection value.  For example, a system
administrator (or the printer vendor) could specify the default as:

     "printer-resolution-default" = { "resolution" = '300' }

      printer-resolution-supported" example and validation of

The Printer object could indicate the combinations of resolutions that
are supported by three sets of collection values which represent
300x300, 600x300, and 600x600 dpi, respectively (300x600, say, is not
supported).  Such a configured situation could be represented in
examples as:

  "printer-resolution-supported" = {
        { "resolution" = '300' },
        { "resolution" = '600', "cross-feed-resolution" = '300' },
        { "resolution" = '600' } }

4.2 Example b: "job-notify" Operation attribute

NOTE:  The current proposal for notification does not use the collection
mechanism [ipp-not].  This example just shows how we could use the
collection attribute syntax, if it is necessary to be able to group
events and methods, rather than saying that the mail method ignores most
of the events, so that other methods can be specified in the same job
subscription.  Because the 'collection' attribute syntax is itself
multi-valued, the member attributes do not need to be, thus simplifying
the syntax  However, the same recipient can be in more than one
collection value, and the same event group can be in more than one
collection value.

In order to allow a client to supply different event groups for
different recipients/methods, the requester must be able to supply one
or more notification collection values, where each collection value
consists of one "notify-event" attribute and one "notify-recipient"
attribute.  Additional registered or private attributes may be included
in the future.  There might be a similar multi-valued "printer-notify"
Printer object collection attribute that is supplied by a new Subscribe
operation, but is independent of jobs.  Both the "job-notify" and the
"printer-notify" collection attributes are MULTI-VALUED but contain
attributes that themselves are only SINGLE-VALUED.

The "job-notify" Operation collection attribute would have collection
values with the following syntax:

  Attribute name            syntax                   in request
  -----------------         -------                  ------------
  "notify-event-group"      type2 keyword            OPTIONAL
  "notify-recipient"        uri                      REQUIRED

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IPP 'collection' attribute syntax    Version 0.96           Aug 6, 1998

A Print-Job request could supply the collection attribute values in
order to send immediate 'job-error' events to Smith (himself) and e-mail
'job-completion' to Jones and White.

     "job-notify" =    { "notify-event-group" = 'job-errors'
                         "notify-recipient" =
                         "ipp-tcpip-socket:' },
                       { "notify-event-group" = 'job-completion'
                         "notify-recipient" = 'mailto:Jones' }
                       { "notify-event-group" = 'job-completion'
                         "notify-recipient" = 'mailto:White' }

4.3 Example c: Start page fields supplied by the end-user

As a third example of a collection, an attribute could represent the
fields that the submitter wishes to be printed on the job-start page.
The name of the attribute might be: "job-start-page-contents".  The
collection value might include: "job-name", "user-name", "job-comment",
"account-name", "job-disposition", "job-delivery", etc. where the values
of the attributes in the collection are printed after each attribute
name on the job-start-page.

  Attribute name      syntax            in request
  -----------------   -------           ------------
  "job-name"          name              required
  "user-name"         name              required
  "job-comment"       text              optional
  "account-name"      name              optional
  "job-disposition"   keyword           optional
  "job-delivery"      1setOf keyword    optional

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IPP 'collection' attribute syntax    Version 0.96           Aug 6, 1998

4.4 Example d: Postal mailing address

As a final example of a collection, an attribute could represent a
postal mailing address for the output.  The name of the attribute might
be "postal-mail-disposition" and it would be multi-valued, i.e., 1setOf
collection.  The collection attribute might have the following
specification and support requirements if the "postal-mail-disposition"
collection attribute is supported at all:

  Attribute name       syntax      in request   IPP object support
  --------------       -------     ----------   -------------------
  "addressee-name"     text        required     REQUIRED
  "company-name"       text        optional     OPTIONAL
  "internal-mail-stop" text        optional     OPTIONAL
  "apartment-number    text        optional     REQUIRED
  "street-address"     text        required     REQUIRED
  "city-or-town        text        required     REQUIRED
  "state"              text        required     REQUIRED
  "postal-zone         text        required     REQUIRED
  "country"            text        optional     OPTIONAL
  "phone-numbers       1setOf text optional     OPTIONAL

5  Detailed description 'collection' attribute syntax

Register the following attribute syntax, written in the style of section
4.1 Attribute Syntaxes of the IPP Model specification:

4.1.n 'collection'

A set of unordered attributes called member attributes, where each
member attribute MAY be single-valued or multi-valued as specified for
the collection attribute.  The length of each collection value MUST be
less than 1024 octets.

As in the attribute sets that are passed in an operation group, an IPP
object MUST accept the attributes in a collection value in any order.
The specification of an attribute whose attribute syntax is 'collection'
MAY specify one or more member attributes that MUST be first in each
collection value, in order to simplify processing, just as in the
Operation attributes.  If an attribute that is specified to be first is
not in its required position, the IPP object MUST reject the operation
and return the 'client-error-bad syntax' error status code.  See [ipp-
mod] Section

No attribute SHALL occur more than once in a collection value.  As in
operation requests, if the same attribute does occur more than once in a
collection value by error, the IPP object MUST reject the operation and
MUST return the 'client-error-bad syntax' error status code.  See [ipp-
mod] Section

The specification of the attribute that uses the 'collection' attribute
syntax specifies:

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IPP 'collection' attribute syntax    Version 0.96           Aug 6, 1998

  as with any attribute, whether the attribute is single-valued
  (attribute syntax = 'collection') or multi-valued (attribute-syntax =
  '1setOf collection').

  for each member attribute in the collection value, whether the IPP
  object MUST support the attribute (REQUIRED) or MAY support the
  attribute (OPTIONAL).

  for each member attribute in the collection value, whether the client
  MUST supply or MAY omit the member attribute in a request and whether
  the IPP object MUST supply or MAY omit the member attribute in a

  for each member attribute permitted in the collection value, the
  completed specification of that member attribute is included or
  inferred by reference to the specification of that attribute
  elsewhere, including its keyword name, its attribute syntax,
  including '1setOf, if it is multi-valued, and the semantics of the
  values.  The specification for a collection may include attributes
  that have already been defined for use by themselves and/or for use
  in other collections.

  for each member attribute defined in the collection, whether that
  attribute may also be used separately by itself.  For example, in the
  "job-notify" example, could the "job-notify-events" and "job-notify-
  recipients" attributes occur by themselves in a create operation,
  say, when the client is only specifying a single collection or must
  they always occur within a collection value.

  for each member attribute defined in the collection, whether that
  attribute MAY occur anywhere in the collection value (the default
  case) or MUST be first or after some other attribute that MUST be
  first (must be explicitly specified).

A collection may contain another collection, i.e., may include a member
attribute whose attribute syntax is, itself, a 'collection', if the
specification of the (outer) collection attribute allows.

Additional attributes may be registered for use in a collection

Implementers MAY support additional private attributes in a collection

6  Encoding

This section shows the encoding for the alternative of representing a
collection as a new attribute syntax.  The new 'collection' attribute
syntax will use the 0x34 tag value that has been reserved in the
IPP/1.0: Protocol Specification [ipp-pro] for this purpose.

The following example is written in the style of the IPP/1.0 "Encoding
and Transport" (nee "Protocol") document [ipp-pro].  In order to show a
member attribute with multiple values, the member attributes are

DeBry, Hastings, Herriot                                        [page 9]

IPP 'collection' attribute syntax    Version 0.96           Aug 6, 1998

specified as 1setOf, unlike the "job-notify" example b above (see
section 4.2).

Octets           Symbolic     Protocol  comments
                 Value        field
0x34             collection   value-tag "job-notify"
                 type                    attribute
  0x000a                      name-
  Job-notify     job-notify   Name
  0x0064                      value-    100 octets in
                              length    1st dict value
  0x45           uri type     value-tag "notify-
    0x0011                    name-
    notify-      notify-      Name
    recipients   recipients
    0x0019                    value-
    ipp-tcpip-   ipp-tcpip-   Value
    socket:port  socket:port=
    =700         700
  0x44           keyword type value-tag "notify-event-
    0x0013                    name-
    notify-      notify-      Name
    event-       event-groups
    0x0b                      value-
    job-errors   job-errors   Value
  0x44           keyword type value-tag start of 2nd
    0x0000                    name-     0 length means
                              length    next multiple
    0x000e                    value-
    job-         job-         Value
    completion   completion
0x34             collection-  value-tag start of 2nd
                 type                    collection value
  0x0000                      name-     0 length mean
                              length    next multiple
  0xnnnn         0xnnnn       value-    nnnn octets in
                              length    2nd dict value

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IPP 'collection' attribute syntax    Version 0.96           Aug 6, 1998

Octets           Symbolic     Protocol  comments
                 Value        field
  0x45           uri type     value-tag "notify-
    0x0015                    name-
    notify-      notify-      Name
    recipients   recipients
    0x000c                    value-
    mailto:smit  mailto:smith Value
    ...                                  nnnn octets of
                                         the next dict

7  Rejected alternatives for a collection mechanism

This section lists the alternatives we considered for adding a new
attribute syntax to represent a collection value.

  Increase the maximum somewhat above the current maximum (1023), say,
  2047 octets.

Reason for rejection:  Not completely compatible with current parsers
that have a fixed buffer size for entities of around 1023 octets, the
current IPP data type maximum.

ISSUE:  Is this rejection argument correct, because current parsers
really do have a fixed buffer size?  What about the case when the
attribute syntax type is one that the implementation doesn't support and
are going to ignore?  They wouldn't need to return the value in the
Ignored Attributes group, since we could clarify that a supported
attribute that has an unsupported attribute syntax, is treated as an
unsupported attribute, rather than as an unsupported value.  Then the
IPP object returns the attribute with the 'unsupported' out-of-band
value, rather than the potentially longer than their buffer collection
value.  Or would it be a problem to current parsers to specify the
maximum as 2047 octets for the 'collection' attribute syntax?

  No maximum length for the new attribute syntax: 'collection'.  If an
  IPP object supports collection it has to read a piece at a time.  If
  it doesn't it has to be able to ignore an arbitrarily long data
  value.  See the encoding example in the next section.

Reason for rejection:  Not compatible with current parsers that have a
fixed butter size for entities of around 1023 octets, the current IPP
data type maximum.

ISSUE:  Is this rejection argument correct, because current parsers have
a fixed buffer size, even for attribute syntax types that they don't
support and are going to ignore?  They wouldn't need to return the value
in the Ignored Attributes group, since we could clarify that a supported

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IPP 'collection' attribute syntax    Version 0.96           Aug 6, 1998

attribute that has an unsupported attribute syntax, is treated as an
unsupported attribute, rather than as an unsupported value.  Then the
IPP object returns the attribute with the 'unsupported' out-of-band
value, rather than the potentially longer than their buffer collection

  Have a 1023 octet max length, continueCollection as a second
  attribute syntax and endCollection so that dictionaries can nest.

Reason for rejection:  More complexity.

  Have a 1023 octet max length but allow repeated instances of an
  attribute to append additional collection values.

Reason for rejection:  Not the current procedure for duplicate
attributes; the IPP Object is to return an error.  See [ipp-mod] section

  Add a new group tag to represent a collection value somehow.  Groups
  do NOT have lengths and existing parsers are supposed to ignore group
  tags they don't understand.

Reason for rejection:  Not completely compatible with existing parsers.

  Add an out-of-band value that indicates that this attribute was the
  beginning of a collection and add an attribute that marked the end of
  the collection value.

Reason for rejection:  Not completely compatible with existing parsers.
Existing parser would try to interpret the contents of the collection as
regular attributes.

  Extend the attribute naming mechanism to include a collection name
  and a collection index for use with multi-valued dictionaries.  Use
  the colon (":") to separate component names. Thus if foo is a set of
  dictionaries, then "foo:1:x" is the name that accesses field x of the
  2   collection of attribute foo (indexing is 0 based).  Leaving off
  the syntax after either colon, is interpreted as a wild card meaning
  all values with the prefix up to the colon.

Reason for rejection:  Changing the naming is more of a change than is
necessary with the current proposal, which simply adds an attribute

  Use the semantics of parallel multi-valued attributes that we have in
  IPP/1.0, such as we already have for the "printer-uri-supported" and
  "uri-security-supported" Printer attributes, in order to achieve the
  effect of multi-valued dictionaries containing single values
  attributes.  In order to represent the effect of a collection which
  contains attributes that are multi-valued, we only need to introduce
  the model semantics of:  1setOf 1setOf X as an attribute syntax.

Reason for rejection:  Implementation experience with DPA [ISO-10175]
parallel attributes has shown that it is too difficult for clients and

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IPP 'collection' attribute syntax    Version 0.96           Aug 6, 1998

servers to deal with parallel values.  It is much better if the values
in a collection value are all bound together.  Also what if the number
of values isn't the same in the parallel attributes?

  Add a numeric instance number to the end of parallel attributes,
  i.e., "notify-method-supported-1".

Reason for rejection:  Parallel attributes have proven as problematic in
DPA implementations (see previous reason).  Also we don't need the
capability to be able to address a particular instance of a particular
collection value.

8  IANA Considerations

This attribute syntax will be registered with IANA after the WG approves
its specification according to the procedures for extension of the
IPP/1.0 Model and Semantics [ipp-mod].

9  Internationalization Considerations

This attribute syntax by itself has no impact on internationalization.
However, the member attributes that are subsequently defined for use in
a collection may have internationalization considerations, as may any

10 Security Considerations

This attribute syntax causes no more security concerns than any
attribute syntax.  It is only the attributes that are subsequently
defined to use this or any other attribute syntax that may have security
concerns, depending on the semantics of the attribute.

11 References

     Herriot  , S., deBry, R., Hastings, T., Herriot, R., Powell, P.,
     �Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics� draft-ietf-
     ipp-mod-10.txt, June, 1998.

     Isaacson, S., Martin, J., deBry, R., Hastings, T., �IPP Event
     Notifications (Very Short)� <ipp-notifications-very-short-
     980701.doc>, work in progress, July 1, 1998.

     Herriot, R., Butler, S., Moore, P., Tuner, R., "Internet Printing
     Protocol/1.0: Encoding and Transport", draft-ietf-ipp-pro-06.txt,
     June, 1998.

     ISO/IEC 10175 Document Printing Application (DPA), June 1996.

DeBry, Hastings, Herriot                                       [page 13]