INTERNET DRAFT                                    Stephen N. Zilles
       <draft-ietf-ipp-rat-03.txt>                      Adobe Systems Inc.

       June 30, 1998                            Expires: December 30, 1998

             Rationale for the Structure of the Model and Protocol
                     for the Internet Printing Protocol


       This document is an Internet-Draft.  Internet-Drafts are working
       documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas,
       and its working groups.  Note that other groups may also distribute
       working documents as Internet-Drafts.

       Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
       months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
       documents at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts
       as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in

       To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the
       "1id-abstracts.txt" listing contained in the Internet-Drafts
       Shadow directories on (Africa), Europe), (Pacific Rim), (US East Coast), or (US West Coast).


       This document is one of a set of documents, which together describe
       all aspects of a new Internet Printing Protocol (IPP).  IPP is an
       application level protocol that can be used for distributed
       printing using Internet tools and technologies.  The protocol is
       heavily influenced by the printing model introduced in the Document
       Printing Application (DPA) [ISO10175] standard.  Although DPA
       specifies both end user and administrative features, IPP version
       1.0 (IPP/1.0) focuses only on end user functionality.

       The full set of IPP documents includes:

       Requirements for an Internet Printing Protocol [IPP-REQ]

       Rationale for the Structure and Model and Protocol for the Internet

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          Printing Protocol [IPP-RAT] (informational)
       Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics [IPP-MOD]
       Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Encoding and Transport [IPP-PRO]
       Mapping between LPD and IPP Protocols [IPP-LPD] (informational)

       The requirements document, "Requirements for an Internet Printing
       Protocol", takes a broad look at distributed printing
       functionality, and it enumerates real-life scenarios that help to
       clarify the features that need to be included in a printing
       protocol for the Internet.  It identifies requirements for three
       types of users: end users, operators, and administrators.  The
       requirements document calls out a subset of end user requirements
       that are satisfied in IPP/1.0. Operator and administrator
       requirements are out of scope for version 1.0.  This document,
       "Rationale for the Structure and Model and Protocol for
       the Internet Printing Protocol", describes IPP from a high level
       view, defines a road map for the various documents that form the
       suite of IPP specifications, and gives background and rationale for
       the IETF working group's major decisions.  The document, "Internet
       Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics", describes a simplified
       model with abstract objects, their attributes, and their
       operations.  The model introduces a Printer and a Job.  The Job
       supports multiple documents per Job.  The model document also
       addresses how security, internationalization, and directory issues
       are addressed.  The protocol specification, "Internet Printing
       Protocol/1.0: Encoding and Transport", is a formal mapping of the
       abstract operations and attributes defined in the model document
       onto HTTP/1.1.  The protocol specification defines the encoding
       rules for a new Internet media type called "application/ipp".  The
       "Mapping  between LPD and IPP Protocols" gives some advice to
       implementors of gateways between IPP and LPD (Line Printer Daemon)


       The Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) is an application level
       protocol that can be used for distributed printing on the Internet.
       This protocol defines interactions between a client and a server.
       The protocol allows a client to inquire about capabilities of a
       printer, to submit print jobs and to inquire about and cancel print
       jobs. The server for these requests is the Printer; the Printer is
       an abstraction of a generic document output device and/or a print
       service provider. Thus, the Printer could be a real printing
       device, such as a computer printer or fax output device, or it
       could be a service that interfaced with output devices.

       The architecture for IPP defines (in the Model document [IPP-MOD])
       an abstract Model for the data which is used to control the
       printing process and to provide information about the process and

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       the capabilities of the Printer. This abstract Model is
       hierarchical in nature and reflects the structure of the Printer
       and the Jobs that may be being processed by the Printer.

       The Internet provides a channel between the client and the
       server/Printer. Use of this channel requires flattening and
       sequencing the hierarchical Model data. Therefore, the IPP also
       defines (in the Protocol document [IPP-PRO]) an encoding of the
       data in the model for transfer between the client and server.  This
       transfer of data may be either a request or the response to a

       Finally, the IPP defines (in the Protocol document [IPP-PRO]) a
       protocol for transferring the encoded request and response data
       between the client and the server/Printer.

       An example of a typical interaction would be a request from the
       client to create a print job. The client would assemble the Model
       data to be associated with that job, such as the name of the job,
       the media to use, the number of pages to place on each media
       instance, etc. This data would then be encoded according to the
       Protocol and would be transmitted according to the Protocol. The
       server/Printer would receive the encoded Model data, decode it into
       a form understood by the server/Printer and, based on that data, do
       one of two things: (1) accept the job or (2) reject the job. In
       either case, the server must construct a response in terms of the
       Model data, encode that response according to the Protocol and
       transmit that encoded Model data as the response to the request
       using the Protocol.

       Another part of the IPP architecture is the Directory Schema
       described in the model document). The role of a Directory Schema is
       to provide a standard set of attributes which might be used to
       query a directory service for the URI of a Printer that is likely
       to meet the needs of the client. The IPP architecture also
       addresses security issues such as control of access to
       server/Printers and secure transmissions of requests, response and
       the data to be printed.

       2. THE PRINTER

       Because the (abstract) server/Printer encompasses a wide range
       of implementations, it is necessary to make some assumptions
       about a minimal implementation. The most likely minimal
       implementation is one that is embedded in an output device
       running a specialized real time operating system and with limited
       processing, memory and storage capabilities. This printer will be
       connected to the Internet and will have at least a TCP/IP
       capability with (likely) SNMP [RFC1905, RFC1906] support for the
       Internet connection. In addition, it is likely the the Printer will

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       be an HTML/HTTP server to allow direct user access to information
       about the printer.


       The Model [IPP-MOD] is defined independently of any encoding of the
       Model data both to support the likely uses of IPP and to be robust
       with respect to the possibility of alternate encoding.

       It is expected that a client or server/Printer would represent
       the Model data in some data structure within the
       applications/servers that support IPP. Therefore, the Model was
       designed to make that representation straightforward. Typically a
       parser or formatter would be used to convert from or to the encoded
       data format. Once in an internal form suitable to a product, the
       data can be manipulated by the product. For example, the data sent
       with a Print Job can be used to control the processing of that
       Print Job.

       The semantics of IPP are attached to the (abstract) Model.
       Therefore, the application/server is not dependent on the encoding
       of the Model data, and it is possible to consider alternative
       mechanisms and formats by which the data could be transmitted from
       a client to a server; for example, a server could have a direct,
       client-less GUI interface that might be used to accept some kinds
       of Print Jobs. This independence would also allow a different
       encoding and/or transmission mechanism to be used if the ones
       adopted here were shown to be overly limiting in the future. Such a
       change could be migrated into new products as an alternate protocol
       stack/parser for the Model data.

       Having an abstract Model also allows the Model data to be aligned
       with the (abstract) model used in the Printer [RFC1759], Job and
       Host Resources MIBs. This provides consistency in interpretation of
       the data obtained independently of how the data is accessed,
       whether via IPP or via SNMP [RFC1905, RFC1906] and the Printer/Job

       There is one aspect of the Model that deserves some extra
       explanation. There are two ways for identifying a Job object: (a)
       with a Job URI and (b) using a combination of the Printer URI and a
       Job ID (a 32 bit positive integer). Allowing Job objects to have
       URIs allows for flexibility and scalability. For example a job
       could be moved from a printer with a large backlog to one with a
       smaller load and the job identification, the Job object URI,
       need not change. However, many existing printing systems have local
       models or interface constraints that force Job objects to be
       identified using only a 32-bit positive integer rather than a URI.
       This numeric Job ID is only unique within the context of the
       Printer object to which the create request was originally

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       submitted.  In order to allow both types of client access to Jobs
       (either by Job URI or by numeric Job ID), when the Printer object
       successfully processes a create request and creates a new Job, the
       Printer object SHALL generate both a Job URI and a Job ID for the
       new Job object. This requirement allows all clients to access
       Printer objects and Job objects independent of any local
       constraints imposed on the client implementation.


       There are two parts to the Protocol: (1) the encoding of the Model
       data and (2) the mechanism for transmitting the model data between
       client and server.

       4.1 The Encoding

       To make it simpler to develop embedded printers, a very simple
       binary encoding has been chosen. This encoding is adequate to
       represent the kinds of data that occur within the Model. It has a
       simple structure consisting of sequences of attributes. Each
       attribute has a name, prefixed by a name length, and a value. The
       names are strings constrained to characters from a subset of ASCII.
       The values are either scalars or a sequence of scalars. Each scalar
       value has a  length specification and a value tag which
       indicates the type of the value. The value type has two parts: a
       major class part, such as integer or string, and a minor class part
       which distinguishes the usage of the major class, such as dateTime
       string. Tagging of the values with type information allows for
       introducing new value types at some future time.

       A fully encoded request/response has a version number, an operation
       (for a request) or a status and optionally a status message (for a
       response), associated parameters and attributes which are encoded
       Model data and, optionally (for a request), print data following
       the Model data.

       4.2 The Transmission Mechanism

       The chosen mechanism for transmitting the encoded Model data is
       HTTP 1.1 Post (and associated response). No modifications to HTTP
       1.1 are proposed or required. The sole role of the Transmission
       Mechanism is to provide a transfer of encoded Model data from/to
       the client to/from the server. This could be done using any data
       delivery mechanism. The key reasons why HTTP 1.1 Post is used are
       given below. The most important of these is the first. With perhaps
       this exception, these reasons could be satisfied by other
       mechanisms. There is no claim that this list uniquely determines a
       choice of mechanism.

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            1. HTTP 1.0 is already widely deployed and, based on the
            recent evidence, HTTP 1.1 is being widely deployed as the
            manufacturers release new products. The performance benefits
            of HTTP 1.1 have been shown and manufactures are reacting

            Wide deployment has meant that many of the problems of making
            a protocol work in a wide range of environments from local net
            to Intranet to Internet have been solved and will stay solved
            with HTTP 1.1 deployment.

            2. HTTP 1.1 solves most of the problems that might have
            required a new protocol to be developed. HTTP 1.1 allows
            persistent connections that make a multi-message protocol be
            more efficient; for example it is practical to have separate
            Create-Job and Send-Document messages. Chunking allows the
            transmission of large print files without having to pre-scan
            the file to determine the file length. The accept headers
            allow the client's protocol and localization desires to be
            transmitted with the IPP operations and data. If the Model
            were to provide for the redirection of Job requests, such as
            Cancel-Job, when a Job is moved, the HTTP redirect response
            allows a client to be informed when a Job he is interested in
            is moved to another server/Printer for any reason.

            3. Most network Printers will be implementing HTTP servers for
            reasons other than IPP. These network attached Printers want
            to provide information on how to use the printer, its current
            state, HELP information, etc. in HTML. This requires having an
            HTTP server which would be available to do IPP functions as

            4.  Most of the complexity of HTTP 1.1 is concerned with the
            implementation of HTTP proxies and not the implementation of
            HTTP clients and/or servers. Work is proceeding in the HTTP
            Working Group to help identify what must be done by a server.
            As the Protocol document shows, that is not very much.

            5. HTTP implementations provide support for handling URLs that
            would have to be provided if a new protocol were defined.

            6. An HTTP based solution fits well with the Internet security
            mechanisms that are currently deployed or being deployed. HTTP
            will run over TLS. The digest authentication mechanism of HTTP
            1.1 provides an adequate level of access control (at least for
            Intranet usage). These solutions are deployed and in practical
            use; a new solution would require extensive use to have the
            same degree of confidence in its security.

            7. HTTP provides an extensibility model that a new protocol
            would have to develop independently. In particular, the

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            headers, intent-types (via Internet Media Types) and error
            codes have wide acceptance and a useful set of definitions and
            methods for extension.

            8. Although not strictly a reason why IPP should use HTTP as
            the transmission protocol, it is extremely helpful that there
            are many prototyping tools that work with HTTP and that CGI
            scripts can be used to test and debug parts of the protocol.

            9. Finally, the POST method was chosen to carry the print data
            because its usage for data transmission has been established,
            it works and the results are available via CGI scripts or
            servlets.  Creating a new method would have better identified
            the intended use of the POSTed data, but a new method would be
            more difficult to deploy. Assigning a new  default port for
            IPP provided the necessary identification with minimal impact
            to installed infrastructure, so was chosen instead.


       Successful use of IPP depends on the client finding a suitable IPP
       enabled Printer to which to send a IPP requests, such as print a
       job. This task is simplified if there is a Directory Service which
       can be queried for a suitable Printer. The purpose of the Directory
       Schema is to have a standard description of Printer attributes that
       can be associated the URI for the printer. These attributes are a
       subset of the Model attributes and can be encoded in the
       appropriate query syntax for the Directory Service being used by
       the client.


       Security is an areas of active work on the Internet. Complete
       solutions to a wide range of security concerns are not yet
       available. Therefore, in the design of IPP, the focus has been on
       identifying a set of security protocols/features that are
       implemented (or currently implementable) and solve real problems
       with distributed printing. The two areas that seem appropriate to
       support are: (1) authorization to use a Printer and (2) secure
       interaction with a printer. The chosen mechanisms are the digest
       authentication mechanism of HTTP 1.1 and the TLS [TLS-PRO] secure
       communication mechanism.

       7. COPYRIGHT

       Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998) All Rights Reserved.

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       INTERNET DRAFT      Internet Printing Protocol        June 30, 1998

       This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
       others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain
       it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied,
       published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction
       of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this
       paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works.
       However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such
       as by removing the copyright notice or references to the Internet
       Society or other Internet organizations, except as needed for the
       purpose of developing Internet standards in which case the
       procedures for copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process
       must be followed, or as required to translate it into languages
       other than English. The limited permissions granted above are
       perpetual and will not be revoked by the Internet Society or its
       successors or assigns.

       This document and the information contained herein is provided on

       8. REFERENCES

       Smith, R., Wright, F., Hastings, T., Zilles, S., and Gyllenskog,
       J., "Printer MIB", RFC 1759, March 1995.

       J. Case, et al. "Protocol Operations for  Version 2 of the Simple
       Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1905, January 1996.

       J. Case, et al. "Transport Mappings for  Version 2 of the Simple
       Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1906, January 1996.
       [IPP LPD]
       Herriot, R., Hastings, T., Jacobs, N., Martin, J., "Mapping between
       LPD and IPP Protocols", draft-ietf-ipp-lpd-ipp-map-04.txt, June

       Isaacson, S., deBry, R., Hastings, T., Herriot, R., Powell,
       P. "Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics"
       draft-ietf-ipp-mod-10.txt, June, 1998.

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       INTERNET DRAFT      Internet Printing Protocol        June 30, 1998

       Herriot, R., Butler, S., Moore, P., Tuner, R., "Internet Printing
       Protocol/1.0: Encoding and Transport", draft-ietf-ipp-pro-06.txt,
       June, 1998.

       Wright, D., "Requirements for an Internet Printing Protocol",
       draft-ietf-ipp-req-02.txt, June, 1998.

       ISO/IEC 10175 "Document Printing Application (DPA)", June 1996

       Dirks, T., and Allan, C., "The TLS Protocol",


       Stephen Zilles
       Adobe Systems Incorporated
       345 Park Avenue
       MailStop W14
       San Jose, CA 95110-2704

       Phone: +1 408 536-4766
       Fax:   +1 408 537-4042



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