Meeting called to order by Ira McDonald at 6pm US EST 5 February 2007.
Minutes taken by Ira McDonald.
Norm Jacobs (Sun)
Till Kamppeter (Linux Foundation)
Ira McDonald (High North) - Linux Foundation Open Printing Chair
Glen Petrie (Epson)
Keisho Shida (Canon)
Yasumasa Toratani (Canon)
Osamu Mihara (Fuji Xerox)
(0) Open Printing Japan meeting w/ Jim Zemlin and Dan Kohn
- Discussion - Shida summary - Reviewed OP projects summary (October) from Ira - Shida comment - OP WG should meet w/ Jim/Dan before other LF WGs - Next Steps - ACTION - Jim - Joint meetings w/ other LF working groups in April? - ACTION - Ira talk to Jim and schedule meeting with other LF WGs
(1) Review minutes of last OP SC meeting at in the files FSGOP-SC-Minutes-20070115.htm/pdf
- Discussion - Approved as written
(2) Reports from OSDL Desktop Architects Meeting - 7-8 December 2006
- Discussion - Ira - see minutes from previous OP SC meeting
(3) Schedule for April Open Printing face-to-face meeting
- OP - Piscataway, NJ (IEEE Headquarters) - 24-26 April 2007 - Joint Plenary IEEE-ISTO PWG / OP - Thursday 26 April - Discussion - Glen - need technical topics to justify face-to-face meeting - Shida - meet with other LF working groups? - Toratani - review draft PCM/1.0 API spec? - Ira - review White Paper on Portland common print UI? - Till - review Open Usability prototype/design? - Next Steps - ACTION - Till - schedule Open Usability meeting in Europe early April - ACTION - SC - identify technical issues for April face-to-face
(4) Schedule for September Printing Summit face-to-face meeting
- Printing Summit - Montreal, CA (need host) - 17-20 September 2007 - Joint Plenary IEEE-ISTO PWG / OP - Thursday 20 September - Discussion - US participants _must_ have valid US passports to re-enter US - Non-US participants' Visa applications _should_ be easier - Next Steps - ACTION - Ira and Till - Work w/ Janet Sun (LF) to find a university site per PWG Steering Committee meeting - Thursday 4 January 2007
(5) Schedule for PDAPI/1.0 (Vector Printer Driver API - aka OPVP)
- Discussion - Michael Sweet - requested better English and a model section - Till - sent some comments - thanks - Toratani - now revising description of rasterization in spec - Toratani - will implement revised OPVP driver by end-of-February - All - keep 'opvp' prefix for backward compatibility w/ 0.2 spec - Next Steps - ACTION - Every SC member - Write up your PDAPI editorial comments - ACTION - March SC - review comments / schedule final PDAPI/1.0 draft
(6) Future directions for FSG Open Printing - 2007 to 2009
- Discussion - Ira - sent email proposal - Monday 15 January - All - deferred until next OP SC meeting - Next Steps - ACTION - All SC members - suggested by Shida Write up your OP mid-term vision/plan (2007 to 2009) - ACTION - March SC - review plans / search for concensus
(7) Other printing news
- Till - Open Usability common UI - Open Usability team has intern 3 months 20 hours/week - Till - Distribution Independent Driver Package - posted note on Printing Architecture with instructions - Norm - PAPI on Source Forge - fixed some bugs - added 'man' pages for API (service, printer, job, attributes)
See 'ACTION' in agenda topics above
(1) Third 2007 SC meeting
- Monday 12 March 2007, Evening 3pm in San Francisco - US PST (Pacific Standard Time) 4pm in Colorado - US MST (Mountain Standard Time) 5pm in Chicago - US CST (Central Standard Time) 6pm in New York - US EST (Eastern Standard Time) 11pm in Coimbra, Portugal - WET (Western European Time) - Tuesday 13 March 2007, Morning 8am in Japan - JST (Japan Standard Time) Toll Free (866) 839-8145 Int'l (865) 524-6352 ACCESS Code: 7548766
(2) Fourth 2007 SC meeting - tentative
- Monday 2 April 2007, Evening US/Europe - Tuesday 3 April 2007, Morning Japan